Automotive bubble....has it burst?

That is a separate and secondary data point.

And neither of them even address your assertion that
Lack of originations since 2020 due to lack of cars to buy. Can't be delinquent on a loan that doesn't exist.
lower whole numbers dont change percentages...

Or are you just whistling while you carry the goalposts across the room?
Or are you just whistling while you carry the goalposts across the room?
Wait... aren't you the guy that just wrote a dozen paragraphs ignoring that the Experian article said exactly what I said it did?
Wait... aren't you the guy that just wrote a dozen paragraphs ignoring that the Experian article said exactly what I said it did?

Maybe you need to read the very article you keep referencing.
The article states that rates are increasing and give a series of data points I have pasted previously in this thread.
Next The article references NC ranking and offers a link to the article where the ranking can be found.
These are two different data points from the same company (experian)
You then state since the ranking is based on 30 days late EVER - that the first data point which is current not ever data the point is invalid.

When called on that, you then changed the argument from rates (also known as percentages) you shifted to talking about total sales and total delinquencies when that was never part of the discussion.

Even though you did it with tons of confidence and bravado - it didnt change the fact that your points dont hold water.
Wait... aren't you the guy that just wrote a dozen paragraphs ignoring that the Experian article said exactly what I said it did?
For the reading comprehension challenged in here, please quote the part of the article that states delinquency rates are below average and returning to normal.
I dont see how yall have time to argue this much on the internet. And that's saying a lot coming from me :D
It takes less time than arguing in person.
For the reading comprehension challenged in here, please quote the part of the article that states delinquency rates are below average and returning to normal.
I don't think that's in the Experian article, but you can easily find it elsewhere. Sub prime loans aren't created at a constant rate. In general, they're more likely to be created for new cars because the risk to the bank is less. A lack of new cars contributed to a lack of subprime loans being created. A lack of subprime creation (and creation in general) contributes to lower rates of delinquency. Ron thinks this is mixing and matching, but doesn't understand the values change over time.

Regardless, 10pct of loans aren't 30d late all at the same time.
I am the same as you.
What I have come to realize from talking to some - is a whole lot of people did stupid. Over bought homes, and then the market explosion allowed them to sell and/or refinance to pull out a bunch of cash.
They saw the positive and mis-attributed it to their pleasurable behavior. They then repeat the bad action because they no longer fear the consequence.

I think some of it also is keeping up with the Jones’s. People get jealous and want what others have so they don’t make rational decisions
I think some of it also is keeping up with the Jones’s. People get jealous and want what others have so they don’t make rational decisions
As long as you're a Jones, it's no big deal. Lol.
You're so right. People need to focus on things that actually matter and have long lasting results instead of shiny random __________ that'll be gone and forgotten shortly.
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As long as you're a Jones, it's no big deal. Lol.
You're so right. People need to focus on things that actually matter and have long lasting results instead of shiny random __________ that'll be gone and forgotten shortly.

Exactly, stick to things on 2 wheels that is what really matters!

My honda accord does the job just as good as a bmw, and costs half the price or less. Do I still dream at times about getting that nicer car, sure, but then the rational side of me is like why the hell do you need something that costs twice as much, that does the same thing really and you could enjoy life another way other than with the money into a car.

But I still need an ebike so i can keep up with you!
My honda accord does the job just as good as a bmw, and costs half the price or less. Do I still dream at times about getting that nicer car, sure, but then the rational side of me is like why the hell do you need something that costs twice as much, that does the same thing really and you could enjoy life another way other than with the money into a car.
Eurodepreciation is real. There's a lot of reasons my DD is a luxodiesel. A 5-10 year old BMW is probably the same price as a 5-10 year old Accord :laughing:
Ebikes are the gateway drug to squatting to piss. :flipoff2:
Saw this in an ad yesterday. Thought it was funny that the bike costs more than both jeeps in the background


Only $7499?
You'd die if you saw what a full custom, everything carbon, full pimp, analog MTB *could* go for.
I've heard. Step son works for a bike shop in Columbia. He puts those things together.