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i think she did mention provocative pics.....but, age would have to be verified!
That would be almost impossible to prove other than scanning a driver's license, which no one in their right mind would do. Can't we just take her word?:lol:
That would be almost impossible to prove other than scanning a driver's license, which no one in their right mind would do. Can't we just take her word?:lol:

perv... ha ha youll spit e-game at anything huh? :shaking:
I\'m not sure it is worth the $5 bucks yet and I don\'t have paypal.
Surley one of you fine gents would be willing to donate the 5 bucks to get to post with me in there.

HELL NO we would not..

if you want access then you need to make your own money, then pay us your hard earned money and then we may think about letting you have access..

this is a dictatorship..not a democracy..

and NO pictures will not get you access.. if someone wants porn then they go to a porn site.. not nc4x4..
Wow.. this thread is keeping me entertained while im trying to rough out this last grueling hour at work... Labor Day weekend is almost here!!

"I gots all kinds of e-game! Real life, not so much."

That cracked me up Willness33. thanks!
lol, 108 posts? i expected the ban hammer a long time ago.
. if someone wants porn then they go to a porn site.. not nc4x4..[/QUOTE]

But what about the Post all your hotties thread?:confused:

Thats been a crowd pleaser it needs to be bumped up.:bounce2:
Pay Rob 5.50 and you can show off all you want. Thats a simple fact.:beer:

The dirty ole greasy garage. :popcorn:

Chuckwhut usualy has a pic. of the garage. Maybe he will show you sometime.
Well I see You guys are still talking smack....I have been at Chunkey Cheeses Hell birthday thingy for two f**k**g hours looking at kids go ape s**t over tickets (including my daughter).
Oh well.....home now to a Land Shark and good ole NC4x4
You guys are old. Most of these web wheelers have no clue about the movies you guys are talking about.
And I haven't even posted the good ones yet

Seriously, the color of your eye tells of more than amblyopia. Unless it just happens to be an odd camera fluke, I hope you've seen an opthalmologist (not just an underpaid OD).
Any nystagmus too? Any consistent consentual movement?
Seeing as you're at least close to adulthood, I'm guessing still having steeo vision is out of the question.
when I get paid I will answer

What are you, a lawyer now?? :flipoff2:
If you dont know badog...why would you judge him? He is A ok in my book..I've met him
and worked w/ him on the 4x4cross. He was a tireless Dedicated volunteer for that event and our sport.
But if you do know him and have made that conclusion, I guess you have a right to your opinion.
X2, nice enough fella. his dogs chill too.
You guys are old. Most of these web wheelers have no clue about the movies you guys are talking about.

Thanks for the reminder, Grampa.
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