Lots of interesting news today

If you think that's shocking, there's a group of people you should Google called "white supremacists".
If you think that's shocking, there's a group of people you should Google called "white supremacists".
The only difference between the 2 groups is one is supported by society and the government allows them to do/say what they want.

Both are just a bunch of evil pretending to have a cause other than destruction of the human race.

@shawn feverishly masturbating...

The only difference between the 2 groups is one is fully funded, promoted, and encouraged by society and the government allows them to do/say what they want to promote a political agenda.
FYTY It always amazes me that the party of "tolerance" is the most intolerant and unforgiving of all.
If you think that's shocking, there's a group of people you should Google called "white supremacists".
When was the last time a group openly calling for killing a certain demographic in the national “media” could seriously be called white supremacists?

If a “white” group said “the time is soon approaching when whites will kill anything more brown than themselves” the outcry and fury would be off the charts. These folks being “marginalized” are given a pass.

While I certainly do not advocate violence being called for against any group simply for being born, I do believe people should have a right to associate with whom they will. If black folks want safe spaces where no white devils are allowed, I’m great with that…if whites can do the same. We know however that will never be allowed because only whites can be racist.

This former republic is on the very cusp of tearing and we have Obama, Jackson, Sharpton, Waters, Cortez and Omar (and others like them) to thank.

“White” anything, except existing, isn’t to blame at all.

Caucasians are the kulaks now.
Amazing how those calling it engineered months ago like DJT, were called racist, conspiracy theorists and idiots…

Now…”omg, it could be engineered!”
What has changed? It's typical partisan politics with "my guy" vs "your guy". If you read that email analytically instead of with presumption, it says that LESS THAN 0.1% POTENTIALLY look engineered, and that their phylogenic analyses (I have no idea what that means either ;)) are NOT able to answer.

In other words, their might be something funny, but we don't know and can't tell. Imagine if Biden's Boiz said that about "insurrectionists" who were pro Trump...
LESS THAN 0.1% POTENTIALLY look white supremacists, and that their facebook quizzes are NOT able to answer.
What has changed? It's typical partisan politics with "my guy" vs "your guy". If you read that email analytically instead of with presumption, it says that LESS THAN 0.1% POTENTIALLY look engineered, and that their phylogenic analyses (I have no idea what that means either ;)) are NOT able to answer.

In other words, their might be something funny, but we don't know and can't tell. Imagine if Biden's Boiz said that about "insurrectionists" who were pro Trump...
LESS THAN 0.1% POTENTIALLY look white supremacists, and that their facebook quizzes are NOT able to answer.
I mean, why didn't that tweet quote the part where he said, "On a phylogenetic tree, the virus looks totally normal normal... and the unusual features make up only 0.1%."?
This email basically says the exact opposite of what Sharri Markson is implying.

Dad takes his son to do a drive-by paintball shooting, homeowner returns fire with real bullets, dad manages to run over his son, then takes him back home before calling 911. I mean I make some questionable parenting choices, but really WTF??


Dad takes his son to do a drive-by paintball shooting, homeowner returns fire with real bullets, dad manages to run over his son, then takes him back home before calling 911. I mean I make some questionable parenting choices, but really WTF??

No words for that level of stupidity.

Dad takes his son to do a drive-by paintball shooting, homeowner returns fire with real bullets, dad manages to run over his son, then takes him back home before calling 911. I mean I make some questionable parenting choices, but really WTF??

That straight up looks like a street in Tegucigalpa Honduras

Something something thin blue line

Typically, I would be in support of this statement from the police lawyer:
In every case a state trooper has used a PIT maneuver, the fleeing driver could have chosen to end the pursuit by doing what all law-abiding citizens do every day when a police officer turns-on the blue lights – they pull over and stop.

However I've seen 2 separate videos in the past year of Arkansas state police using a PIT which ended in fatalities. There is either some missing information in her story, or duder cop is a power hungry moron. My understanding is that they are only supposed to use PIT maneuver only if the subject is in the commission of a felony. And certainly not if pursuee slows down and puts on their hazards. And I'm sure because of the situation, neither parties insurance will cover the repair without a major fight. I swear if that were my wife I would track down the SOB and PIT him and say oh, sorry, I thought it was safe. (Or at least burn his house down or something)
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I'd say give that piece of trash the death penalty but then someone else would tell me the death penalty is mean and doesn't work...... So I guess we should tell him to say sorry and promise to never do it again.
"The video also shows multiple onlookers watched the incident and did not step in to help."

He might have beat my ass like he beat hers, but damn if I would've just watched then walked up all casual like those guys at the end. That pisses me off almost as much as the piece of trash beating the woman.


Almost certain this will head to a full panel 9th circuit ruling. Bets on it makes it to SCOTUS and they actually make a ruling?

My daughter told me the legislature passed the squat bill. There’s going to be wailing and gnashing among the white oakley cult.