
If I were to do it all over again I’d make sure I had plenty of joint strength through supplements, a foam roller, and stretch plenty. You’re gonna put up with some bullshit, but be humble and no matter what do the right thing even if you can get away with doing the wrong thing. No option 40 or airborne in your contract? If not as soon as you get to your unit and kinda get stabilized ask about PRC, kick ass at PRC and try to get a short tab. It can put your foot in the door for a lot of very good opportunities and definitely make you shit hot for SFAS. But be humble in everything you do and do the right thing. Learn every creed you want to achieve, infantry, NCO, ranger, sf, as soon as you can and lock that shit in your mind like a vault. Don’t be a brown nosed but be the guy they come to because you are the SME. You’re gonna get some shitty leaders and some amazing leaders, you can always learn something from everyone. Don’t let your ego or pride get in the way of learning either.

God I miss it, good on you for starting to ruck. Those bitch ass young kids who run a 13 min 2 mile slow down a shit ton when you throw a ruck on them. And no matter how bad it sucks remember if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. Your body can be pushed so much further than you ever think possible, but you have to want it. Nobody likes a quitter either.

Option 40 is active duty only. The only way to get airborne is to enlist into an airborne unit. We have 3 in NC. 2 SF units and a command post detachment of the 82nd. The MCPOD doesn’t have any combat arms MOSs.

Or be a freaking stud in BCT. We have had a few orders come thru MEPS needing amended to add BAT at the request of the training BN CO.
If I were to do it all over again I’d make sure I had plenty of joint strength through supplements, a foam roller, and stretch plenty. You’re gonna put up with some bullshit, but be humble and no matter what do the right thing even if you can get away with doing the wrong thing. No option 40 or airborne in your contract? If not as soon as you get to your unit and kinda get stabilized ask about PRC, kick ass at PRC and try to get a short tab. It can put your foot in the door for a lot of very good opportunities and definitely make you shit hot for SFAS. But be humble in everything you do and do the right thing. Learn every creed you want to achieve, infantry, NCO, ranger, sf, as soon as you can and lock that shit in your mind like a vault. Don’t be a brown nosed but be the guy they come to because you are the SME. You’re gonna get some shitty leaders and some amazing leaders, you can always learn something from everyone. Don’t let your ego or pride get in the way of learning either.

God I miss it, good on you for starting to ruck. Those bitch ass young kids who run a 13 min 2 mile slow down a shit ton when you throw a ruck on them. And no matter how bad it sucks remember if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. Your body can be pushed so much further than you ever think possible, but you have to want it. Nobody likes a quitter either.
Hell yeah man thanks! I’ve been doing joint supplements for last three months while rucking and honestly can’t tell a lot from it, my knees and joints aren’t beat up to bad as of now but going to do more research and def help extend the life of em! No optiom 40 or airborne in contract unfortunately, but that’s ok I’ve got a spot for deployment if all works out at end of the year and I’ll use that to my advantage while I’m out, to train and get some actual skills burnt in my brain. My mind is to damn stubborn to quit, I enjoy pushing myself when I have something to strive for and in the past it’s been for a paycheck mostly now I’m on a whole diff determined path, they’ll have to drag me off on a stretcher before I tap out I promise that! My main advantage is that failing after living with regret for so damn long isn’t a thought for this ole boy!!

I’m undecided on a few things such as trying to go ranger school for the leadership part of it and the knowledge, but only time will tell on that honestly I’m kinda intrigued by CDQC tho always have been that’s what got me interested in buds years ago, I’m gonna pace myself and roll with the big greens punches while I get some time in and fit for being able to even have the privilege of trying to go SF! I’m gonna say by 2021 I’ll try for SFRE tho bc that’ll give me some real time to get in the swing of things, rank up a little and settle the family into the groove! I’ll keep praying and swearing my ass off tho gonna suck going to drill next month in civi clothes but oh well will only be the one time... I’m pumped for it all tho should be one hell of a good time regardless of any future goals, been a long time coming that’s for damn sure!
Option 40 is active duty only. The only way to get airborne is to enlist into an airborne unit. We have 3 in NC. 2 SF units and a command post detachment of the 82nd. The MCPOD doesn’t have any combat arms MOSs.

Or be a freaking stud in BCT. We have had a few orders come thru MEPS needing amended to add BAT at the request of the training BN CO.
You best believe I’m gonna make those youngins work for their soldier of the year award at bct... lol especially if I get a pick at a school from it haha old man running past 20 year olds with a ruck sack on! That’ll be me :lol:
I promise I won’t tell all my buddy’s that are drills now not to look for you on sand hill, lol. No but really once you make it to honor hill you’ll be in a brotherhood that you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. Good luck and do the damn thing. Man I wish I could get a new back.
I promise I won’t tell all my buddy’s that are drills now not to look for you on sand hill, lol. No but really once you make it to honor hill you’ll be in a brotherhood that you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. Good luck and do the damn thing. Man I wish I could get a new back.
I’m sure my age alone will have the DS’s already watching me to see if I’m slacking lol if it wasnt for two little girls needing a father figure in their lives I’d been in 17 years ago man, Im looking forward to the brotherhood tho for sure! Yeah that sucks I wish ya could too! I’ll do the best I can to pick up where all you bad ass motherfuckers left off tho!!
I’m sure my age alone will have the DS’s already watching me to see if I’m slacking lol if it wasnt for two little girls needing a father figure in their lives I’d been in 17 years ago man, Im looking forward to the brotherhood tho for sure! Yeah that sucks I wish ya could too! I’ll do the best I can to pick up where all you bad ass motherfuckers left off tho!!

Mentoring younger soldiers is a good way to set yourself apart from your peers and show leadership potential.
So I may have missed it. How old are you going in?

Edit....first post. Sorry.
So 35 is too old, or 35 is the limit?
If you haven’t enlisted by 35 your screwed basically, unless you went and failed meps and then being able to get waiver for what you failed it for after age 35! Which can still be denied in some cases. I’m thankful I passed meps medical tho wasn’t the easiest medical exam I’ve ever taken but was far from the nightmare stories ppl put on it is!
The book I had was a lot more detailed.
That was just a quick reference that I used to determine what studying I needed to do, no clue if actually correct tho lol I’ve seen a few things online for army that have changed!
So passed my OPAT which was a piece of cake to say the least , however I found out that 43 20yard shuttle runs aren’t as easy as I thought tho... sprints straight fuck my legs up for some reason?? I surprisingly kept up on warm up sprints with the youngins tho but after long run doing sprints at the end I got smoked lol time to start running more and rucking less got 30 days before I ship out and refuse to not be in front of the damn line during runs... oh and smoking is very very bad even after quitting for a almost a year it’s still has me sucking wind like a bitch but mainly after hard sprints!!? Smdh
Haha, I use to smoke a cig before running a 16.5 minute 3 mile and hydrate with mtn dew. Damn those were the days!
Lol well mad props bc cigs have screwed my lungs up... I must need to really work my lungs back up or work on breathing while running, if I’m jogging I’m good at a steady pace but sprints I’m sucking wind like it’s my job and I just blew up a damn hot air ballon!