What have you done for your health today?

Here's the aftermath of 19.5. Even with grips on, I still tore at the every end of the workout. I fully expected not to finish the workout due to me not being able to cycle chest to bar pullups that fast. I made it to 5 thrusters on the round of 15 when I hit the time cap.


My quads were destroyed for most of the day saturday to the point that walking around was painful. My legs would just randomly give out and I looked like a newborn giraffe learning to walk. Opened the gym up on Sunday for open gym and decided that since I couldn't grip anything, it was going to be cardio and legs workout. So 5 Rounds of 50m sled push, 200m run, 50m sled pull, 10 calories on the assault bike, 10 dumbbell curls, 5 100lb slamball over the shoulders. That helped out a lot and flushed my legs out good.

Today's workout is a benchmark Crossfit Workout "Kelly". 5 rounds for time: 400m run, 30 box jumps, 30 wallballs. I'll be coaching from 430-730 so I might not have the chance to do this one but will try and sneak it in if I can.
Today's workout was 20 minutes on the elliptical, followed by 5 sets of walking lunges.
Today's workout was fun. Wife and I went head to head and she just about beat me:eek:. Strength was 5x3 sets of backsquats. Hit 285 and it felt good. Wife did 205 and then went for 215, got 1 and failed the second one. Last time she maxed back squat it was at 215 :smokin:.

Actual workout was 3 rounds of 30 overhead squats at 75lbs/55lbs, 30 cal row, 20 pull-ups. I substituted ring rows for pullups because of my hand and it was a really fun workout. Finished in 14:05 and she finished in 14:50. Fun times for sure.
Since I was voluntold to join @Mulishajoe with his ruck training, I decided it was the perfect opportunity to get a new bag (or 2). I couldn't decide on which snack pack so I got both :D It looks like I'll be signing up for the 12-mile course :eek:
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The one on the left has been my go to travel bag for a few years now. Big enough to carry a couple days clothes and my work laptop. I think the back pocket where the board goes would be perfect for holding some weight plates for rucking. Let us know how it works out.
Since I was voluntold to join @Mulishajoe with his ruck training, I decided it was the perfect opportunity to get a new bag (or 2). I couldn't decide on which snack pack so I got both :D It looks like I'll be signing up for the 12-mile course :eek:
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I got talked into doing the 20 miler overnight in Charlotte next weekend. Should be...fun?
Today's workout was 6 sets of incline dumbbells, 5 sets of decline dumbbells, 5 sets of flys on the machine, 4 sets of french press with a dumbbell, and 4 sets of tricep rope pull downs.
Today's workout was 20 minutes on the incline treadmill, followed by 3 sets of leg extensions, 3 sets of leg curls, and 3 sets of leg press.
Not much in the way of exercise the last few days due to travel and kids’ games and stuff and I’m just not a 0530 dood. I have been watching what I eat and drink and have been active when possible....played practice dummy for daughter’s volleyball team, yard work, etc.

I started counting calories this week too. :eek:
Shoveled pea gravel for a garden path all morning.
I’ve been on night shift this past week, so didn’t do anything until yesterday. A few of us that are doing the Spartan race on Sunday got together for some training. Since we know there will be mud, first thing we did was walk thru a creek to get our shoes nice and wet. Then we ran a couple miles, stopping every few minutes to do some kind of exercise or challenge.

We may be Mexican YouTube famous now. At one point we were carrying heavy buckets up and down a hill, doing burpees at the top and bottom, and there were these 4 women speaking Spanish sitting on a bench. At one point, one of them was recording us with her phone.
Today's workout was 5 sets of pull-ups, 4 sets of landmine barbell rows, 4 sets of straight arm pull downs, and 5 sets of standing alternating bicep curls with dumbbells.
Happy new quarter/month/week - time for me to reassess!

So, 3 months in & I'm happy to report that I've been able to increase pretty much all the weights for my workouts. 20lb wall balls, 30lb slam balls, & 26lb kettlebell (I really need to bump this up to 30). My bear crawl is even starting to look less like a drunken sloth.

Unfortunately I let my eating go the past couple of weeks thanks to stress at work (tax season sucks) so the scale has crept up a little. Snaccidents are real (and delicious) so it's back to tracking today :popcorn:
Stating Weight -318.2 (12/27)
Last Week - 278.0 (2 weeks ago)
This week -271.4
Total loss: 46.8 lbs

I'm a little dubious of that "this week" weight. That's a new "low" and represents a 1.5lb drop from yesterday.
One of those situations where the overall trend is still right but I think that number may skew next weeks results but onward and downward