Bottom line, I'm not saying what happened in this particular situation was completely okay. I'm just really surprised to hear all of this "take it like a man, do whatever the government tells you" crap. Sometimes if you don't agree with a law, it takes actively breaking it to bring about any change. Our country is founded on those actions!
Oh ya, him being under 21, getting caught drinking is going to bring about a change in that law, nope, doubt it will ever happen. "extreme alert",, I guess murderers, rapists and child molesters should continue to break the law to bring about change,....see, doesn't work well does it
You can argue apples and oranges all day, but the bottom line is that we're still talking about a law being broken
It sounds like to me he's mostly handled it like a responsible person so far. He stayed behind to accept his ticket, he's looked into hiring a lawyer to protect his interests (which is his RIGHT), and he seems prepared to accept some sort of punishment.
Yes, maybe some sort of punishment, but hoping the lawyer gets him off is more what he's trying to get it sounds like,....just like murderers, rapist and child molesters
I think those of you arguing about joining the military vs. going to college vs. going to work in some other industry have missed one MAJOR point. We have a draft in this country. Last time I checked, colleges and other businesses don't. That means you can be FORCED to go die for your country, but you can't drink a beer? I support the draft, but I find that logic flawed.
No, we have a registration for a draft, and there will not be a draft unless Congress votes it in, and last I saw, a majority vote will not pass under current conditions, it would take an actual invasion of this country to get congress to agree to reinstate the draft
And no, you cannot be forced to go die for your country, even with a draft, if you refuse to fight, refuse to deploy, you have to accept the consequences of those actions-which is that refusal, during time of war, that could be execution, but the military hasn't executed anyone in forever, so, you'll get to spend time in a military brig for refusal of orders
,....oh, you'll also get a lawyer at no expense to try to "get you off"
I'm not without fault, but in my faults, I have accepted responsibility for my actions, I didn't try to get a lesser fine/charge/reduction/thrown out, for me, it's all about integrity, if judges would have imposed maximum penalty, so be it, that's the punishment I deserved for my wrong doing. You call that "sheep", I call it responsibility and if responsibility makes me a sheep, so be it.
The problem I see personally and read about is that people are more concerned about getting out of something they knowingly did was wrong with the least amount of punishment or off completely, instead of having personal integrity and accepting the consequences of their actions,...I feel it's the pussification of this country. The planet knows OJ did it, yet his lawyers got him off, justice is served