Lots of interesting news today

That is a given. But if you have no option and have to choose one? Do you take a reality show guy that does some good for the common man or a career politician? If that are your only choices.
I take the one the current administration, creepy tech people and Hollywood isn’t behind.

Honestly it’s all theater for bigger things to come.


I see your covfefe and raise you a “… all kidding aside, of course, President Harris, who’s a proud Howard alumn, she might have something to say about Delaware State.”, a "‘58th’ birthday", a "Six Day War", a "Libya" and a "Putin may circle Kyiv with tanks, but he'll never gain the hearts and souls of the Iranian people,” I believe that's a Full House of Gaffes.

Covfefe was just a drunk tweet in the middle of the night. Biden's never-ending stream of gaffes is a daily occurrence in the middle of his job on the world stage. Don't get me wrong. I did not like Trump. I didn't want to vote for him, but I never got a chance to vote for Huckabee like I wanted to. He dropped out before NC even had their primary.
The whole notion of "lets clog the DC beltway and cause bad traffic!" is the most ironic shit ever.

DCers are like, "Bitch clogged traffic is a way of life here."
I still don't understand the convoy

Every state but Hawaii has lifted the restrictions already, and Hawaii is doing so on the 26th
"according to DailyBeast."
I'm pretty sure we don't need to trust Daily Beast to know that the traffic around DC is already awful.
Not sure if this one has been posted yet. @jeepinmatt I think they had you specifically in mind with their opening line. (once you click on the article)


And sure, I'll say it: Here we go with yet another East Asian infestation. 🙄
Not sure if this one has been posted yet. @jeepinmatt I think they had you specifically in mind with their opening line. (once you click on the article)

View attachment 368489

And sure, I'll say it: Here we go with yet another East Asian infestation. 🙄
I think people would be a lot more receptive to spiders if they were reminded that spiders eat flies and mosquitoes.
The part of the article about a bunch of the trucks being broke down was "according to the DailyBeast". The rest was par for course.
and I'd contend that on any given day on 495, you'd expect the exact same thing ;-)