
was 3.67 at the Hess right at the corner of 194 and 421 up here in Boone this morning around 8:30...

Its up to 3.79 right now, and everyone is going ape shit over it.

I cant wait till i drive through granite. The hess station there can drop 2 cents and all those idiots wait in line for it. :shaking:
This shit makes those tree hugger, crying, screaming people look sane....
I got gas last night when no one was getting it and before the prices went up. (I only had a 1/4 tank) It was 3.69gal. for reg. This am it was 3.80 then 30mins. later it was 4.09 and now it is 4.69. The other stations are 3.95-3.99. I stopped to put gas in a truck that I'm borrowing this weekend. Lucky me the gas light was on when I picked it up. Well I stopped at a store that was already out of reg. and mid grades. I had to get premium for 4.15 gal. I picked a bad weekend to borrow the truck.
I cant wait till i drive through granite. The hess station there can drop 2 cents and all those idiots wait in line for it. :shaking:

Yep....That is the corner I turn at to go home and I just laugh at the cracktards lining up to get save a few cents a gallon. :shaking:

My wife and I haven't bought gas there in ages....too much trouble. My time is worth a bit more than a $1 saved on a full tank.
the bp by my house went from 3.69 to 3.79 when i drove by this morning.
the corner of 15-501 and garrett rd, 3.89 at about 11:30 then at 2 it was 3.99, but it was 3.68 yesterday.
Gas in Elkin went up 3 times today from3.51 to 3.78 so far. I think its a load of crap fuckin hurricane is cat 2 not a 5 big woop. its a reason to jack prices and cause panic nothing more.
remember if the price is 3.59 and they raise it to 5.50 without a tanker dropping gas then it becomes price problems (The G word)
Id like to tie mr fuel price guy in the middle fo a cat5 hurricane. That would be funnay.
Some stations here in town are above the 4 mark, some as high as 4.69. A Wilco was at 3.62 and ran out. When the truck filled them back up, the price went up a whopping 27 cent to 3.89. On TV, on the 5 oclock news, a station in Raleigh went from 3.51 to 3.68. ON TV!!! The station across the street was 4.79. Sounds like a bunch of fucking price gouging to me.

yeah it's definitely people price gouging. the Mountain Market has been slammed today with their price still at $3.77/gal for regular. i think the Outpost went up to $4.69 or so to try and cash in on all this - just like almost every other gas station. Thomasville i didn't see higher than $3.99/gal and Lexington is $3.89-99 when they were $3.69 this morning.
While I don't like them jacking the price up any more than the next guy, what is this "price gauging" BS?

Nobody is making these morons pay the higher prices, if you don't like the high price then don't buy it. Last time I looked, it's a free market economy here, you know supply and demand. If you knew you could raise the price 10-40% on whatever it is you sell, and people would still line up to buy it, until you ran out, what would you do?