What have you done for your health today?

No build will ever top going through major weight loss. Although the process is similar. Work like hell for months and it seems like your getting nowhere. Then one day progress shows, and motivation hits a higher gear. I was standing at the 300lb threshold before I realized it. Looking back I see why I never had many invites to food related functions lol.
Today's workout was 20 minutes on the incline treadmill, 4 sets of walking lunges with dumbbells, 3 sets of reverse flys on the machine, and 3 sets of back hyper-extensions.
I ended up doing 5 sets of dumbbell rows tonight while my wife was on the elliptical, and my son was on the treadmill.
Tonight was good.

10min EMOM:
5 deadlifts(225)
10 hand release pushups

Both movements in one minute, repeat every minute.

Then 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 of strict pullups and hand stand push ups. Finished in 13:25. Went unbroken on all my HSPUs which was a huge win for me as they have been something I've struggled with.

Weight this morning was 201.3 :bounce2:
Today's workout was 6 sets of flat barbell bench press, 4 sets of incline dumbbell bench press, 4 sets of flys, and 4 sets of skull crushers with the EZ curl bar super set with 4 sets of tricep pull-downs with the double rope.
Today's workout was 25 minutes on the elliptical, followed by 5 sets of standing barbell OHP super set with 4 sets of straight arm pull downs.
Got about 2hrs worth of whiffle ball in yesterday...it was frickin hot. I think they extended the distance between bases, reckon it’s time to start increasing the cardio.

Did The Murph workout with F3 on this Memorial Day in memory of Lt. Michael Murphy and all that gave their lives to protect our freedom.

1 mile run

100 pull-ups (I did 10 full pull-ups, the rest were inverted pull-ups, modify as necessary)

200 pushups

300 squats

1 mile run

@Mulishajoe & I just finished Murph too! It took 80min & brought the suck but we finished. :usa::rockon:
Nothing formal but worked in the yard and on the blue bucket Fri and Saturday like I was 25 again. Continued the trend Sunday and damn near fell out in the yard. It was A/C and racing all afternoon after that. Today was finding waterfalls with the family at Hanging Rock.

Maybe I need to start a more formal workout routine and/or come to piece with the fact that I ain’t a spring chicken anymore. Nahhh!
Murph was yesterday. 20lb weight vest. Finished in 63:10. Did all pullups/pushups/squats as prescribed. I did partition it. Pretty sore today.

This happened last Friday. First time since 2006 that I've been under 200.

Murph: 1:20 or so...

Real Murph. The way god intended. Not broken up 5,10, 15 BS...

I did have a few beers during. Because America.

Next year I'm going to try and do it straight through. This was the first time I did Rx with a vest. Last time I did it, I did 50 pullups and 50 ring rows and wore a vest. That time was 59:30. So, I'll take the 3min slower time with all the pullups.