Frankenstein Street Queen (a.k.a. SpeedBump)

Just wanted to give a brief gander at the frame without uploading a gazillion pics!

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My junk will be running and driving by page 6 even given the severe bumpsteer in the tech department.

What's your hold up? :flipoff2:
My junk will be running and driving by page 6 even given the severe bumpsteer in the tech department. What's your hold up? :flipoff2:

Haha! Maybe i should be less pic heavy? Lol. In my defense there was alot of unrelated build progress the first couple pages!
Haha! Maybe i should be less pic heavy? Lol. In my defense there was alot of unrelated build progress the first couple pages!
It goes by post count. I try to combine as much into one post as possible. With that said, I just took up 1/4 of your page space.
Took the old leafs off the frame. The impact wrench was a blessing with that! I sanded one side and the top of that side. And shot it with rust preventive etching primer. The hardest part actually was pounding out the old leaf bolts on the stationary spring hangars. Got the front axles all cleaned up and primered. Got another coat of por15 on the axles and hubs. Progress!!! Oh and got some more coats of red on the knuckles.







Im excited for when I can get these axles to Jodi to set the gears! Then I can bolt the diff covers on and be ready for assembly/install under the frame! Working on this frame, but next on the purchase list are the RE 1.5 SOA Leafs, and the Novak mounts, spring bushings, body mount steel 1" pucks, and body mounts. I had thought about doing a steering box brace now, but decided not to, as it will be fine and I can look into doing that when I do the front D60 upgrade at a later date with hydro assist and all that jazz. Im very very excited and cant wait to start looking for the 5.3 to purchase!

Anyone wanna come help sand down the frame? Haha Free beer?
Got the front axles primed and then shot with rusto. One more touch up on that. Final coat on the knuckles. May have to to hit a spot or two again.


Got the d60 diff cover and stock shackles slathered with some por15. Got the front spindle bearings installed with seal



Picked up some essentials today. Need to get races installed in hubs! But dont plan on assembling axles until bolted under frame to make the two man carry easier. :)


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You can drop them off next week sometime and I'll work them in over the next couple weeks.
I have quite a bit scheduled, but that'll give you time to focus on the frame work.
Go ahead and drop the factory gas tank a d throw it in the garbage. Just a heads up.
Go ahead and drop the factory gas tank a d throw it in the garbage. Just a heads up.

Why do you say that? What do you propose?

You can drop them off next week sometime and I'll work them in over the next couple weeks.
I have quite a bit scheduled, but that'll give you time to focus on the frame work.

Woohoo! Ill touch basis with you and get them to ya!
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Pulled Zoom pressure plate and Lakewood bellhousing out of storage. Need to get them cleaned up and painted with a protectant to preserve until install. Will need to get a new clutch disc, and the pressure plate has a some rust I am going to have to sand out, hopefully it works.


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Ordered novak motor mounts this morning. Ill post up a pic when they arrive next week. All i need now for rolling chassis is the Re1.5 leafs i need to order.

Officially filing bankruptcy papers tomorrow now. ha!
Got the motor mounts and track bar mounts removed. Need to rent a pressure washer this weekend so I don't ruin another sanding disc prematurely because of the algae. Also want to wash the inside before I por15 the inside of the frame rails.





18 bucks of blades just to get them off not mention the three sanding disks this will take to get smooth and do the rest of the frame. I think when ALL said and done I will have more money in parts and materials then the build itself. Haha

Got the rest of the top and outside frame rails sanded and primed. Despite being dive bombed by a hornet no less than a dozen times. Haha. (I have an irrational fear of bees ever since getting stung in the ear as a kid)

Got the rear track bar mount and brake line and ebrake line mounts cut off with the last sawsaw blade. Sanded flush. What took the longest today was after flipping the frame to do inside and bottom of rails was discovering a lot of grime that I had to wire wheel off so I don't ruin my sanding disc. Well got all the wire wheel done just as the wife got home. She was feeling sick so had to stop.

Oh and forgot I got to bust out the welder and use it for the first time today. Never welded before but had a blast! The rear crossmember the bumper bolts to was been and cut. Don't know if you can see well but was pretty out of line. I managed to get it mostly bent back and then I spot welded the crack and filled in. Then using a hammer got it mostly back in line for the gas tank skid to bolt up I think. I may bang it on it some more with the hammer. Good enough for government work. Lol




Got the second and final coat of por15 on the underside inside and outside of frame done. Minus top coat.

Went ahead and started to replace bearing races in the hubs.

Painted the d60 diff cover with first coat of red and went ahead and painted the camaro clutch master red too!


Did the last hub bearings and seal. Coated top of frame and coated diff cover and clutch master again.

Dropping axles off wed to get regear. Picked up another set of jack stands. Gunna get frame coated with top coat and burn in motor mounts. Leafs will be here Monday along with bushings and greasable bolts. Anyone got pointers for what to coat leafs in? I left the RC ones as is and 8 months of barely driven already rusting. Bogus. Want to prevent that.

So next week should be getting the frame set up next to the YJ and starting to get thing a transferred over.

Realized I made a boo boo. I accidentally cut off the sway bar mount on the pass side. Guess what that means? Anti rock sway bar! Haha.

If I can get the regeared axles back quickly hopefully I can get a rolling chassis after next weekend.
New leafs came in! Got bored last night (no garage) so grabbed a headlamp and tore down the tcase. One more tcase to go, and a mixture of the parts should get a fresh box. Need to order a rebuild kit, or at least the seals. Will see what the condition of the other case is before I do. Also need to order the SYE. Thinking the jb super short. Any thoughts?


Ordered a super short SYE from Jb Conversions Inc. Got the 231 chevy kit, which will allow me to use a VSS speed sensor for the PCM.