Lots of interesting news today


here's the cost of those "free" lunches voted for by 55% of Coloradoan's......."With Proposition FF passing, state taxes will be increased by $100,727,820 annually."
here's the cost of those "free" lunches voted for by 55% of Coloradoan's......."With Proposition FF passing, state taxes will be increased by $100,727,820 annually."

There was a recent "uproar" about Davidson County schools not allowing high school students to charge their lunch anymore if they forgot their money. The uproar was that they were just going to throw the food out and let the kid go hungry. Well, rewind the clocks back to the Covid days when everyone was given a free lunch courtesy of the .gov. 1/2 the kids still brought a lunch because they didn't want to eat the cafeteria food, so a good majority was thrown away. So you tell me which is better? Teaching a kid a valuable lesson about being responsible (and giving him a PB&J and water), or continually footing the bill for their meals because God Forbid a child starve to death in 5th period English.

There was a recent "uproar" about Davidson County schools not allowing high school students to charge their lunch anymore if they forgot their money. The uproar was that they were just going to throw the food out and let the kid go hungry. Well, rewind the clocks back to the Covid days when everyone was given a free lunch courtesy of the .gov. 1/2 the kids still brought a lunch because they didn't want to eat the cafeteria food, so a good majority was thrown away. So you tell me which is better? Teaching a kid a valuable lesson about being responsible (and giving him a PB&J and water), or continually footing the bill for their meals because God Forbid a child starve to death in 5th period English.
Huh? Why would half the food be thrown away?
They don't make lunch for every single kid and then throw away what wasn't eaten.
They take an estimate based on the previous usage and make a little over that much. The people that do this are very good at minimizing their losses bc they have a budget to stay under and lose $$ when food is wasted.
Even fewer P-63's still flying. Having flown in a B-17 (the same one that crashed in 2019) I can say it's an awesome experience. It really is a shame that the planes were lost, but what is worse is watching the video and just thinking about those 4 people (at a minimum) that were there one second and gone the next. Didn't even have time to realize what happened.
Even fewer P-63's still flying. Having flown in a B-17 (the same one that crashed in 2019) I can say it's an awesome experience. It really is a shame that the planes were lost, but what is worse is watching the video and just thinking about those 4 people (at a minimum) that were there one second and gone the next. Didn't even have time to realize what happened.

I looked like the 63 hit the 17 aft of the wings, so there's a fair chance some of them had time to realize what was coming. Which IMO is even worse.

Houses built on ever moving barrier islands are falling into the ocean when the island moves?!?! Now their septic systems are causing problems? No shit Sherlock

I looked like the 63 hit the 17 aft of the wings, so there's a fair chance some of them had time to realize what was coming. Which IMO is even worse.

I was just watching the crash on the World news. One video showing the 2 planes just before the crash, showed probably a Dozen planes, circling the show! I've never been to an air show, but I've wondered before why more than One plane at a time is inn the air? Looking at This video, is like 5pm traffic on a Friday!
I was just watching the crash on the World news. One video showing the 2 planes just before the crash, showed probably a Dozen planes, circling the show! I've never been to an air show, but I've wondered before why more than One plane at a time is inn the air? Looking at This video, is like 5pm traffic on a Friday!

Yea I agree, not a great idea in hindsight. Formation flying I feel would be a lot safer than a dozen planes flying in circles. The issue with the crash is he can't see through the bottom of the plane, so the p-63 pilot had no idea the b-17 was there until it was too late.

There were 5 on the b-17, 1 of course in the p-63. All in the b-17 were 'crew' (which is likely all volunteers). When they are flying around with other planes in the air or 'formation' flying they can't have 'paid' passengers.
Houses built on ever moving barrier islands are falling into the ocean when the island moves?!?! Now their septic systems are causing problems? No shit Sherlock

But in all seriousness, I don't understand why the town doesn't force the homeowners to proactively demo the homes, hiring people to deal with the mess etc.

I get that is some, if not many cases there was no problem or a sign it would be when they were constructed. But it's still the owner's responsibility to deal with.... Responsibly.
But in all seriousness, I don't understand why the town doesn't force the homeowners to proactively demo the homes, hiring people to deal with the mess etc.

I get that is some, if not many cases there was no problem or a sign it would be when they were constructed. But it's still the owner's responsibility to deal with.... Responsibly.
Home owners can't claim insurance until they fall over if I Remember right. So they don't want to deal with it either.