What have you done for your health today?

2nd time at F3 this morning. FAWWWWWKK my body hurts so damn bad! My push-ups (i.e., merkins) were absolutely pathetic today after Tuesday's workout. Nevertheless, gets me up and moving early and I'm with @VortecJeep, at 6:16am I'm feeling good about the day ahead.

Side note, everybody gets an alternative name in F3. After telling everybody I heard of F3 through this site (not entirely true as I was familiar with it before but let's just go w/ it), half-ass explaining what this site is all about and THEN telling these bastards I was a Toyota guy...I'm now dubbed "Wrangler". :shaking: :flipoff2:
It is so funny how some of the names are given.

for those of you in the Concord and Harrisburg area, come on out to The Dawghouse tomorrow morning at 05:30. That’s at JM Robinson High School on Pitts School Road. That’s where I’ll be. Some of us usually go for coffee afterwards on Fridays.
Meal prepping is very important in the carb free diet. Pork tenderloin for protien and fats.
Steamed, kale, cauliflower, broccoli and purple cabbage. Healthy fibrous carbs and much needed micronutrients.

Cost was under 35$ got 6 healthy meals

That looks really good @Jeff B. I'm sure you know this but I found this out yesterday....carrots, peas, corn etc are not really considered a vegetable, more of a carb. Threw me for a loop as we just steamed a big pot of carrots, peas, and corn.

Today's workout was active recovery. Moved for 20 mins doing KB carries, rowing, biking, skiing, ring rows, and tire hammer hits. Good workout for sure but ready for barbell movements tomorrow.
So a little update.

I will never again predict my body's response...it made me pay.
I commented on Sunday that I'd hit my 2/1 goal by Monday or Tuesday. Id been averaging ~.8lb/day over an extended period.
My goal was to be sub 300 by end of month. Then on Monday I saw a ~2lb bump up. And its been a .2/day grind this week. Until this AM where I dropped 2+ lbs in a day to hit 298.2.

Been hitting the gym extra this week because Ive got a tough challenge coming up tonight and tomorrow. We are going on an official visit with my son, @Skyhik5jr , for his college football scholarship. Its a day and a half where we will be totally housed and fed with little control of what...and I dont want to be "that parent"....so I will make the best choices based on the options provided...but it wont be steak and eggs. Im going to eat 1 S&E this AM and then whatever they serve for supper. Ill skip any breads, deserts, or totally off plan foods. Ill skip breakfast at the hotel in the AM and eat whatever they serve for lunch with again the same caveats and back to S&E tomorrow night. I havent had a re-feed/cheat in 2+ weeks so Im overdue by definition anyway.

Saw the doc this week and got some blood work back already.
Blood pressure is great, resting heart rate is good, cholesterol was very slightly low on my good but everything else was in spec. Doc said she was shocked given my diet.
Interestingly and this is what Im learning about....my thyroid levels are off. By a failry significant amount. So additional tests are being ordered for next week. The doc said she was surprised Ive been able to lose any weight given my thyroid profile, she thinks that could be a contributing factor to my weight. Now...Im not using that as an excuse, my fatass-ed-ess is caused by my own habits and excess...but there is a chance that dependingon the next round of tests I may have to go on medication that could potentially accelerate weight loss.

So we will see what that holds once it all unfolds.
Appreciate all the support both in posts and PMs...hope everyone else is keeping on track as well.
Nowhere near as accomplished as some of you, haven't stepped on a scale, haven't gotten any tests done...but a committed effort to not grab fast food or carry out and eat at home the last 2 weeks has been made. Still not the healthiest stuff necessarily, but better. Portion control, has gotten better again, even if I put old portion sizes on the plate, I'll toss 2/3 of it to the dog. I get home and instead of sitting or working, I've been out in the garage with girls or going for walk or just playing outside with them. No idea on any numerical results, but shirts are already starting to get less tight again, I'm sleeping better and feeling better too. Sleep/feeling better has probably reduced my coffee intake 75% as well.
Today's workout was 5 sets of standing barbell OHP, 4 sets of rear delt rows on the machine, 4 sets of upright rows with the EZ curl bar, and 3 sets of chin-ups.
Interestingly and this is what Im learning about....my thyroid levels are off. By a failry significant amount. So additional tests are being ordered for next week. The doc said she was surprised Ive been able to lose any weight given my thyroid profile, she thinks that could be a contributing factor to my weight. Now...Im not using that as an excuse, my fatass-ed-ess is caused by my own habits and excess...but there is a chance that dependingon the next round of tests I may have to go on medication that could potentially accelerate weight loss.
Let me know what you find about about your thyroid. I'm pretty sure I have that too. :lol::popcorn:
Let me know what you find about about your thyroid. I'm pretty sure I have that too. :lol::popcorn:

I thought that was a bad joke fat old ladies told.
But they ran a baseline blood test ...the the acceptable range is .450-4.99 lower is better or more active. For all other factors being controlled - lowering the TSH value will increase metabolism essentially.
Mine was ....lets just leave it at double digits.

The "standard" - read insurance approved - test doesnt actually measure thyroid values but TSH which is Thyroid stimulating hormone. Basically your hypothalemus sends THS to tell the thyroid to get busy and digest some food and make some energy. If its elevated it means the thyroid isnt listening and they hypothalemus is saying MF'er I said get to work...here Ill send some more TSH your way. Essentially my Hypothalemus is buggy whipping the hell out my thyoid but the mule is still standing still.

So now the insurance company will actually pay for me to take another half day off work. Drive another 55 minutes one way to the lab, have another 5 or 6 needles full of blood drawn to go through the counts and find out if the thyroid isnt making its juice (t4) or if the T4 isnt covnerting to T3 like its supposed to or if the T3 isnt being absorbed like its supposed to or finally if another rogue hormone is actually attacking the t3 and keeping it from stoking the cells to burn.
Got home last night and the family decided on the Japanese steakhouse... stuck to just sashimi (no rice) and the steak and veggies. Held off on the white rice.

And today another fire lit under my ass... signed up for a 12k trail race at Camp Lejeune Feb 9. Training will increase dramatically these next couple of weeks. :D
Today makes 4 years that I reached my goal of losing 100 pounds. Started in May 2014 weighing 240 and by Jan 2015 I weighed 140. I only weigh 3 or 4 times a year now this morning I was 138. Celebrated by going out and running 13 miles. It went from losing weight to being fit. Congratulations to all of those who have made the choice to lose weight and get in better shape and the progress all have made so far!
So a little update.

I will never again predict my body's response...it made me pay.
I commented on Sunday that I'd hit my 2/1 goal by Monday or Tuesday. Id been averaging ~.8lb/day over an extended period.
My goal was to be sub 300 by end of month. Then on Monday I saw a ~2lb bump up. And its been a .2/day grind this week. Until this AM where I dropped 2+ lbs in a day to hit 298.2.

Been hitting the gym extra this week because Ive got a tough challenge coming up tonight and tomorrow. We are going on an official visit with my son, @Skyhik5jr , for his college football scholarship. Its a day and a half where we will be totally housed and fed with little control of what...and I dont want to be "that parent"....so I will make the best choices based on the options provided...but it wont be steak and eggs. Im going to eat 1 S&E this AM and then whatever they serve for supper. Ill skip any breads, deserts, or totally off plan foods. Ill skip breakfast at the hotel in the AM and eat whatever they serve for lunch with again the same caveats and back to S&E tomorrow night. I havent had a re-feed/cheat in 2+ weeks so Im overdue by definition anyway.

Saw the doc this week and got some blood work back already.
Blood pressure is great, resting heart rate is good, cholesterol was very slightly low on my good but everything else was in spec. Doc said she was shocked given my diet.
Interestingly and this is what Im learning about....my thyroid levels are off. By a failry significant amount. So additional tests are being ordered for next week. The doc said she was surprised Ive been able to lose any weight given my thyroid profile, she thinks that could be a contributing factor to my weight. Now...Im not using that as an excuse, my fatass-ed-ess is caused by my own habits and excess...but there is a chance that dependingon the next round of tests I may have to go on medication that could potentially accelerate weight loss.

So we will see what that holds once it all unfolds.
Appreciate all the support both in posts and PMs...hope everyone else is keeping on track as well.

You should take some 'before' pictures just for yourself.
This morning:
Pushups x 41

This evening:
Burpees x 41
Incline Pushups x 41
lunges each leg x 41
Hand Release Pushups x 41
Dips x 41
Ascending Testicles x 41 (pushups with hands on floor, feet on floor for 1-10, feet on step 1 for 11-20, feet on step 2 for 21-30, feet on step 3 for 31-41)
Crunches x 41