Feeling Old at 32...

I take a walk almost every day after work, through a few nearby tract neighborhoods. I'd do it in the morning but I find it's more useful after work then before, to burn off work stress.

I string together a loop about 3 miles of street/sidewalk, and it takes less than an hour. Put on headphones, start walking. Walking 3 miles isn't a huge amount of exercise (walking fast helps) depending on your level of fitness, but it's head clearing, and still satisfying. It will likely raise your level of fitness enough that you don't feel as tired when doing normal life stuff, like walking around the house and doing chores, cooking, etc.

Sometimes I go with the wife, but she likes shorter walks and is shorter (slower) so it's more leisurely and doesn't clear my head the same way without silence and music.

Seriously, right now it's all about getting out of the house and doing something different, partly for exercise and partly for mental health.

Also, be wary of the signs/symptoms of depression, which can manifest in the ways that you're talking about. I think that was already mentioned, and it's very relevant here.
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Your first three replies have said what you needed to hear honestly, but I'll add .005 cents to the mix

Others have mentioned how DIET contributes a great deal to slugishness, and Jody touched on it, but I'll be more specific....SUGAR and how you process foods/alcohol will also effect you. Also because you're now in your 30's the stuff you consumed in your 20's will not process the same in your 30's

If you don't like exercise then just give a change in diet a chance.

Cut out all sugars for a week. No bread, no soda's (and believe it or not, DIET sodas are worse than regular soda because maltodextrin is worse than sugar) no alcohol.

What can it hurt? If you FEEL better, then start diving into it more and understand what you're putting into your body that's making you feel sluggish.

The OTHER part sounds a lot like mild depression. I'm no Dr, but Jen hit on it too...there's no shame in balancing your chemistry. I was in my 20's when my kids were small. Both of us working, both of us in high stress jobs, both of us feeling like the other could do more to help. And we were both tired. Hell man that's parenting. It DOES get better. but you've not said anything I didn't feel myself. It's part of adulting

Also....get out and have a boys night every now and again....a good campfire with bros that will tell you to nut up like Ben said. Sometimes you need to hear "put on your big girl panties and deal with it" to motivate you to try harder
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All these other guys are just trying to hide the secrets of life from you. The real keys to life are as follows:
Get away from your family
Spend more time baitin' (watch Idiocracy if you aren't sure what that means ;) )
Drink more beer and stronger beer
Subsist only on pizza and burgers
Go Riden with Biden
X2 of what's ben said already.
I'm normally pretty active at work, moving around a lot between office, labs, and other buildings. The first 3 months at home were awful for me, it wasn't obvious until hit a low around June.
Lack of exercise was the big thing for me - that and personal interactions.

What kind of exercise have you tried?
I found running (wel, really walk / jogging mix) to be the ticket. The Couch to 5k program is great. It dosn't matter if you don't want to run a 5k, the point is it's just a method to slowly get you up to a comfortable level of exercise. I like the routine of it, I go out M W F mornngs before work. I can tell te hdifference in how I feel teh days I get out, vs the days I skip due to bad weather, life things in the way etc,
Cut out all sugars for a week. No bread, no soda's (and believe it or not, DIET sodas are worse than regular soda because maltodextrin is worse than sugar) no alcohol.

If you cut out sodas (or sweet tea), taper it off, don't quit cold turkey. I tried to drop ice tea because it was shorting out my LBBB, and got one hell of a headache. After a couple of days of that, went back to tea, then slowly tapered off my intake over about 10 days.

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Sounds like a good start also will be to come out and join the Web Wheelers weekend at URE later this month.
I think some good ol' "fuckin aroudn w/ the guys" time would be a good rejouvination.
Sounds like a good start also will be to come out and join the Web Wheelers weekend at URE later this month.
I think some good ol' "fuckin aroudn w/ the guys" time would be a good rejouvination.

This. 100%. Theres really been no bad advice here.

I will be blunt, if I may. And I will....

You have a boring life. You’re stuck in the rat race. Nothing wrong with that at all, it’s called adulting. But sometimes you gotta stop adulting if only for a day or 2. When I asked if you had YOU time your reply was y’all have a group y’all get together with frequently. Read as: we go hang out with my wife’s friends and I talk to her friends husband. I have some friends like that. Great folks, absolutely killer. But they ain’t my people, they’re hers. I’d do anything for them, but I’m still on full time dad duty and such during those times.

I am a man of faith. I believe the Bible 100%. I also admit that I’ve been from one extreme to the other and land somewhere in the middle these days. My values are what they are based on the gospel of Jesus. With that said I fully admit I make poor decisions and cross the line every now and then. Is that right or wrong? That’s another discussion.
But when I go away for a weekend like I just had with just a few buddy’s, we wheel hard, eat good, and drink a little too much, and talk absolute crap to each other all weekend, I get reminded what I’m working so hard for. 1) provide for my family and be a good example. 2) save for a rainy day. 3) LIVE.

I work to live, not live to work. God put us here for His own creation, and to tell folks about Him. Gotta have some fun and enjoy all that He gave us too, in moderation. There’s a time and place for everything.

Short of the long, come to the get together and stay the night. After that, I’m sure we can find a passenger seat with my merry band of misfits and retards if you wanted to have a good long weekend of hard wheeling a crap talking sometime.

After a trip like that, you’ll be missing your family and eager to go back and be husband/dad/provider. It’s refreshing.
X2 of what's ben said already.
I'm normally pretty active at work, moving around a lot between office, labs, and other buildings. The first 3 months at home were awful for me, it wasn't obvious until hit a low around June.
Lack of exercise was the big thing for me - that and personal interactions.

What kind of exercise have you tried?
I found running (wel, really walk / jogging mix) to be the ticket. The Couch to 5k program is great. It dosn't matter if you don't want to run a 5k, the point is it's just a method to slowly get you up to a comfortable level of exercise. I like the routine of it, I go out M W F mornngs before work. I can tell te hdifference in how I feel teh days I get out, vs the days I skip due to bad weather, life things in the way etc,
What kind of exercise do I do?.. Well I run around after my little girl a lot of the times, we do go on walks once a week on the weekends (usually about 1.5 miles or so). If you were to look at me, you'd think I was an active MF, but the truth is, I have lost a lot of that "Go Go Go" I once had, where id be busy all day, go to bed late and wake up early and do it all over again and not feel any type of lag.
What kind of exercise do I do?.. Well I run around after my little girl a lot of the times, we do go on walks once a week on the weekends (usually about 1.5 miles or so). If you were to look at me, you'd think I was an active MF, but the truth is, I have lost a lot of that "Go Go Go" I once had, where id be busy all day, go to bed late and wake up early and do it all over again and not feel any type of lag.

I mean...I actually implemented family exercise time at my house. I know you said you hate it, and so do I...but I’m trying to relay that it’s fun, so my mindset isn’t imprinted in them. It’s just 30mins...usually sets of push ups/sit ups/planks/front and side lunges/body weight squats/jumping jacks. About once or twice a week we’ll do yoga (which I’ve always enjoyed) and go outside to run laps and jump rope. It’s 30 minutes, not much you can’t endure for 30mins. Edit...by the way, this is coming from a guy that was knocking on the door of 4bills in 2019 and is low 3’s now. And that’s all I’ve really been doing.
Your second and third post answers most of your quandry without any medical check ups and such.
Routine, very little real sweat equity, and plain ol adulting.
Welcome to being 30 plus and average Joe Smo' Married.

Get something going, find positive challenges and move your arse. Our bodies don't respond well to routine even while exercising. Bodies include the "mind". I went through the same rut and will slip back into it.

I'm mid forties, my rut started earlier and was triggered by my first marriage. Didn't really climb out and see the full scope until very recent.......read 20 years including raising a very good son to be proud of. I went blank did the routine and buried my head with a couple half Ass efforts along the way.

I have rekindled and found what I'm pasionate about. Even though I do it for a living I forgot why I should be doing it. The other is after a certain point I wasn't coaching or racing bikes or certain types of activities that got me some physical stress relief. Hell stopping heating with wood, starting teaching all pilled into a season where I was way less physically active year round. This and my last puzzle piece (more latter) my fitness and mental state was an all time low. A low that culminated after working off shifts for over a year and finally checking on my sleep.
I also held another job and did swinging shifts. In 20 years I had a lot of self made distractions and attempts. Searching for a combination that fixed kinda what you describe. Held one job for 15 years and look back and loved the work. But something still wasn't "all right".
You say you sleep. But do you rest. I could literally spend 10 hours a night in bed mostly asleep for weeks. Felt absolutely horrible. My body never felt rested. Turns out I need sleep therapy. Been on my machine for almost a month. Damn what a difference.

Get a check up. Do you snore? Do you toss and turn? Or do you wake real thirsty or choking?

Less convoluted....get exercise, do something for the passion of doing it (if it's what you do for a living don't let money and responsibilities kill it) and make sure sleep is really rest.
You say you sleep. But do you rest. I could literally spend 10 hours a night in bed mostly asleep for weeks. Felt absolutely horrible. My body never felt rested. Turns out I need sleep therapy. Been on my machine for almost a month. Damn what a difference.

Get a check up. Do you snore? Do you toss and turn? Or do you wake real thirsty or choking?

Less convoluted....get exercise, do something for the passion of doing it (if it's what you do for a living don't let money and responsibilities kill it) and make sure sleep is really rest.

This is what I was getting at earlier. You say you get plenty of sleep but are you actually getting to sleep. My mom and brother both would quit breathing and partially wake up, not enough to be conscious or remember, but never reached the deeper levels of sleep. I snore pretty bad and am overweight, I'm pretty sure if I get a sleep test done I'll need a CPAP too, but so far its not affecting me like it did them.

And I'll say again, see your regular doctor and have some bloodwork done, you could just be deficient on certain vitamins or minerals. If you dont have a regular doc, nows the time to be getting one anyway. Let them start keeping records while you're young and healthy, and they may spot trends in the future that could be a problem.

A lot of what you've posted sounds like you're healthy and just lack motivation. That could be mental like depression, or just laziness (like me). I have to work myself up to doing anything or I'll just come home and veg out in front of a computer or tv, but if I can get motivated I'm good to go. Ive spent most of this year working on Dad's c10 or my Fairlane every night for 2 or 3 hours and was feeling pretty good. I got the Fairlane caught up 3 weeks ago for now and have been just coming home and sitting and now I feel like crap. Part of my problem is I dont want to go walk the neighborhood when its 200 degrees after working in a non airconditioned shop all day. I'm trying to work on that because and I've started cutting portion sizes of meals because I need to loose at least 50 but preferably closer to 100 lbs. Four years ago I lost almost 40 lbs by cutting portions and walking 2 to 3 miles every day and was feeling great, lots of energy and my legs and feet didnt hurt anymore, then I hurt my back and stopped and lost all intrest. I've put the 40 back on and now its even harder to get it off cause Im not getting any younger (40 Y.O.)
All these other guys are just trying to hide the secrets of life from you. The real keys to life are as follows:
Get away from your family
Spend more time baitin' (watch Idiocracy if you aren't sure what that means ;) )
Drink more beer and stronger beer
Subsist only on pizza and burgers
Go Riden with Biden
I Hear you: Came home from work, back to the store for Ice Cream [frozen yogurt], Picked up my Pizza from Dominos, & watched a 3 hour Race! Then I started posting pictures here, & trolling! :popcorn:
Started another project today, building a jet boat, if I get a break in the rain going to pick up the "doner" jetski and see if I can get it running. I know how you feel, work and life is hard. The wife was a stay at home mom for 6 years last fall she got a job she really enjoys, then 2020 happened. It's amazing how much parents depend on routine and schools, kids change everything (kid's almost 7 just now getting to sleep in past 7). My son is in Scouts and I have just become a Den Leader, feeling better with more things to do instead of less. This year has everyone sideways, I was pretty down for a while then realized, it's time to be a kid again (PS the cops aren't stopping you for doing fun stuff right now). Good luck I hope you find something that get's your motivation going again.
I snore pretty bad and am overweight
I snored bad too but since I've lost 70 pounds Tonya says I rarely snore now.
F3 changed my life. It’s exercise, and it’s always free, always outdoors. But it’s more than the exercise that changed me. The men are genuine, and will do anything for you. When I was recovering from surgery, that group of men I workout with in the mornings did more for me and my family than our church. Proud of F3 for that, ashamed of my church for that. F3nation.com has a link for locations and times. They have locations up your way. You’ll find guys your age, you’ll find guys younger than you that can learn something from you, and you’ll find guys older than you that can share their wisdom.

we also do things for the community and have get togethers outside of workouts.
I got my first dirtbike at 32.....changed my life

Just got mine at 39...not counting the Yamaha Big Wheel we had in junior high. Would love to have that back.

I’ve been trying to get out of a (very sedentary) job I hate for around ten years now. I can definitely feel the toll that it, two kids under four, a lack of exercise and poor eating habits has taken on my body.

Been talking to my wife and she’s willing to make some life changes to help find a way out of the work situation so that’s a good step in that direction I think.

I could probably make a ton of excuses for diet/exercise, but the truth is I’m not a very high motivation/discipline guy when it comes to those.
I've been wanting another trail bike for a long time but Jake has also been wanting a street bike for about as long.I don't get a bike because I wont let him get one.Yeah he's 21 and can technically/legally do as he pleases but he's good kid and wont do it because he knows we don't want him on one.It would be shitty of me to do it when I won't let him.
Nothing wrong with you.
The medical answers .... meh, not a bad idea just to be safe.
I would bet you get home within minutes of the same time every day.
Park in the exact same spot.
Walk in the door, and do the exact same thing every time.
You go to bed within minutes of the same time every night get up the same time every morning.
Same, same, same,Same, same, same,Same, same, same,Same, same, same.

It's called being in a rut. Monotony.
It great for a while ... nice, comfy, safe, secure.
BUT BORING AS HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just break the routine in a safe sane manner and see if that helps.
One of the ways the wife and I done it together was a new hobby called geocaching.(new to us years ago)
Safe and simple, we saw places in a area we never knew existed.
That's one reason I started wheeling my Samurai.
That's why the old dudes a few posts above bought dirt bikes.
It doesn't have to be that extreme.
Just not routine.
That's why the old dudes a few posts above bought dirt bikes.

Hey...I just feel old, I’m not actually old :flipoff2:

Sorry to hijack this thread.
What is the story on the 55 in the back ground for sale ?

It’s my dads. Was for sale a while back, but he’s swapping in an LT1 at the moment after the original drivetrain called it quits.
