Cl find of the day

Basically the pony motor spins the diesel til it gets warm, then you turn on the fuel and turn off the compression release til the diesel starts right? I have seen them started but it’s been a long time.
Pony motor is a gas engine, used as a warmer & starter. The pony motor exhaust dumps into the diesel exhaust, to help heat up the cylinders. After it runs a bit, you open the compression release, & engage the starter, once the diesel gets to spinning, you close the compression relief & hope it cranks up. If not, try again! [where's that either bomb?] :smokin:
Saw this shitfest on marketplace today. $20k for a broke-back 2001 tahoe?


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Saw this shitfest on marketplace today. $20k for a broke-back 2001 tahoe?

He's got to sell it before it becomes illegal to drive. Spent all his money on the powder coat and wheels, can't afford to fix it.

Thanks for looking out for me, but I'll pass. Mine originally came with half doors, and I paid $900 in 2003 dollhairs to get a set of full doors shipped out here from Utah because I got tired of everything scuffing and scratching the plastic windows, plus the full doors were quieter and easier to roll up and down. Sold my half doors a couple (probably 6-8 :laughing:) years back to a guy on the board up in Hickory who doesn't post much.
Coming home from camping last weekend there was a crash on I40 and we detoured through Canton. There was a camo painted sami sitting by the road with $9,999 on it :eek:

I think the one in the link below is the one you are talking about. I drive by it everyday and my jaw almost hit the floor when I saw that in the windshield.

I think the one in the link below is the one you are talking about. I drive by it everyday and my jaw almost hit the floor when I saw that in the windshield.

No, it was much uglier than that.
I randomly stumbled across my old mustang on craigslist. Look like the PO rebuilt the engine and attempted to rewire it. Not sure why he got rid of the old wheels that were on it either.
Kinda wish I could buy it back.


@jeepinmatt will probably be the only one who appreciates this! I am amazed to see it still mounted on the pallet I built for it 4-5 years ago.
Yep! That was a damn good pallet! Looks like he got about as far with it as I did :laughing: I sold it back in January after a couple years of it just collecting dust. Not sure what his beef is with the blue paint, I think it looked better than the Delta gray that it probably originated with.
Probably a geographical thing. @UTfball68 change your location to Churchville, MD and it will probably show up.
yeah, come up here and have a beer or three and I'm sure it will show up :beer: