What have you done for your health today?

I'd have died. Period. I can't keep that pace on a normal day much less for that far in that cold. kudos.
The way we do it, everyone finishes together, no matter how fast they are or if they have to walk part of it.
The fast guys turn around at every intersection and run back to the guys in the back. Doing that, the fast guys get more miles, everybody finishes back at the parking lot at the same time, and everyone gets better. The fast guys today probably got at least 1-1.5 miles more than me in the same time. We had a guy today that had to walk some. No worries. When I got back to it in October, 6 months after my surgery, I was doing good to get 3 miles in that amount of time.
We leave no man behind, but leave no man where we found him.

By the way, running a saw and slinging wood is a helluva workout.
I had a rough weekend. Quit eating right Friday and sat on my posterior all day Sunday/Monday. I could make excuses, but it was my own decisions. I ate pretty terribly today as well, but I did walk a mile at lunch and got in the gym for a workout this evening. In only a week and a half I already feel more comfortable and weights are getting lighter in the gym. Thanks, for the motivation everyone!
That working out stuff is for the birds. This flu that I’m doing has me sweating all day. One hell of a workout and I get to do it all day, even at work while getting paid. :lol:
Win win. :)


Maybe by this weekend I’ll get back to my normal routine and back on track.
Today's workout was fun. Strength was 5x1 deadlifts at 80% of your max, without a belt/no switch grip. I pulled 315 and it felt weird not switching my hands up. The workout was a 16min ascending workout of 2 front squats, 2 box jumps, 2 pullups, after each round add 2 reps to each movement.

Dinner for the evening was steak, steamed veggies and rice. The wife and I split the steak in half and the other steak will be lunch tomorrow.
The way we do it, everyone finishes together, no matter how fast they are or if they have to walk part of it.
The fast guys turn around at every intersection and run back to the guys in the back. Doing that, the fast guys get more miles, everybody finishes back at the parking lot at the same time, and everyone gets better. The fast guys today probably got at least 1-1.5 miles more than me in the same time. We had a guy today that had to walk some. No worries. When I got back to it in October, 6 months after my surgery, I was doing good to get 3 miles in that amount of time.
We leave no man behind, but leave no man where we found him.

By the way, running a saw and slinging wood is a helluva workout.

That's awesome.
So apparently "Nalgene" is not the commonly accepted term for 1 liter plastic water bottle to all people. Twice in the past year I've had to explain it to people in the 25-40 age group. o_O

LOL....A Nalgene bottle to me comes in many sizes and is used for lab samples at work. I never knew it was a common term for water bottles until I was looking for mods to move my WJ windshield washer reservoir. Yeah, I'll admit that.:D
Today's workout was 5 sets of flat barbell bench, 4 sets of incline dumbbells, 4 sets of decline dumbbells, 3 sets of OHP on the machine, 4 sets of tricep pull downs with the V-bar.
grrr...diet fail today.
Was with a client in his truck to ook at a job and he stopped for lunch.

Havent been eating lunch and instead of being the weird guy sitting in the restaurant not eating...it was a BBQ buffet at that...I ate a very small plate. 1 spoonful each of greenbeans, collard greens and pulled pork...so ate clean but not on plan.

Back on track now
Tuesday’s run it was 21 degrees. This morning it was a balmy 59 degrees, but a freaking monsoon. There is probably nothing logical about running in rain like that at 0530, but 12 of us at the F3 Dawghouse did it and are better for it. By the end, my shoes probably weighed a pound or two each with all the water they soaked up.
We did speed drills, where we run faster out the roads, turn around at the end of that road, and run a slower pace back to the main road in that neighborhood. As you can see, I didn’t make it to the end of those roads because once the fast guys get to the end and turn around, the rest of us turn around too. That keeps the group together.

This weekend is my birthday, so I signed up to lead the F3 workout today. When the other guys heard it was a birthday party, 28 of them joined me! After the normal warmups, there was an exercise for each of the letters in the word birthday. Since I’m turning 41, it was 41 reps of each exercise.
B stands for burpees, so 41 burpees to start!
Read about the rest of the fun and excitement here!
Birthday Beatdown Dawghouse Style – F3 MeCa
Today's workout was 5 sets of flys on the peck deck, superset with 4 sets of mid handle pull-ups, 4 sets of upright rows with the EZ curl bar, and 4 sets of lunges while holding dumbbells.
Today is day 22 of no soft drinks, mostly, I've had two since starting on this thread I really just got tired of drinking water even when I would flavor it and had to have something, anything else for a meal. So still on track pretty much. I started this thread hovering around 175 now I hover around 171 so 4lbs isn't bad. I haven't really noticed feeling any different but I seen myself in the mirror today and for the first time I noticed a difference in my belly area.
Ate at our favorite mexican restaurant last night. Had a fajita quesadilla and left the shell, didn't have my normal 32oz dos equis, and I believe it's the first time in my history that I haven't eaten any chips and salsa. I did miss the beer the most. I haven't had a beer in 3 weeks. I have slept better in the last week than I have in a long time.
I ate a bean burrito and hand dug a 50 foot ditch. Filled it with a ton of gravel, hauled by wheel barrow , 200ft at a time through mud. Raked dirt/mud to refill ditch followed by mulch on about half...again wheel barrow through mud. Started at daylight ,finished at dark by myself.