Frankenstein Street Queen (a.k.a. SpeedBump)

Welded up the Novak mounts and then coated the mounts and frame in por15 topcoat. Frame officially done!!!








Got a link, that sounds like a good deal.

Does it come with harness computer and accessories?

AM Used Auto Parts
comes with harness. no pcm. all the yards i checked, charge seperate for a computer anyways, and i got a line on a local pcm. supposed to be coming with the harness, minus the ac compressor and starter. Got it with 78k, 3 year warranty, free shipping. my experience with yard harnesses tho, always expect a cut and diced harness that is ruined. Im okay with this as I am ordering a standalone harness
I can get you any ls computer you want. I see boocoos of them at my usual junkyard.
sweet. ill hit you up if my friends isnt able to work with mine. i emailed lt1swap to check if they can flash it.
Left the Tcase parts in the acid dip too long. Looks like the yoke did not appreciate it. Haha

Left the Tcase parts in the acid dip too long. Looks like the yoke did not appreciate it. Haha

What the hell kind of acid are you using ?

a proprietary acid the family company makes. It is 0.0 pH, non caustic < yes, non caustic. Super cool stuff. Left it in for a couple nights. (forgot i put them in, lol). Never seen it eat a metal that fast. It dissolves rocks pretty fast.... Makes you wonder what the yoke is made of?
The new LS crank arrived! Whose ready for the stroke?!?!?!?!


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POR15 topcoat on the new YJ leafs. I also flipped the bolt to run SOA. I tried washing the tcase in the dish washer (poor mans parts cleaner, haha). Didnt work. So took a wire wheel to it and put a coat of tractor paint on it. also got the frame coated with POR15 topcoat (not featured, lazy). 5.3 Engine is officially enroute. Woot! Obviously, got tcase torn apart. Need to get better snap ring pliers before doing the other one, to preserve the snap rings, as i demolished them and the rebuild kit didnt come with snap rings. Ordered the JB Conversions SYE (old news?) for a chevy np231, which will mount to my 231j so i can use a S10 VSS with the 5.3 engine.


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Out of order. Oops. But when tearing down the tcase the rear bearing on the front output shaft was a &@%^&@^#$&@$% to get out. I sanded with emry cloth and its pretty smooth. So hopeful. I may run it, or may use the other tcase back half and use the oem bearing in it. Not sure.


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I love when a customer drops off an empty axle housing. It gives me an opportunity to drag out my old Miller Tools pinion depth kit.
Fast forward an hour and a half and @ckruzer's invoice is halfway written. I'll try to get to your front end Friday sometime.
I know you're a pic posting machine, so here you go.
Setting up the pinion depth kit

Pinion depth measures 0.040"

First pattern, not bad at all

Backlash set at 0.007"

All buttoned up and ret' to go
I love when a customer drops off an empty axle housing. It gives me an opportunity to drag out my old Miller Tools pinion depth kit.
Fast forward an hour and a half and @ckruzer's invoice is halfway written. I'll try to get to your front end Friday sometime.
I know you're a pic posting machine, so here you go.

You are too awesome man. Thanks for the pics! Love the data share too. Good info to record in my work log.
JB Conversions super short SYE came in today! Woot! Time to finish this tcase rebuild (but need to get better snap ring pliers first).


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If you shop at Oriellys, they carry two types of snap ring pliers. The cheaper pair ($15 or so) are garbage. The more expensive pair ($25+) are the ones to get. if you're on a budget.
And like everything else, one simply can't have to nice of tools.
cool beans. dont think i have one of those close by, so prob going to swing by lowes then amazon