VT shooting

I dont care if the professor is armed, I just dont trust a 21, 22, 23 year old with a personal firearm so soon after having it in a place like a class room.
I would trust ANY of my 21, 22, 23 year old friends with a gun WAAAAAY before I would trust most of my professors with a gun. Half of my professors are just plain nutty, and they worry me regardless.

As was said earlier, I respect your point of view, but you really need to evaluate the merit of your foundations and support.
i can see that, makes sense.

Id invest in an alarm system and try and stick to a better neighborhood as a first step rather then jumping straight to the gun however, but thats just how I think.

Ive never had to call the police to my neighborhood, and as far as I know, there really hasnt been any disturbances. Maybe thats why i dont feel a need for fire arms on my person at all times.

Also should mention, I feel very safe here at ASU so again, I feel no need for fire arms up here.

Granted on another campus, I may feel differently
i am sure the people at VT felt just as safe as we do here. and that thing about moving to the UK forget it. we are all moving to your neighborhood. hahaha.

Its a decent neighborhood, good neighbors, nothing real huge ever goes on. There has been one occurance I know about (friend got some burning sheet thrown at his house :rolleyes: )

Oh and the DEA found some pot growing out behind the local convience store (Dock and Shop).

Other then that...nothin. To be honest, Im not sure what department would respond, we have a hickory addy, but dont live in Catawaba County.
Just fyi, I lived in a pretty nice neighborhood in hickory and witnessed a daylight robbery at my neighbors house. Alarm systems are nice, nice neighborhoods are nice, but none of that gaurantees you security.
In boone I live maybe 4 miles outside of town and since I live with my fiancee I have a 12 gauge at the house. We both know how to use it and though we havent had a break in or anything we both feel safer.
Handguns were made to shoot people, thats it, rifles and shotguns I have nothing wrong with. I know this is gonna get me bitched at but IMO get rid of the handgun, carry a knife everything would be a lot better.
I don't see a problem with guns for personal or home protection.
I believe that everyone is entitled to protected themselves and whats theirs. However I just can't see guns in school being a good thing. I understand that if someone in one of the classrooms had been carrying then there is a possibility that the shooter could have been stopped, but there is also a possibility that there could have been more killed. I own a gun and keep it for person protection in my home because I feel that if someone breaks into my house and intends do harm to me or my loved ones then I have the right to defend myself. Schools are suppose to be a place where people come to learn, and feel safe and should not have to worry about defending themselves. I think that is why this is all so shocking. A place where people are suppose to feel safe is violated. Everyone wants to think of what could have been done to prevent this and there are a number of things that seem to have been overlooked. The bottom line is this is a tragedy. This is not something that anyone expects or should expect. I can't even begin to imagine how bad the families of the victims are hurting right now. What I don't understand is how there was a 2 hour window.
Everyone keeps talking about the two hour window, so i'll just throw in my .02. From what I heard, when the first shooting happened they thought it was a murder suicide. That the person killed the RA then killed themself. The shooter could easily walk back to his room or into another building with the weapons in his bookbag. Then while all of the authorities were at the dorm, make his way across campus and do what he did. Either way, it was a horrible event. I just hope the families and the campus can recover at some point.
i can see how that could easily happen. This is just something that no one expects or should have to expect. I just hope it doesn't get to the point where you will need to carry in school in order to feel safe.
what if you came home one day and someone with a gun had broken into your home and was rapping your mother, sister, brother at gun point?

Yeah, like the case is Texas where the husband came home and found his very willing wife having sex with her lover. She panicked and cried rape. Husband shot and killed the lover. Now this man has to live with the fact that he has taken the life of an innocent man because he thought his wife was being raped.

I have several guns and I'm not taking a side for or against but there's a good and a bad to everything
Yeah, like the case is Texas where the husband came home and found his very willing wife having sex with her lover. She panicked and cried rape. Husband shot and killed the lover. Now this man has to live with the fact that he has taken the life of an innocent man because he thought his wife was being raped.
I have several guns and I'm not taking a side for or against but there's a good and a bad to everything

um yeah that is second degree murder and no where in there did you state that the other man had a gun. therefore 3 party life was not in full danger of death. i said, was being raped at gun point
Everyone keeps talking about the two hour window, so i'll just throw in my .02. From what I heard, when the first shooting happened they thought it was a murder suicide. That the person killed the RA then killed themself. The shooter could easily walk back to his room or into another building with the weapons in his bookbag. Then while all of the authorities were at the dorm, make his way across campus and do what he did. Either way, it was a horrible event. I just hope the families and the campus can recover at some point.

Not sure if you have been following the news.
He video taped te first killings then went to the post office and mailed a package to NBC NY containing 100s of photos a 38 minute video tape and a suicide note. "Rumor" has it that the RA was killed in the bed with the girl. And they thought it was merely a domestic she is cheating on me situation.

. Schools are suppose to be a place where people come to learn, and feel safe and should not have to worry about defending themselves. I think that is why this is all so shocking. A place where people are suppose to feel safe is violated.

I dont think any place is safe. I think that is the argument. If you passed a law that said guns are allowed everywhere but inside a church, guess what...

Despite what we may want to believe, this isnt merely a snap and shoot. Witnessess are reporting him laughing as each person fell that he shot. Hee had purchased over 50 clips. Had owned the guns for months (the .22 the 9mm was purchased in march) he had planned had done his homework, new how to chain the doors etc. If he knew one person there was carrying a gun I doubt he would have had the balls to do what he did.

UNTIL we stop assuming places are safe, we will continue to be victims. I WILL NOT bee a victim, and it may one day cost me a weapons charge, it wont however cost me my life .

Yeah, like the case is Texas where the husband came home and found his very willing wife having sex with her lover. She panicked and cried rape. Husband shot and killed the lover. Now this man has to live with the fact that he has taken the life of an innocent man because he thought his wife was being raped.
I have several guns and I'm not taking a side for or against but there's a good and a bad to everything

Thats a whole nother story. He shot the guy in his van as he tried to pull out of the driveway. And the jury has already dismissed all charges
:shaking: Think what you want to think. Concealed weapons will never be allowed on campus.

Will never????? BS

They are now all the time with LE, and all the others.
DId you not see all the officers in street clothing....

So never say never and get to your point if you have one!:fuck-you:
:shaking: Think what you want to think. Concealed weapons will never be allowed on campus.

The UK seems to be doing pretty damn well for themselves, and most private ownership of pistols is banned.

I also cant help but think "Someone had a case of the Monday's"
I bet the shooter was on some kind of anti depressant. I can understand a high school shooting happening out of simple teenaged angst, but a college shooting, no way.

I think we've determined that you live in a rose colored bubble, and your statements of supposed fact have no basis or merit at all.

Someone else with the underage user tag had mentioned that he would have gone after the guy (not with a gun, just gone after him) - I wonder what stressful, life threatening situation he had been in previously to make that bold of a statement, instead of pondering the possibility that he'd sit there and pee himself like some others did.

Yet another reason at least 2 years of military service should be mandatory. They might be forced out of the bubble some of these suburbanite people live in.. This whole thread makes me appreciate anyone going into the service that much more today, and that isn't just military- that's public service too - {rant off}
some of us, due to past injuries, may not be accepted into the sevices that you speak of. i was going to be a SHP and even got my first degree in CJ. however, a life threatening accident now keeps me from that. i do not feel that this should keep me from carrying! or, are you just saying it should be required for everyone in general? chad
I meant 2 years of service should be mandatory for all persons reaching the age of 18, like it is in some other countries.. has NOTHING to do with CCW,m just an off-topic statement. :beer:
moreover, you are only 19! you cant even own a gun and you want to tell other people how they should feel?

hey-not ALL of us 19 yearolds are retarded... im 19 and i was trying to tell you all how i felt:cool:

seriously though it is kind of funny though. i am allowed to go to iraq and kill people(im in the marines) but im not allowed to defend myself with a CC weapon.
hey-not ALL of us 19 yearolds are retarded... im 19 and i was trying to tell you all how i felt:cool:

seriously though it is kind of funny though. i am allowed to go to iraq and kill people(im in the marines) but im not allowed to defend myself with a CC weapon.

I agree thats absolutly rediculous, this thread kinda opened my eyes to the CC train of thought, you guys are 100% correct, one should have the right to protect themselfs. I know I will be looking into getting myself a handgun shortly.
All is not lost...


TN moves to allow guns in public buildings
By News Sentinel staff
April 18, 2007

NASHVILLE — In a surprise move, a House panel voted today to repeal a state law that forbids the carrying of handguns on property and buildings owned by state, county and city governments — including parks and playgrounds.

"I think the recent Virginia disaster — or catastrophe or nightmare or whatever you want to call it — has woken up a lot of people to the need for having guns available to law-abiding citizens," said Rep. Frank Niceley, R-Strawberry Plains. "I hope that is what this vote reflects."

/// They know what the People want and need, and are showing common sense.
Not sure if you have been following the news.
He video taped te first killings then went to the post office and mailed a package to NBC NY containing 100s of photos a 38 minute video tape and a suicide note. "Rumor" has it that the RA was killed in the bed with the girl. And they thought it was merely a domestic she is cheating on me situation.

Exactly, at the time they thought it was a domestic murder suicide. No one got the tape until after everything had already happened. I guess he went to the post office instead of another building on campus.