
Good luck @C.Berry !
I would caution you to be reasonable with your expectations. More isnt more. You arent adding 10lbs of muscle mass in 2 months unless you get friendly with a needle.

This. Best case for a natural athlete is about 10-15 lbs after a year of solid training (1 lb of muscle mass per month) assuming you are eating, training and sleeping properly. Then typically half that for the second year, and half of that again for the third year.

If you are trying to build speed and endurance, then the last thing you want is large heavy muscles to carry around.

Regarding pull ups, I have some advice of how I got stronger at doing them:
- The entire body should HANG from the arms, meaning no kicking or movement of the legs to 'help' get moving/up.
- Start from a complete dead hang at the VERY bottom, and return to the VERY bottom for each rep.
- Do 4-6 sets of pull ups, then do one last set of negatives = Jump up or use a chair so you can start at the top, and SLOWLY lower yourself down. Immediately jump back up there and do it again several more times.
- Once you can do 10 true/clean pull ups, buy a belt and start hanging weight to make it harder.
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- A needle is not a option I’m not the kinda guy, steroids like tht are for people tht don’t have any drive or determination imo!

They are a necessary evil if you want to compete at the top level in many disciplines. Many regular folks take them just to take their training to the next level. You can only go so far naturally. They have a bad reputation in the general public because of the media and the top level body builders have to take such large quantities of them to be competitive. I've steered clear of them myself, but I don't look down on anyone who uses them. In my mind, it is a personal choice, much like drinking alcohol. I don't think they should be illegal though, much like weed probably shouldn't be illegal.
They are a necessary evil if you want to compete at the top level in many disciplines. Many regular folks take them just to take their training to the next level. You can only go so far naturally. They have a bad reputation in the general public because of the media and the top level body builders have to take such large quantities of them to be competitive. I've steered clear of them myself, but I don't look down on anyone who uses them. In my mind, it is a personal choice, much like drinking alcohol. I don't think they should be illegal though, much like weed probably shouldn't be illegal.
This is very true and in the cases I was referring to it’s typically abused like a drug to get high on! Thanks for info on pull-ups I make sure I keep everything tight when doing them bc I know it’s the quality not quantity that matters!! Back in school that was allowed and I use to get pissed when they did the pt tests and kids would be kicking all around to get one in while I was trying for presidential scores and did them correctly bc it’s def a diff ballgame when you use momentum to push yourself up! That and guys doing curl ups in middle school and they counted em as pull-ups smdh they are two diff things I never understood why the gym teacher didn’t know this... lol
Based on the title I thought this thread was going to be about how to get prepared for dealing with old people. You know, to avoid becoming ga statistic for elder abuse.
Yeah been a busy past few weeks and now the flu has taken over the house,I’m the only one not catching this crap so I’m playing dr and housewife, cleaning lady, cook and laborer... lol sucks having a 7 month old sick that can’t tell you anything and poor thing can’t sleep at night but seems to be wearing off on feeling bad as of yesterday! Yeah as SSG Green just said the 25th I’ll be making the trip to Charlotte MEPS and getting some forward progress made in this endeavor! My workouts are staying about the same and still pushing myself harder than I probably should but no pain no gain at my age I feel like... I’ll keep posted on how it all goes, stoked is a understatement to use on how I feel tho! Honestly it’s like a weights been lifted and I’ll be on cloud 9 when I get to raise my right hand to serve my country and the great state of NC!!
Ahhh. MEPS.... Have a good time showing your butt hole to some creepy old man with a clipboard.

Just an FYI - They aren't supposed to poke it with a finger.

This. As a ginger (lacking soul) I still feel like I left something behind after going through MEPS.

But, the adventure that starts at MEPS is irreplaceable! Friends and experiences will be something you will remember for the rest of your days. Good Luck!
Ahhh. MEPS.... Have a good time showing your butt hole to some creepy old man with a clipboard.

Just an FYI - They aren't supposed to poke it with a finger.
Hahahaha that’s funny shit! As long as he don’t start making a sketch on clip board and reaching I’m good lol
Hahahaha that’s funny shit! As long as he don’t start making a sketch on clip board and reaching I’m good lol
You wouldn’t believe some of the drawings I have seen on physicals coming out of medical..... At least the drawings are legible, unlike the doc’s handwriting.

Only over 40 physicals get the poke.
You wouldn’t believe some of the drawings I have seen on physicals coming out of medical..... At least the drawings are legible, unlike the doc’s handwriting.

Only over 40 physicals get the poke.
Haha good lord if they are back there long enough to draw a picture with my draws down I’m gonna get concerned... lol
Congrats on that! It’s a free pass to pretty much any job in the Army!
Thanks, I’ve studied my ass off last two months for it! It’s what I needed to go for my goal in the army, I’m happier then a pig in mud... now to get pt score to 18 yr old standard and I’ll be ready to rock!
Let’s welcome PVT Berry to the NC Army National Guard. 11B infantry!

Now remember, yes you’re infantry but, you still need to eat, sleep, have bullets, and communicate. The other MOS’ are not as cool but are every bit as important. And most importantly remember, you’re the Queen of battle. When the shit hits the fan the King steps in to properly fuck shit up!

Just kidding. Congrats and I hope to see many more updates on this!! What’s your training path?
@C.Berry you better watch out for that guy on the left in the picture. He will talk you into promising your life to Uncle Sam. Or a least a couple weeks and a few weekends .
He didn’t have to talk to much Ive been ready for awhile he just made it happen for me and helped me get some soldiering time setup with the quickness!!
If I were to do it all over again I’d make sure I had plenty of joint strength through supplements, a foam roller, and stretch plenty. You’re gonna put up with some bullshit, but be humble and no matter what do the right thing even if you can get away with doing the wrong thing. No option 40 or airborne in your contract? If not as soon as you get to your unit and kinda get stabilized ask about PRC, kick ass at PRC and try to get a short tab. It can put your foot in the door for a lot of very good opportunities and definitely make you shit hot for SFAS. But be humble in everything you do and do the right thing. Learn every creed you want to achieve, infantry, NCO, ranger, sf, as soon as you can and lock that shit in your mind like a vault. Don’t be a brown nosed but be the guy they come to because you are the SME. You’re gonna get some shitty leaders and some amazing leaders, you can always learn something from everyone. Don’t let your ego or pride get in the way of learning either.

God I miss it, good on you for starting to ruck. Those bitch ass young kids who run a 13 min 2 mile slow down a shit ton when you throw a ruck on them. And no matter how bad it sucks remember if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. Your body can be pushed so much further than you ever think possible, but you have to want it. Nobody likes a quitter either.