Uwharrie 4x4Cross Questions & Answers - Old Thread

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My biggest fear with this, is BECAUSE it is at Uwharrie.
Someone does something stupid, they take their 4 wheeler out and get run over.
Suddenly everyone is getting sued, including the forest service for allowing this.
Next thing I know, UNF is closed for all motorized vehicles.
Not cool, and that would make me NOT happy.

You, me and everyone that enjoys motorized wheeling at Uwharrie.

This event sounds great but the execution and real answers to serious questions being asked is lagging far behind.

I talked to my business insurance agent earlier, for a 1 day umbrella 1 million dollar policy to participate in this, he wanted $1700....
I just peed myself a little...:lol:

That fact you would even ask about an umbrella policy for you to race one day has to be the best damn laugh I've had in a long time. How do you ever feel safe enough to make a left hand turn at a traffic light? I jest of course.

Next time SFWD has a bigass ala' Dixie Run type ride somewhere...I expect to see all this concern about environmental impact.

As a matter of fact next time I run into anyone who has voiced such a deep concern for the enviromental impact, you better not have a drop of fluid of any type coming out of your rig. Catch cans on every vent line. Walk the walk.
Next time SFWD has a bigass ala' Dixie Run type ride somewhere...I expect to see all this concern about environmental impact.
As a matter of fact next time I run into anyone who has voiced such a deep concern for the enviromental impact, you better not have a drop of fluid of any type coming out of your rig. Catch cans on every vent line. Walk the walk.
Yes that is exactly the same as an off road race. Same number of spectators lining a course, same speeds involved, same everything. :rolleyes:

The concern a few have expressed is because failure impacts all of us; not just those that attend. I don't plan on going, but if things go bad my ability to take my little boy for a spur of the moment off roading trip is in jepordy. A disregard for that concern is self centered and selfish.

Sorry the details of engaging in a big project get in the way of fun. Welcome to life.
Yes that is exactly the same as an off road race. Same number of spectators lining a course, same speeds involved, same everything. :rolleyes:
The concern a few have expressed is because failure impacts all of us; not just those that attend. I don't plan on going, but if things go bad my ability to take my little boy for a spur of the moment off roading trip is in jepordy. A disregard for that concern is self centered and selfish.
Sorry the details of engaging in a big project get in the way of fun. Welcome to life.

Well put.
Obviously there are two different trains of thoughts here folks, the ethical side, and the this is a business thing let them deal with it side.

I'm workin on it, I was being an ass yesterday, I apologize to all especially those that I was short or discurtious with (Chip, Jon, Ron, Lauren, etc), a large part of the dissent that has happened within the last day is due to my suckness at responding to questions. And since that is my Job I need to make sure I'm doing it right.

But to a certain extent people won't believe us (Dylan and I) for some reason when we say were gonna be doing everything we can to minimalize environmental impact, ensure safety, etc, it doesn't seem like It matter how many times I keep trying to assure people they don't believe me/us . . . .

Dylan and I both want to see this happen, and we both for damn sure don't want to see our park get shut down or our sport tarnished.

But there is only so many ways I can say ok, I understand your concern and were going to take steps to cover it, yet we're still getting bashed for the same things over and over.

I think the best bet would be to get real specific with your safety/environmental concerns, make me exact lists that you think are issues that need to be dealt with. That way when we go to preplan the course I can have the list with me to make sure we're not missing anything, similar to what I did for our original meeting we had as the race committee.

So yea if you could, make me bullet point type lists and I'll compile it all to make sure each issue is addressed when the time comes.

I just peed myself a little...:lol:
That fact you would even ask about an umbrella policy for you to race one day has to be the best damn laugh I've had in a long time. How do you ever feel safe enough to make a left hand turn at a traffic light? I jest of course.

I guess this is the core difference between me and the organizers of this event. I take it AS my job TO ensure that nothing goes wrong in my life or business dealings. If I took part in this and ended up unable to walk, talk or earn an income who would feed my kids? Support my house? Wife? Keep my business running? Do I put 8 guys out of work and leave my family on a limb for a chance at fun?

MY LTD policy does not cover an injury sustained in an automotive competition and I dont have enough cash in the bank to cashroll me for more than 4-5 years. I am 30....I have 40+ years to consider.
Holy crap this has gotten ridiculous . . . . . the munber of frikin what if's that you all can come up with is uncountable, I don't know what you expect us to do cause there's always gonna be another what if

This sport has got to start somewhere, we're gonna do everything we can to make it run right and well, at this point there's not much else I can add without just continuing to have you all coming up with new arguments.

Ricky! Arguments?? What if's??

I thought this thread was for questions and answers....

Also...I hope I would be a good enough father to make Damn sure Maycee did'nt get ran over. And I expect all parents to be the same way. If not...I think the parent is to blame, not the promotor or the racers.

Dylan! You don't know that Chip's son got ran over with his very own car in his very own driveway! Ask him to tell you...

Is he a bad father??

I look at it like, my friends and I are all building a buggy together, we post a thread in order to ask and answer questions about the buggy with each other, and people that are not helping, keep criticizing what we do, when instead they should be helping.

I think that if you post on a very public forum, you are gonna open your self up to anything and everything..even if you don't like it.

Oh and just so you know, Chip was going to volunteer but, we have to work that weekend.....
Enough with the arguing, its over people, its not helping, you want to see results make me clear concise bulleted lists of your concerns/suggestions

Otherwise lets keep this thread a little cleaner, we can all call each other names and find flaws in our rationell of thinking till the end of time but nothing will get solved so everyone just get over it and back to business.
Change of direction in a positive one.
Dylan, this is Chris in Kernersville I would like to start a Enviro emg kit. I'll start off by donating a box or two of the gray oil absortion matts. This in my opinion is a good way to show our readiness for the good of the land. Let's take the notion that this event IS going off and instead of working againist each other, help each other. If you have a concern, then post a concern and a solution, this would be much more helpful.
Kudos for offereing some solutions.
Here is my concern.

#1 If this event screws up something environmentally or someone gets hurt badly then all off-roaders that use Uwharrie will have to pay for your events mistakes.

Thats a pretty big concern.
Enough with the arguing, its over people, its not helping, you want to see results make me clear concise bulleted lists of your concerns/suggestions
You guys made the thread. To be honest I'm kind of suprised a list wasn't already compiled with an in depth q&a that could be used for this board and in general. I'm sure this is all over other boards and posted all over/given to your volunteers. The last thing you guys need is false info going out. Make an official q&a doc
Enough with the arguing, its over people, its not helping, you want to see results make me clear concise bulleted lists of your concerns/suggestions
You guys made the thread. To be honest I'm kind of suprised a list wasn't already compiled with an in depth q&a that could be used for this board and in general. I'm sure this is all over other boards and posted all over/given to your volunteers. The last thing you guys need is false info going out. Make an official q&a doc
Here is my concern.

#1 If this event screws up something environmentally or someone gets hurt badly then all off-roaders that use Uwharrie will have to pay for your events mistakes.

Thats a pretty big concern.

Def a huge concern, what do propose a solution would be? Other then not having it at Uwharrie that's not going to change unless something drastic happens to change Seans mind I'm sorry.

You guys made the thread. To be honest I'm kind of suprised a list wasn't already compiled with an in depth q&a that could be used for this board and in general. I'm sure this is all over other boards and posted all over/given to your volunteers. The last thing you guys need is false info going out. Make an official q&a doc

Def this thread is for questions/concerns I was just saying enough with the arguments because that gets us nowhere, and for everyone to kinda bullet list there ideas/etc so I could address each one, a Q&A list is a very good idea thanks :driver:
Private property is you best bet. What about The Devil's Playground?

Tellico and The OBX are under the attack of The SELC. Do you want Uwharrie to be their next target? Bet they are already watching this topic.
In response to all your questions I would first like to reiterate what I have said from the beginning. "If you have questions not related to general event info, you contact me thru the website. sean-d@americanwheeler.com. The AW phone # has been posted in "about us" for a while now. The phone # is 704/550-4187. You now have no excuses for not getting the answers to your questions.
The race committee is a group of volunteers that have generously given up their evenings to answer your questions and have done an exemplary job. After reading some of you responses, I commend them for keeping their composure.
I would like to also say that unfortunately the State of NC has not yet posted our registration. We too are frustrated by this and call them daily. We are a licensed LLC and have the # to prove it. However, that # is just like your Soc Sec #, you do not post it on the internet or give it out to anyone. With that said I would like to point out that we have signed national and regional sponsors to the event and I am quite sure they would not have given us their money if we weren’t a fully licensed, legal and operational company. Also, the NPO AW foundation is currently being approved and has not yet taken a dime for its cause. As the website says “stay tuned”.
All your environmental concerns are good ones and I will refer you to Woody's last response. Remember too that we stronger in numbers. When a company throws an event and people get behind it, we create solidarity. When an issue about the land we play on comes up, we will have the strength to fight back. Also remember that the URE Nat For is designated as a multiple use park. The wheeling trails are zoned for such and are expected to deteriorate and be maintained. We have pulled all the permits necessary and there is NO CONCERN that any event or amount of wheelers on any given weekend will EVER close the park to our usage. This can be further proven by the Ranger Office. In terms of liability and insurance, you cannot insure a racer, that is what health insurance is for. The event is insured for the spectators (including volunteers and staff), the forest and the vendors. American Wheeler is totally open to all your ideas and concerns. We also want to make sure that impact from the event is minimized. Although we have volunteers, we also have paid staff to act as managers, security, and general event staff. Volunteers are welcome but remember, they are volunteers, not staff and will not be covered by L&I insurance.
We want to hear from you. But if you don't use the contact info provided then the blame is on you for not getting an answer. With that said I use this analogy. If you want a date with a girl, you don't ask her friend, you ask HER! Please do not bombard the board with your questions if you are not going to ask American Wheeler first. NO ONE ON ANY BOARD CAN ANSWER A QUESTION ABOUT THE EVENT BETTER THAN ME. So please use the contact info and get your questions answered. Thank you,

Remember too that we stronger in numbers. When a company throws an event and people get behind it, we create solidarity. When an issue about the land we play on comes up, we will have the strength to fight back.

Let's not stab our friends in the back by badmouthing problems that haven't happened yet while not offering solutions. By reading these threads I've seen so much more chat about all the problems they see than how cool it will be when this happens.

These payouts can attract the top racers in the country. That can/will make it the biggest event in the country. (Bigger than KOH?) This year it's one race, next year it's two, after that it's a real series with an end of season champion like XRRA but with longer courses and better payouts. This is a great thing, I'm excited about it.

It bums me out every time I see somebody post up their reasoning on why it won't work or why they are scared to submit their entry fee. *If* it doesn't work, it will probably be because of people like that.
Cool man :driver:
36 B class spots left :burnout:

Huh? There's 15 listed on the website (including me for my Runner, which may or may not happen since I now have the $30 XJ).

Are you mathematically deficient??? Or did they change the 40 rig limit? :beer:
*If* it doesn't work, it will probably be because of people like that.


If it doesn't work, it will be because of American Wheeler. It will be because of their inability to organize the event, provide for contingencies, communicate with the public, and assuage concerns as they are presented. That's it. Successful promotions companies are able to do these things, unsuccessful promotions companies are not.
If it doesn't work, it will be because of American Wheeler. It will be because of their inability to organize the event, provide for contingencies, communicate with the public, and assuage concerns as they are presented. That's it. Successful promotions companies are able to do these things, unsuccessful promotions companies are not.
Very good....:beer:
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