88 XJ..." The Abomination"

My last XJ build had 2x6 1/8 wall rocker replacement and worked like a champ. Pushed all the way in, the edge of the 2x6 came out about an inch and a half which is nice because it keeps the doors from getting scraped off. 1/8 is plenty in rhis application and I on more than one occassion slammed down on mine from full throttle assults 3' in the air and never put a dent in them. Take the time to cut the rockers out and brace it well to the "frame".
ok so on the step bars: i really made them more for wife and daughter to have something to ease getting in and out of but was hoping it would hold up to some kind of abuse. Having said this, and having said your comments guys...with other square tubing that i have left over like what they are made of, is there a way to beef them up a little to work better? i don't really want to cut and redo cause it's for steps for the wife mainly and i don't play around rocks much but figured try to beef the steps up however i could to hold up to some rock abuse...any way to strengthen them with all the angle iron i have or other square tubing. thanks guys

On other cool new, i went up 1" in lift, bought new longer adjustable shackles and longer skyjacker 8000 shocks and WOW, my jeep actually flexes now, even with this dirt cheap lift...what u think


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and this is with track bar still limiting the front cause i'm waiting for my steering to show up to modify that.
what about the rear? in those pics, the front is doing all the work/travel.

What type of square tubing do you have? The angle would be much stronger against rocks with the flat part down, but that is counter to being a step. I would cut the braces off flush with the body and weld a 2"x2" .250 wall tubing to the end of them, such that it sits just outside the vertical plane of the door. it will still act as a step, but also function as a slider.

I know you said you don't do much rock, but all these yellow/red trails at the Flats you mention running have enough rock to hose your rockers, esp when its wet.
what about the rear? in those pics, the front is doing all the work/travel.
the rear is still way way better than it was but the shocks are acting like bump stops for going up and the droop is a lot better than before but today i gotta unbolt shocks and see if they are still limiting the front and rear on my ramp again cause the new longer shackles had plenty more to go down so maybe the shock was fully out already. if one side of the leafs can't go up but so far does it limit the downtravel of the other side or no...i loosened the shackle bolts and it did do a little better on the ramp but when i flexed it on the hill next to the shop, the shackle actually extended all the way so it's not bad for such a cheap cheap build and at least i won't carry nearly as much tire now with this better flex.
well it was fun while it lasted but it's time for her to go and another one to build...later this week she's going back to being a "pavement Princess" LOL not bad for 88xj after wheeling with no doors for six months...
88xj new paint.jpg
I know you said you don't do much rock, but all these yellow/red trails at the Flats you mention running have enough rock to hose your rockers, esp when its wet.
LOL yeah i know..the rocks like Easy st has grown on me and i love that trail but still hate the rocks....they eat up tires too much and quick and i haven't even spun em hardly at all.
my own version of bedliner..it works!!
What is it? Roofing tar?
ha ha...no it's rustoleum oil pased paint rolled on with roller and mixed sand with it...then put 2 more coats of just paint with roller over that and voila...it only looks like that cause it's the Gloss Black so it makes it pop out more but looks pretty descent...the guy buying it wanted it like that and he loves it...that's all that counts!
Seems like I've seen a couple jeeps covered in every color rtv available lately lol
not mine..i got nothing to hide. i will gladly admit to my work but i only use black RTV so i haven't slightest clue of what ur referring to. I'm not the only guy in boone that services XJs...i hope to be maybe another 4-5yrs and getting there but not quite yet lol. I've got pretty good customer base though for being small business guy and most of them are word of mouth..i have no marketing but CL and so far nobody tells me they came from that post so that's the beauty of small town is get known and do people right, you get good business and good rep. <<(this must be really hard to believe for a lot of you)
not mine..i got nothing to hide. i will gladly admit to my work but i only use black RTV so i haven't slightest clue of what ur referring to. I'm not the only guy in boone that services XJs...i hope to be maybe another 4-5yrs and getting there but not quite yet lol. I've got pretty good customer base though for being small business guy and most of them are word of mouth..i have no marketing but CL and so far nobody tells me they came from that post so that's the beauty of small town is get known and do people right, you get good business and good rep. <<(this must be really hard to believe for a lot of you)
I will admit the last I saw that I know came from you was black. It was pretty thick but hey it wasn't leaking. Do you mix sand with it too?
I will admit the last I saw that I know came from you was black. It was pretty thick but hey it wasn't leaking. Do you mix sand with it too?
well yeah when i use it, i make sure it's enough and won't leak which never has but yeah i put sand in the paint and mix it every so often and roll it on. i've sold a few paint jobs like this and so far people love it for any "trail riding" type jeep/truck for durability and ease of touch ups!!
How do you think that mixture would be for a shop floor?
it works really good on decks so i guess it would work on shop floors....if you put it on shop floors, use the concrete sand not playsand...it holds better on some decks i've done and more ruff and resistant to being broken/peeled/scratched away. either way, you lay down one coat of the mixture with the grit in it...once that's totally dry dry, then lay on another 1-2 coats depending how much you want of just regular paint on top of that to kinda lock in the grit...hope that made sense
^^^lol sorry to laugh but it's funny. hope you're alright though. with my bad knees i have nowadays, i wouldn't think twice to jump from any height lol.
Time to revive this "Abomination XJ" build: add ons since last post lol. Turning into one awesome XJ, at least I love it and my most favorite XJ Toy yet!!!
flat bottom rock sliders (freaking awesome how they tuned out)...roll cage tied in to them too
D44 front & rear 4:09 geared
homebrew front bumper $10
homebrew rear bumper $10
interior Cage....NOT FINISHED but something to start with...laugh all you want, better than nothing
body armor.. was bored, had scrap stuff and needed something to do with the new plasma cutter lol
I'm not posting this to get likes...just giving everyone some good laughs for a while ....that is until my doubler gets done, I'm making it too
drivers side view.jpg
drivers side control arm.jpg
back seat area.jpg
front axle complete view.jpg
front bumper.jpg
front diff gussett view.jpg
passenger control arm.jpg
passenger dash.jpg
rear diff housing.jpg
rock sliders bottom.jpg

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