
I'm on the far other end.
Even if I'm on a black label Even Williams or McKenna I still want it neat.

If ice goes in the glass so does ginger beer and it becomes a Kentucky mule...and I do that fairly commonly as well.

I can't stand cold bourbon, to me it masks the flavor.

I mean ultimately you do you there isn't a right or wrong answer here, it's all about what you like.

But if my man is keeping buffalo in the freezer, I'll dump it in my canteen and fill it with old crow he probably cant tell the difference.

Once you get into below freezing and start taking the water out of the suspension you are changing the chemistry and essentially drinking a thin syrup.
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I'm learning but still prefer a big ol Ice cube in any bourbon.
Oh it's totally like "what oil do I use"

Don't let anyone tell YOU how to enjoy bourbon.

I'm sharing my preference. It sure ain't gospel :D
Oh it's totally like "what oil do I use"

Don't let anyone tell YOU how to enjoy bourbon.

I'm sharing my preference. It sure ain't gospel :D
I have graduated from normal cubes to the single yuggee cube, i just like it cold, not watered down. If it doesn't have a bite ya tend to drink it too fast lol.

I view bourbon like coffee if you can't drink it strait or black it's the wrong brand.
Oh it's totally like "what oil do I use"

Don't let anyone tell YOU how to enjoy bourbon.

I'm sharing my preference. It sure ain't gospel :D bourbon (sub-$50) gets mixed, usually with coffee. Everything else is room temp and neat. In general, I don’t like cold liquor.
I like ice in mine. I have one of those molds that makes 4 big ice balls. I grab one each night and throw it in a glass. I keep filling it till it's gone.
I have one of those molds that makes 4 big ice balls.
I have the flexible molds of both ball and YUUUUGE square. Like barely fitting in the bourbon glass kinda big. I prefer the square. Lasts longer, therefore more trips to the bar for refill :huggy:
Depends on my mood but majority of the time, I like a big cube or ice ball. Some bourbons are supposed to have splash or drop of water in them while others supposed to drink neat. In my bar tending days we had a class on bourbons and scotches forgot half the shit but certainly interesting.

Drink it how you like and enjoy! Mine is with a big ice chunk and Padron cigar if possible!
I usually put a splash of water in mine, Splash meaning not even 10% of the Bourbon. We do have the large cube mold and use them occasionally depending on what I'm drinking, I bought a square silicone 6 piece mold and it leaves residue on the cubes, I don't care if it is food safe that aint cool. I have a plastic sphere mold that molds three, gets used occasionally. Drinking less Bourbon at home since I have the Kegerator now.
I always put a giant ice cube in mine. They tend to melt slower than the regular cubes, so I dont worry much about the diluting of the bourbon. I have heard that some should be served room temp with nothing in them, but I am always doing the wrong thing with stuff like that. Supposedly lighting a cigar with anything other than a wood match or one of those fancy torch lighters is bad, but my white trash ass uses a Zippo. I also hear that good wine is supposed to have a cork instead of screw top lid, but the gallons of guinea red at the store only have screw on tops, lol.

*for anyone that has never heard guinea before, its like the N-word for my ethnicity only you dont have say G-word since Italians are still white, you can just call me a guinea bastard.
*for anyone that has never heard guinea before, its like the N-word for my ethnicity only you dont have say G-word since Italians are still white, you can just call me a guinea bastard.
Sheesh...all this time I thought you was messican
I always put a giant ice cube in mine. They tend to melt slower than the regular cubes, so I dont worry much about the diluting of the bourbon. I have heard that some should be served room temp with nothing in them, but I am always doing the wrong thing with stuff like that. Supposedly lighting a cigar with anything other than a wood match or one of those fancy torch lighters is bad, but my white trash ass uses a Zippo. I also hear that good wine is supposed to have a cork instead of screw top lid, but the gallons of guinea red at the store only have screw on tops, lol.

*for anyone that has never heard guinea before, its like the N-word for my ethnicity only you dont have say G-word since Italians are still white, you can just call me a guinea bastard.

We always called it dago red. Still do. My uncle makes some bangin ass dago red. I wouldn't expect anything else from my wop side of the family.

Way to fuck up the bold text dumbass.
Sheesh...all this time I thought you was messican
When my beard is longer I get mistaken for middle eastern too, lol. There are people on this forum who refer to me as Aloha Snackbar over the CB on the trails.
Maternal grandmother was Sicilian born on a boat as her family emigrated into Ellis Island.
Grandfather was NC hillbilly.

They used to argue like the Honyemooners....the things they called each other.
Well it was mostly
"Fawkin WOP"
"We stood in line for 3 days we got papers - you rotten hillbilly"

But they loved each other to the end.

I miss them both...
Went to Ohio, to visit my "Rents" dad gave me two bottles that were bottled over 50years ago, 1969 and 1970. The distiller name is Ezra Brooks, anyone know anything about these? Company is now out if business, going to do a little more research later over the next few days. I broke the seal on the Queen by accident, cork was dry and snapped off, so I'm probably going to drink it next month since I'm turning 50, (seems appropriate to me). Hopefully not too much air got to it.


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Picked this up today. I'd give it a 3 out of 5. Very sippable neat.

When it comes to Jefferson’s, my preferred is the ‘very old, very small batch’. Roughly the same price as you pictured, but much smoother and better tasting IMO.
Went to Ohio, to visit my "Rents" dad gave me two bottles that were bottled over 50years ago, 1969 and 1970. The distiller name is Ezra Brooks, anyone know anything about these? Company is now out if business, going to do a little more research later over the next few days. I broke the seal on the Queen by accident, cork was dry and snapped off, so I'm probably going to drink it next month since I'm turning 50, (seems appropriate to me). Hopefully not too much air got to it.
Ezra Brooks is available now, new.
Not sure if its reviving an old name or what - but my local has it. Havent personnaly tried it yet.
Gonna try it on the 18th or 19th. Hopefully not too much air got to it for too long. Also, gonna do a lead test before I try it.
I'm gonna back up and change my review of Cooper's. I went ahead and finished the bottle. The more I drank of it (over time) the better it got for me. I still wouldn't choose it over BT but I think it deserves more credit than what I gave it for on first glance.
I still wouldn't choose it over BT if that shit was ever on the shelf but since BT is more scarce than strippers without kids and daddy issues, I think it deserves more credit than what I gave it for on first glance.

BTW sipping on some coopers right now
I'm gonna back up and change my review of Cooper's. I went ahead and finished the bottle. The more I drank of it (over time) the better it got for me. I still wouldn't choose it over BT but I think it deserves more credit than what I gave it for on first glance.
