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- Nov 18, 2005
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- Lakeland Georgia
guns don't kill people.
David Bowie kills people.
I've always liked:
Guns don't kill people, husband that come home early do
guns don't kill people.
David Bowie kills people.
I read this all again... and I laugh. Not at the unfortunete events... but at the "...that there will be a pointless rampant slew of anti-gun legislation that has absolutely no effect on criminals (criminal-one who breaks the law)." and the "an armed society is a polite one"
We are under armed... yes... we are...
I can't remember the last time I walked out my door and someone took a shot at me, or blew up a car in town? Thats a good thing.
... and the majority of you guys are saying more guns more guns ... and the other side are saying less guns less guns and calling each other dumbasses...
stop making them and eventually they will all go away. or another idea is make ammo expensive.
Don't really see that going on. Socalling each other dumbasses....
Not in your life time sostop making them and eventually they will all go away..
They have done that with smokes, gas, and beer drugs, legal and not but do you see a change....NO....soanother idea is make ammo expensive.
Please make your point and do a better job if you want to try to prove something.obviously, because MORE guns would totally solve the problem
Ask any teacher in any school across America. If you allow guns on a school campus, they WILL walk.
i did not know that Virginia allowed CCW on campus. that could be a law suit waiting to happen. if i am allowed to carry and protect myself and you forbid me to do that, that is fine. however, you better provide protection for me while i am on your property. my life is in your hands since you will not allow it to be in mine!
classrooms, its just NOT a good idea.
Your not judging us, just you are right and we are not.
Got it.
I believe you may be projecting your anger management issues onto others.
Think what you want to think. Concealed weapons will never be allowed on campus.
The UK seems to be doing pretty damn well for themselves, and most private ownership of pistols is banned.
pic from a local "gun" board I frequent:
well here is and idea man, we all took a vote and the results are in: you should move to the UK where its all love peace and smiling faces
moreover, you are only 19! you cant even own a gun and u want to tell other people how they should feel?
let me ask you this. if you are in a classroom and someone comes in with a gun shooting points it right at you and there i am with my side arm on me and you know that i have it, are going to want me to just sit there and watch you die or are you going to look at me with shit in your 19 year old pants and want me to help?
wow way to be adult about it.
I dont care if the professor is armed, I just dont trust a 21, 22, 23 year old with a personal firearm so soon after having it in a place like a class room.
I dont care if the professor is armed, I just dont trust a 21, 22, 23 year old with a personal firearm so soon after having it in a place like a class room.
wow way to be adult about it.
I dont care if the professor is armed, I just dont trust a 21, 22, 23 year old with a personal firearm so soon after having it in a place like a class room.
Your points are worthless..... An 18 year old can go and fight for our country... maybe they shouldnt have guns either?
Go to bed...
perhaps its just the family I was brought up in. We have never had a fire arm in my house, nor never will. I feel no need to own one, and will never buy one.
I apologize that my views dont match with yours.![]()
Personally, if Im about to get shot by some lunatic in some class room, out of ALL the class rooms, and ALL the lunatics in the world, its probably my time to go anyways.
At the Appalachian Law School in Grundy, VA in January 2002, two professors and a student were killed before the gunman was confronted by two students, one of whom had retrieved his own gun from his vehicle when he heard gunfire.