Granny 2: The Resurrection

nice work don! hope to see you on the trail soon.
Looks great Don!
Keep up the good work!
Please don't paint the wheels yellow....
Things are shaping up nicely Don,. I am envious of you retired guys that have a little more wrenching time than I do... But hopefully my time will come in 20-25 years or so if wheeling is still allowed then.

Looking forward to it's maiden voyage, I just hope I can be there too!!!
Looks like they maybe be shipping me overseas around the first week of December now for a week or two. I hope I will be back in town for the Christmas party.
Quick update... I got most of the wiring sorted out, all of the gauges working, and nothing melted or set on fire. Yesterday afternoon I sanded and prepped the underside of the hood and edge of cowl and tub that mates to the front end. This morning I painted the underside of the hood and the areas mentioned. Now it can cure for a few days while I take a badly needed weekend break. :driver:


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man u do good work thats the way u do a color change on any vehicle .better get busy gonna be to cold to paint before long unless you have a heated garage .
Appreciate the compliment... ThanX. I am very much aware of the inevitable cold weather coming. Hopefully, I can stay ahead of it. If it comes early, I may be in a predicament.
With that green it looks more like The Hulk than a Granny.:lol:

Granny hulk?

Sharp work Don.
With that green it looks more like The Hulk than a Granny.:lol:
Granny hulk?
Sharp work Don.

Naw, The Hulk had big bulging muscles... Granny 2 is going to have smooth, curvy, feminine lines. :lol:

The Harlan ride would be a good place to break her in Don.
Looking sharp.

Harlan is out for me in November. I have committed to attending a Veteran's Day ceremony.
She's coming along really nice Don!
I like the color too.
It will be great to see her on the trail.
There was She Hulk too...but hopefully this new jeep won't be temperamental like she was. :lol:


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Granny 2 is alive and well! After the 3.5-day monsoon, I went back at it again. I got her running and actually drove her out the road about a mile. Everything seems to be working as it should be. I have numerous small items I can tinker with over the weekend, then the first of the week I hope to be making arrangements to have the cage work done. I just came in (dark) so no pictures... maybe take a few tomorrow.
OK Don, it is 9am and the sun is shining.....Where's Da Pics man!:flipoff2:
Seroiusly, looking forward to seeing the update and craftsmanship :beer:
Sorry Steve... I'm running a little late. :lol:

Here's a few pics...

I did a lot of the little time consuming items done today. I started my day by getting all my gearbox vent hoses run and located in places where they should never pick up any water. I then spent the remainder of the day cleaning up the wiring harness and making a detailed list of all the "new" connections (wire colors, etc.) for reference, in the event of future problems. I also listed all the wires that I am not using as some of them run through the firewall to under the dash and could easily be spliced into to power an added accessory.

The ty-rapped hoses and loose wires in the engine photos will be cleaned up after the manifold swap and the fuel injection installed. Other than that the engine compartment work is pretty much done.

I'm sitting on a wooden stool driving as I don't have the seats in yet. Considering that, the ride is still pretty darn nice! :)


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Now that's looking FINE Don!!!
Keep up the great work you're doing!!!
I'm drooling with envy!:driver: