86 4Runner build

All that dirt in the axle looks awful. Tires look awesome though.

Thanks man, and yeah the whole long side tube was full of sandy dirt. Might have to just use it as a mock up/roller axle, no way the dana 44 will hold up to these. Dana 60 search has begun.
I like the direction this thing is going...

But you don't need tons for those 39.5's, they've been on yota axles since they were new. They were bought new and ran for years on this sua 40, before my 40, and Matt's mini truck...


Those boggers have held up great and will look badass on full widths on the runner
That FJ is badass, I might stick with it for a lil while, but when I can possibly get and regear a 60 for what I'm going to have to put in the Dana 44 I might as well just go 60. Planning on full hydro as well and no sense in welding mounts on the 44 to just have to redo it on a 60. Kinda afraid hydro will just rip the knuckle off the 44 with 39.5s.

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If you dont set your ram up the right way, hydro steering will break parts on any axle. Im not trying to talk you out of a 60 but I am saying that they breakable to. If you dont set stuff up the right way your going to break parts.
I know the 60 is breakable, but while discussing rams. Would you go single end or dual end for a full hydro setup?

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Got a little grinding done while my buddy (87gmcjimmy) was working on the other side. Should have the frame rails smooth after tomorrow.



I've now learned that under the right condition grinding is relaxing, just make sure you have ear plugs and spark protection. Still wish I had a set of torches or a plasma.

Random floating sawsall
getting all cleaned up, looking good man!
getting all cleaned up, looking good man!

Yup it's getting there. Me and Morgan (thanks again man) did a little more work today.



Need to go get some box tubing to extend the frame rails a little bit and foundation for a bumper. Me and Morgan got a pretty good idea for mounting the front crossmember. Still got a few more brackets to cut off, lot less than before.

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Update: gettin a Dana 60 housing tomorrow, me and the Dana 44 were having fears :lol: Anyways got the tcase tore apart, had a nice mud tint. Everything looked ok though. Started grinding the new wheel studs for the rear disc swap.

Got some badass caster for free :D

Think I'm gonna make some axle movers out of them.

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Got bored and finally fixed my throttle bracket, should have taken a before pic but trust me it was not intended to be mounted the way it was.

Got the trans out, clutch and flywheel had def seen better days. Notice the replacement grade 5 flywheel bolt:eek:


Pretty sure that grass isn't part of the required parts for install
Changed my mind about gearing, found a great deal on a set of 4.10s that I couldn't pass up.

That and finally picked up the 60 housing. Wanted to get an idea of how wide it will be.

Still gathering parts, school and work are making progress slow.

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Nice build lloking forward to seeing it on all fours. Last time I looked at this thread You had just painted it lol
Yeah it progressed a little different than planned. It'll be slow until the summer when I can actually make some money.

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Worked on my gauge cluster a lil today. Wanted to maintain the factory fuel gauge, check engine light, and 4wd light. Still has a little bit of work but you get the picture. Reason for no speedo is due to it will be trail on and it does measure in feet per min:D
Forced my self to get out in the shop a little. Tacked the spring hanger in to get an idea of things.

Think I'm gonna have a little trimming to do:D

Need to go pick up some square tubing to extend the rails a bit. Anybody have advice on how far in I should put the new rails in?

Spring hanger location, going to gusset the outside to the frame rail and plate the bottom and inside. Overkill? Not enough? Will 3/16ths be enough?

Very rough indication of the wheelbase stretch, bout 12.5 inches. Final wheelbase is kinda looking to be about 115ish.
What does 3 sawsall blades and 1/2 a grinding disc get you. A 95% shaved 14 bolt. :flipoff2:


Still gonna grind a little more off and try to smooth the bottom a lil bit. Want it to be smooth as silk cause I'm gonna drag it all over the place :D

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soooo.... why are you stretching the wb so much? putting on massive tires?

Main reason is I hate the spring hanger being on the flat of the frame. Also I didn't want to loose any room inside or compromise departure angle. That and the plan is run 42-44s down the road. The immediate plan is to run the 39.5s I have now or trade for iroks in the 42 flavor.

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14 bolt disc brakes are on

Also got one ruf pack completely done, I got the wrong center pin for other one and also have to cut off a spring clamp.

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