Wake County Crackdown


Look up in the sky...........Its, its, ITS, a fawking chopper dude your ass is busted!!! :lol:

125mph on the beltline, getting busted by the cops and a chopper above would make anyone nervous but check out the guys shorts.........Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

snot nosed punk gets a stiffy when he is excited/nervous then has his pic. posted all over the news..........Priceless!!!!
exactly. the majority of driving problems could be fixed with more in depth driver education and stricter requirements to get a license. this is just ignorant people forcing the shp to fill a political agenda.
Mikey said:
"The crackdown was in response to a chorus of complaints from drivers who are afraid to brave the roads."

WOW. Really are people afraid to drive?? that explains the left lane dwellers. too scared to change lanes!!

I drive a truck for a living and I have to say that nothing... NOTHING pisses me off more than :gay: in the left lane. then when you run them off the road they get pissy. :flipoff2:
Eh, I hate it when I'm waiting on a slowpoke in the left lane and I get tailgated and flashed by some genius that can't figure out there's a car in front of me.

I just drive in the middle lane... if you want to pass me then do so. I really do not care..

Personally I laugh at everyone that got a ticket... you should not be going that fast anyways...
whenever i become the supreme dictator and ruler of this country :flipoff2: we're going european with graduated speed limits in lanes. for example, 100mph left lane, 75mph middle lane, 60mph right lane.
Slow people on the right, fast on the left.

this gets me and most of us furious. I absoutly hate it when the speed limit is 70mph, theres a few cars or even a big truck going slow in the right lane (thank you), and some other idiot cruisin the same speed, usually 60-65mph or sometimes slower, faster, slower, faster in the left lane. I HATE IT!!!! Get the fawk in the right lane and day dream there, I've got places to be and if the law says I can go 70mph, FAWK, I'M GOING 70MPH!!!! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!

damn inconsiderate people...
People who also camp out in the middle lane are just as bad. What part of "Stay right except to pass" do people NOT understand???

That kid on the bike... fuckin squid. nice leathers. :rolleyes:
RufusTheRam said:
exactly. the majority of driving problems could be fixed with more in depth driver education and stricter requirements to get a license. this is just ignorant people forcing the shp to fill a political agenda.

run for president. seriously. :Rockon:

i already mentioned this stuff the other day when i talked about speeding tickets...the worst part about the whole deal is that with heavy traffic they pull people over in the same method as you use to play DUCKHUNT on nintendo...i got pulled after they clocked a diffrent white SUV beside me and they pulled me and gave me a ticket...its gonna get dropped in court ive already taken care of that...but they point and shoot the radar and then try to radio a description to a diffrent cop and in my case get it wrong...i admit i was speeding but they gave me a ticket for 11-12 mph faster than i was going...my point being with this crappy method the troopers are using its not even safe to match the speed of traffic flow now
CAS22 said:
they gave me a ticket for 11-12 mph faster than i was going...

No, they didn't. You readily admitted that according to your speedometer you were going 75 mph in a 60mph zone. You also acknowledged that you're aware that your speedometer reads slow due to your tires being 5-6" taller than OEM.

Do the math. You were doing 88.5 mph, and you got a ticket at 89. They should have given your stupid ass a reckless ticket, too.
CAS22 said:
my point being with this crappy method the troopers are using its not even safe to match the speed of traffic flow now

If the "flow of traffic" is speeding, then they're all in violation. You, by travelling with them, are choosing to violate it too, and yer takin yer chances.. Feelin' lucky?

I'm not saying I don't go with the flow either, but it's always a chance that your number will come up, just like every other crime, from minor to major.
I'll say it again I ride in middle lane going speed limit or maybe 5 over... I do not ride in right lane due to idiots that have no concept of how to merge and I do not block left lane but if you are speeding and I am blocking your path then you can stick it.. because you are breaking the law not me...
The way I look at it is like this:
There is a speed limit for a reason and if you are doing the posted limit you can have any lane you want.
If you are going slow try to stay right.
What gives someone the right to speed and want people to move out of their way and drive in the left lane when the person in the lane is following the laws and running the speed limit.
Think about the way you want it to be on the trail, you don't just go cutting new trails or tell people to get out of your way because you can do it faster, do you.
Speed kills, I can show you the body count if needed.

true true Mr. Gadget.

I just hate it when I want to go the speed limit (according to my speedo) and some a$$ in front of me decides to poke around and block me. They have no freakin courtsey.

However even if I wanted to speed, who are they to block my way and be mister goodie tooshoos (sp?) and keep me from doing what I choose????? Is it up to that person to make sure I obey the law????

I think I just started a war...
rockcity said:
true true Mr. Gadget.

I just hate it when I want to go the speed limit (according to my speedo) and some a$$ in front of me decides to poke around and block me. They have no freakin courtsey.

However even if I wanted to speed, who are they to block my way and be mister goodie tooshoos (sp?) and keep me from doing what I choose????? Is it up to that person to make sure I obey the law????

I think I just started a war...

No, No war here!
It is up the the people to do what they think is correct.
I think you are right on you talk about people going slow and hold up people.
I will tell you this Anyone coming up on me changing lane or lanes doing 20 mph more then the speed limit is going to have a hard time getting me to move out of there way.

Just something to think about.

"who are they to block my way "
Maybe someone that has lost friends or family because of someone that wants to do what they want!

"it up to that person to make sure I obey the law????"
Yes it is, but does that mean that you stand there and watch them do wrong. I will not!

I see someone beat there wife I stop them or kill them!
I see someone cut new trails in Uwharrie I stop them or report them and hope that there wrong doing does not close it down.
I know it is a little fare fetched to use this but I think you will see where I'm coming from.
I think it cuts both ways. The pokes need to move over and the speed demons need to chill.

I usually go about 5 mph over the speed limit. I also stay right except to pass. However, if YOU are going 15mph+ over the speed limit, don't expect heavy traffic to part like the red sea to make way for YOU. If I'm going as fast as the car in front of me, I'm not moving over so you can advance one car length.

Despite the tailgating (or is that drafting?), rapid lane changes, and manic driving habits that some employ, it isn't a NASCAR track out there. Chill out and allow enough time to get where you're going without having to drive way faster than everyone else.

Final tip, riding my bumper will not make me speed up and if you're stupid enough to hit me because you're tailgating, you'll be the one paying the higher insurance premiums.

Have a nice day. :)
MR. GADGET said:
The way I look at it is like this:
There is a speed limit for a reason and if you are doing the posted limit you can have any lane you want.

I slightly disagree. "Keep right except to pass" is the law. There's no reason to poke along in a lane, ANY lane, if there's a free lane to the right.

The police and state troopers enforce the law, not the citizens.

Is it so hard to move over when someone comes up behind ya, whether they are going 5mph faster than you are or 50?

Having had the pleasure of living and driving in Germany for a few years, it's second nature for them, regardless is you're in a speed zone or not.. if someone is coming up behind you moving faster than you are, and it's not unsafe, slide over one lane, and let them by.

Just a closing thought... That guy who's coming up behind you going a little over, may be EMS/Fire/etc. who's not yet in their district, but knows their help is needed...
Back in the day when I was putting 30-40,000 miles a year on my vehicles. I was up in CT running about 85 in a 55 along with about 15 other vehicles. I'm about the 8th or 9th car in the line. CT trooper pulls me over...I ask him, "what about all of them?" he says to me: "You ever been fishing? Did you catch all the fish...?" he wrote me up for 19 over (kept me out of court)...I felt good about the whole thing...gave him a mental hug and rolled on out of there...