No real updates as of late. I've been spending a good bit of time behind the wheel driving this around town when I need to run quick errands. Ever since I got this thing up and running, I've noticed the smell of it running rich. Well, after a trip to Lowes one day, the check engine light came on. Ran the codes and, sure enough, O2 sensor detected a rich condition. After doing some digging, there's two things I'm going to do. 1) replace the injectors as these are the original ones from the factory. Bought some 4 hole injectors to replace them and they are in the garage awaiting installation. 2) check the return line to the tank for any obstructions. I'll likely just unhook from both ends and run some air through it. Because this Jeep sat for so long, I suspect some of the old fuel has probably gummed up the return line.
I've also been fighting an intermittent fuel gauge. The frame side wire harness tested good and I'm able to manually influence the gauge with resistors at the connector going to the sending unit. The sending unit checked out fine by simply ohming out the wires as I moved the float so I'm somewhat stumped. It could just be a connection issue at the sending unit but I haven't done any more digging into this since the first attempt. It's not a deal breaker but it would be nice to have some sort of observation of fuel level without needing to go open the cell and look.