World Population

BLUF: China's major advantage overt he world - having shitpiles of people - is vanishing quickly and likely headed to economic collapse.
This will be interesting to see what unfolds.

Quick search and from one source (the CIA, because we know that we can trust them).

Death and Birth Rates/1000 for China and US.
Death: 7.8
Birth: 9.7
shows and increase of 1.9/1000
Reported Pop. growth was 0.18%

Death: 8.4
Birth: 12.2
shows an increase of 3.8/1000
Reported Pop. growth was 0.68%

Interesting that 40 out of 236 countries showed a reduction in their population. Population growth rate

BLUF: China's major advantage overt he world - having shitpiles of people - is vanishing quickly and likely headed to economic collapse.
This is gonna really suck for the PEOPLE of China, many of whom already have relatively shitty lives. However, this is exactly what I would wish on their govermint.
I watched some snooty geopolitical dude about a year ago predict this and the collapse of their economy within 10 years. One factor being is what you guys mentioned with population, the other is they don’t create anything. They steal and reverse engineer. If that ability is taken away they fall. So he says. I’m not clear on how you stop the reverse engineering. They’ll find a way.
so glad we're building 2-3 parks in China. :rolleyes:

I was worried when they told me that 5 years ago. I said "Bad Idea". But on the plus side, how many people get to say they run a production facility in the US that is manufacturing products going to China?
I mean even if the population drops by 10 million a year and they do nothing to correct it, it will take almost a hundred years to have as few people as the US. Think about how much the world has changed since 1923.
I mean even if the population drops by 10 million a year and they do nothing to correct it, it will take almost a hundred years to have as few people as the US. Think about how much the world has changed since 1923.
And land area wise... we're not too different in size.
Just goes to show how many people are there.

(and of course we also have a shit ton of space w/o people)
And land area wise... we're not too different in size.
Just goes to show how many people are there.

(and of course we also have a shit ton of space w/o people)
July 4 Usa GIF
The irony of their labor shortage is that they are some of the most racist (or at least ethno-centric) people of Earth and treat domestic resident foreigners like crap.
The irony of their labor shortage is that they are some of the most racist (or at least ethno-centric) people of Earth and treat domestic resident foreigners like crap.
My best friend lived over there for a few years as a teacher. Said anywhere outside of the school, she always got funny looks and snide comments.

Granted, she's a 6'3" redhead. I'm sure that doesn't help lol.
Wanting/preffering a more homogeneous population is racist?

there are examples of a more homogeneous populations being a bit less volatile
To answer your question, yes it is if it categorizes the homogeneous population based on race.

Now, the real question is: can a case be made for reasonable racism or any other 'ism?

I would say there is a legitimate argument on some level that a population can say we don't want to deal with variance in X factor because of the friction/additional logistics it causes. I don't agree with it as a solution, particularly at the National level. But I'm not a citizen of Japan.