VT shooting

I read this all again... and I laugh. Not at the unfortunete events... but at the "...that there will be a pointless rampant slew of anti-gun legislation that has absolutely no effect on criminals (criminal-one who breaks the law)." and the "an armed society is a polite one"
We are under armed... yes... we are...
I can't remember the last time I walked out my door and someone took a shot at me, or blew up a car in town? Thats a good thing.
... and the majority of you guys are saying more guns more guns ... and the other side are saying less guns less guns and calling each other dumbasses...
stop making them and eventually they will all go away. or another idea is make ammo expensive.

You are right. A good friend was killed by a drunk driving a car. We should immediately ban cars.

You do realize the killer broke no less than 5 gun laws that day, correct. I am sure if we had just added number 6 that would have stopped him.
exatly sky! we are back to blaming guns again huh?

well stowe, not to start anything but if that is the case then i am going to have to blame your keyboard for that dumbass comment!:shaking:

the leading cause of death for persons 1-24 years of age are automobile accidents (Grabowski 2001).

gun control huh. get rid of cars first! that would save a whole lot more lives. let your kids die or drive them around until they are 25.. your choice!
Well, if they quit making guns, I guess they will have to ban mills, drills, lathes, CNC machines, metal manufacturing, and a lot of other things, because with any one of those things, I could build a gun.
All I have left to do is pray for the loved ones of the lost, and pray that our government will see how it can create an environment where innocent victims become sitting ducks, and have no way possible to protect themselves. God Bless the lost victims, and may our government realize what this country was once founded on.
calling each other dumbasses....
Don't really see that going on. So :fuck-you:

stop making them and eventually they will all go away..
Not in your life time so :fuck-you: I'm still shooting stuff from the civil war and every war after that..:flipoff2:
another idea is make ammo expensive.
They have done that with smokes, gas, and beer drugs, legal and not but do you see a change....NO....so :fuck-you: we pay enough for ammo now
pic from a local "gun" board I frequent:


obviously, because MORE guns would totally solve the problem

Ask any teacher in any school across America. If you allow guns on a school campus, they WILL walk.
i hope none of those teachers eat at my favorite restaurants. will they have to stop eating there too. they think no one is carrying a gun any other place they go?

i did not know that Virginia allowed CCW on campus. that could be a law suit waiting to happen. if i am allowed to carry and protect myself and you forbid me to do that, that is fine. however, you better provide protection for me while i am on your property. my life is in your hands since you will not allow it to be in mine!

if you will notice, a lot of places that once had signs up saying no weapons are taking them down for this very reason! they do not want to pay for security!

no one has a problem with freedom, correct? you think we earned that with rocks and sling shots? if he would have stabbed everyone to death i dont feel that anyone would be as frantic to see an edged weapons ban. sorry guys, i just dont want to have to deal with anymore gun laws. especially for people like me who never break the ones we have now! God bless those families and may he bless all of us.
obviously, because MORE guns would totally solve the problem
Ask any teacher in any school across America. If you allow guns on a school campus, they WILL walk.
Please make your point and do a better job if you want to try to prove something.
school? what are you talking about, this it more about VT and other places like that, you talking about k-5 or grade school? High school, what,???? There are guns at schools each and every day yes, EVERY day just not enough......MOST all schools have cops or other forms of LE working and yes they carry GUNS, and NO the teachers are not all walking out.
So if you want to play left wing and twist words I will.
i did not know that Virginia allowed CCW on campus. that could be a law suit waiting to happen. if i am allowed to carry and protect myself and you forbid me to do that, that is fine. however, you better provide protection for me while i am on your property. my life is in your hands since you will not allow it to be in mine!

that's my understanding from the discussion on the "gun" board....

VA made a law saying it was legal...and let the universities make their own laws to prohibit carry or not...

VT decided to prohibit concealed carry...

lawsuits will (and should) follow...


No, Im not inferring that teachers would not go eat at a restraunt because someones armed, thats just ignorant to say something like that.

Let me ask you this, would you want an armed student in your college classroom? While all of you guys may be responsible with your weapon, many people (as evidenced by MANY incidents in America) are NOT. A person with just a touch too much anger with a gun in a heated discussion with a professor...

Personally as a College Student, I dont want weapons in my classroom, or on my campus at all.

As I said, Im not judging you all on wanting weapons in classrooms, its just NOT a good idea.
classrooms, its just NOT a good idea.

Your not judging us, just you are right and we are not.
Got it.

I believe you may be projecting your anger management issues onto others.
Your not judging us, just you are right and we are not.
Got it.
I believe you may be projecting your anger management issues onto others.

:shaking: Think what you want to think. Concealed weapons will never be allowed on campus.

The UK seems to be doing pretty damn well for themselves, and most private ownership of pistols is banned.
:shaking: Think what you want to think. Concealed weapons will never be allowed on campus.

The UK seems to be doing pretty damn well for themselves, and most private ownership of pistols is banned.

well here is and idea man, we all took a vote and the results are in: you should move to the UK where its all love peace and smiling faces:popcorn:

moreover, you are only 19! you cant even own a gun and you want to tell other people how they should feel?

let me ask you this. if you are in a classroom and someone comes in with a gun shooting, points it right at you and there i am with my side arm on me and you know that i have it! are going to want me to just sit there and watch you die or are you going to look at me with shit in your 19 year old pants and want me to help you?
well here is and idea man, we all took a vote and the results are in: you should move to the UK where its all love peace and smiling faces:popcorn:
moreover, you are only 19! you cant even own a gun and u want to tell other people how they should feel?
let me ask you this. if you are in a classroom and someone comes in with a gun shooting points it right at you and there i am with my side arm on me and you know that i have it, are going to want me to just sit there and watch you die or are you going to look at me with shit in your 19 year old pants and want me to help?

wow way to be adult about it.

I dont care if the professor is armed, I just dont trust a 21, 22, 23 year old with a personal firearm so soon after having it in a place like a class room.
wow way to be adult about it.
I dont care if the professor is armed, I just dont trust a 21, 22, 23 year old with a personal firearm so soon after having it in a place like a class room.

Your points are worthless..... An 18 year old can go and fight for our country... maybe they shouldnt have guns either?

Go to bed...
I dont care if the professor is armed, I just dont trust a 21, 22, 23 year old with a personal firearm so soon after having it in a place like a class room.


I dont know how to respond to this.

I first fired a handgun at 6 years old.
I was given my first shotgun at 8
I BOUGHT my first rifle at 11.

So by the time I was 21, I had a little experience...

And just so I understand, you are Ok with an army of many (mostly?) 18-24 year olds fighting and dieing for the right for you to think the Uk has a better gun policy right?

BTW murder is down in the UK but rape is up over 2000% as is assault and petty theives...
The UK is safer? Are you serious? This same discussion is going on over on Pirate. The UK is significantly more dangerous than over here. Even here in the US, in Washington DC where pistols are banned there are 69 shooting deaths out of a 100,000...in Indianapolis there are 9 shooting deaths out of 100,000..and Indianapolis has CCW there. Which city would you want to live in?

wow way to be adult about it.
I dont care if the professor is armed, I just dont trust a 21, 22, 23 year old with a personal firearm so soon after having it in a place like a class room.

well i am a student as well at the age of 27 at ASU. if i am about to die i do not care if you are 21, 51 or half dead. if you can save my life you better do it! and nothing i have said has been immature! just dont chime in at 19. someone underage driving drunk will die tonight while driving, now that is what we need to worry about. if you want statistics just ask. i am not pulling shit out of thin air.
Your points are worthless..... An 18 year old can go and fight for our country... maybe they shouldnt have guns either?
Go to bed...

posted while I typed.

I agree and I am going to bed....night all.
perhaps its just the family I was brought up in. We have never had a fire arm in my house, nor never will. I feel no need to own one, and will never buy one.

I apologize that my views dont match with yours. :fuck-you:

Personally, if Im about to get shot by some lunatic in some class room, out of ALL the class rooms, and ALL the lunatics in the world, its probably my time to go anyways.
perhaps its just the family I was brought up in. We have never had a fire arm in my house, nor never will. I feel no need to own one, and will never buy one.
I apologize that my views dont match with yours. :fuck-you:
Personally, if Im about to get shot by some lunatic in some class room, out of ALL the class rooms, and ALL the lunatics in the world, its probably my time to go anyways.

i respect your views and you as a person and if i have failed to show that then i appologise!

answer me this:

what if you came home one day and someone with a gun had broken into your home and was rapping your mother, sister, brother at gun point? would you wish for a gun then? knowing that all you could do was run or watch. these are things i think about and worry about. and to say its your time to go? i think more of my life than that. to live a good life just to be taken out by someone who no longer wants or respects theirs. that is all i am saying. these things as we see can happen at any moment!
At the Appalachian Law School in Grundy, VA in January 2002, two professors and a student were killed before the gunman was confronted by two students, one of whom had retrieved his own gun from his vehicle when he heard gunfire.

I'm glad this has come up, and is making the rounds on the Internet today.

Some background on this event. CNN article doesn't even mention the armed students (surprised?):

CNN: http://edition.cnn.com/2002/US/01/16/law.school.shooting/

WIKI: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appalachian_School_of_Law_shooting

Ted Lang report on media bias about this: http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/04/01/13/lang.htm

My take on CCW, FWIW: My gun is to protect my life and the lives of my family. Period. The liability (financial) in today's climate is too great to do otherwise. If you chose not to defend yourself, and you die, or your wife is raped, or whatever, that is your choice. (You/your being generic, not pointed at anyone specific.) Trolley Square, Va. Tech, Luby's...I will save my own life when confronted. If you are confronted first, don't expect me -- or anyone, even the police -- to step in and save you.

Last time I had to call the cops to my place (not that it happens everyday) it was 12 minutes for a reported break-in in progress before the first popo showed up. What could happen to your wife/daughter/mother in 12 minutes? In our county, the average *emergency* response time for the Sheriff's office is 45 minutes (partly due to understaffing, mostly due to the policy of waiting down road for backup if it is a "potential" hostile situation, like a domestic dispute).

I carry. I plan to live.