FB MP finds of the day.

Ad's been changed since i saw it. One of my questions was title. No number then. I have enough headaches without chasing titles.
Yeah I've chased worse things that gave me a little tingle when I look at them. This ol' girl has that come do dirty rough things to me look. Bit safer then some of my other choices.
Ever since I was a kid I have always loved the 6's. IDK why but it is my preferred Jeep. Seems like a deal to me,


Saw that the other night. I bet it will haul ass with the 225.
Sarcasm? I know nothing of the 225.
First Jeep I ever had was a M38A1 w a 225.Too fast for the brake's that was on it.
I'm sure the brakes were crap.

So this was taken in 1984. I was 16 and my love for Jeeps began that year. 9th Grade trip to Edisto, SC. I think it was a 73 or so CJ6?

CJ6 Edisto, SC.jpg
Had one in HS with a small cam, long tubes and a 390cfm 2barrel. It was a straight ripper on some 33’s. That was an early jeepster.
I went to school w a guy who had one in a datsun pick up.
A few years later I had a ‘85 Toyota with the 231 (3.8 ltr) V6 700r4 and that thing was a champ too. That motor came out of an older regal when they were still RWD.
they've been put in everything over the years.