Lots of interesting news today

Its a not a big rock, I would think they would have plenty of room to keep it there, but ìt if stays there some dipshits will probably carve it up and erase the past.
Someone whose name is carved on it probably owned a slave so they're just looking for an excuse to blow it up.
Western Europe is trying to become the Atlantic Ocean:

And if you haven’t figured it out, BRC is a joke. Don’t give them a dime.

Nobody saw that coming :shaking: . It's going to be very interesting to see what happens in that region over the next few years. The Taliban got an audience with world leaders a couple weeks ago, announcing their supposed intentions. Time will tell.
Oh, their intentions are pretty clear. They want a theocracy similar to Iran but based on fundamentalist Sunni beliefs. Some of the lessons on governance and things we built there might be adopted to improve from their last go around as leaders in that place.

The news clip is ironic. The Government of Afghanistan had 20 years of training and equipment support (an entire generation). That clip makes it sound like they just figured out a couple weeks ago that that they needed to train an Army.
I like the sound of "Smog Check Referee".

Whatcha wanna bet that guy is on everybody's list to either get an extra nice Christmas gift, or an egg on their house.

Will be every state eventually
Possibly, but I wouldnt be so sure. NC is trending in the opposite direction, but that could change at any minute.

I wonder how smart their computers will be? I know that they are ways to tell if it has been flashed, so even if it is stock, they could tell if they wanted. The best way would be to have 2 computers that you swapped out.