What have you done for your health today?

Pooped real hard. Also challenged myself last weekend to lose 20 pounds in the 2 weeks before we go to the beach. Main change has been eating less (not getting seconds) drinking water instead of Pepsi and sweet tea, and just being super dang busy and active at work and home, I went from 215 last Sunday to 203 today.
I was 215 Sunday before last.
Unrealistic goal was lose 20 lbs.
Big stretch goal was sub 200 pounds (haven’t seen that in about 6-7 years).
Realistically I expected 10lbs.
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Been hovering around 275lbs for the last 10 days or so…down 111lbs…but damn 275lbs is still a large human being. Thought 240-250lbs would be the ideal weight, but only being 25lbs away from that…questioning if that’s ‘healthy’…or how far I need to go, especially considering the weight is really starting to come off slower. I see this pic and I’m like damn I look better, but still feel like a fat fuck.

Been hovering around 275lbs for the last 10 days or so…down 111lbs…but damn 275lbs is still a large human being. Thought 240-250lbs would be the ideal weight, but only being 25lbs away from that…questioning if that’s ‘healthy’…or how far I need to go, especially considering the weight is really starting to come off slower. I see this pic and I’m like damn I look better, but still feel like a fat fuck.

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I have 3 2 fat friends and you are 2 1 of them :flipoff2:
Congrats man, looking great!
Been hovering around 275lbs for the last 10 days or so…down 111lbs…but damn 275lbs is still a large human being. Thought 240-250lbs would be the ideal weight, but only being 25lbs away from that…questioning if that’s ‘healthy’…or how far I need to go, especially considering the weight is really starting to come off slower. I see this pic and I’m like damn I look better, but still feel like a fat fuck.

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You look like a totally different person from the last time I saw you! I know you have to feel so much better. The mental aspect will always lag, just recognize it and don’t let it sabotage you.

Maybe take a few more weeks off from losing and just maintain 275, giving your body a chance to recover and time to get used to the new you while you plan the next move. We’re playing the long game here. Going forward, slower weight loss means more muscle retention so keep that in mind and consider adding a lifting regimen if you aren’t lifting already.
I’m transitioning back to a mini-cut in preparation for vacation in early August, but I’m struggling with the calorie reduction after eating 3200 cals/day for the last 6 weeks lol.

I also tweaked my back on my last warm up set of back squats last weds, so I’m going to replace those with leg extensions for a while. And get a proper belt before I add them back in to the rotation.