What have you done to your rig today?

I dropped the belly skid, pulled the tunnel cover and checked all the linkage on the T case. Popping out of 4wd. Up next is detent springs.

Also found a mouse house in the skid. Evicted!

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Installed the brake booster and mc I bought last weekend from that black fella @Paul
Yes, i am.
Somebody should have warned you.

I took care of my trailer today: fixed a brake, packed a bearing, welded a clip to the frame on each side to pull the fenders to the frame (they bowed out towards the tire sidewalls since day 1), added 1/4" wheel spacers to keep the sidewalls safe from the fenders when maneuvering, and finally changed that last marker light to LED (there were eight total, I've just been lazy).
Didn't touch the buggy but got the spare engine tore down with the wife and dropped off the block at the machine shop. Called TK1 racing and got a new sway bar headed here to replace the one that just broke in half:mad:


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Didn't touch the buggy but got the spare engine tore down with the wife and dropped off the block at the machine shop. Called TK1 racing and got a new sway bar headed here to replace the one that just broke in half:mad:
If you need a hand working on it, holla at a brotha.
Though your current helper looks waaaay better than me LOL!
Yesterday pulled both front and rear diffs. The front was a pain and I didn't get everything nearly as clean as I thought, but they are out and ready to be regeared.

Today was cleaning the front diff, pulled the leaky bilstein's and changed the fuel filter which was way over due.
Aww, it's so cute- the baby motor on the engine stand...

Didn't touch the buggy but got the spare engine tore down with the wife and dropped off the block at the machine shop. Called TK1 racing and got a new sway bar headed here to replace the one that just broke in half:mad:

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