Lots of interesting news today

Not sure who's side I'm on here. I hate the expansion of big brother tech. But I totally approve of MSG Entertainment sticking it to attorneys and preventing them access to their facilities.

I'm all for sticking it to attorneys, but her firm is suing a restaurant that is owned by the same parent company, and she isn't even on the case. I could see it if they were suing Radio City or one of the performers or something, but I think this is just a little bit much.

I'm all for sticking it to attorneys, but her firm is suing a restaurant that is owned by the same parent company, and she isn't even on the case. I could see it if they were suing Radio City or one of the performers or something, but I think this is just a little bit much.

True. But without tailoring the policy to each case and law firm, that would be difficult to scope. I agree with the policy overall. Considering corporate lawyers are the first to find limits or loopholes in rules and then exploit them, I appreciate the heavy hand the company has taken to stick it directly to the opposing legal team.
Not sure who's side I'm on here. I hate the expansion of big brother tech. But I totally approve of MSG Entertainment sticking it to attorneys and preventing them access to their facilities.
They claim the policy is fair bc it applies to all attorneys at a firm, not just those involved in the litigation, because that way they can impact anyone involved without knowing who the real team is.
But why only attorneys? Technically the most blindly fair thing would be literally any employees, from the financial research guy to the janitor.
But that would also come across as absurd.

(I'm sure it's bc only the upper crust folks have their name and pic on the corporate website and thus are actually identifiable for banhammer)
"So far, 327 people have pledged $62,100 (£51,553) to get rid of the song for good"

That's $190/person. Also quite impressive.
All they have to do is find the right rich guy with the FU attitude.
Wait - a politician lied on his way to election?
But this line just makes me lol. Its like something from a Mel Brooks movie. Maybe dude needs to be added to Adam Sandlers song....
"I am Catholic. Because I learned my maternal family had a Jewish background, I said I was 'Jew-ish'," the Post quoted Santos as saying.
This is amazing, exciting, and terrifying.
Robotos rapidly earth-boring with plasma.

I'm gonna fall into the "Terrified" group... The possible consequences of "48,600 °F (27,000 °C) plasma torches mounted on large discs." shoved into the ground and vaporizing rock on a path to somewhere makes Fracking sound super safe, and environmentally freindly!
I'm gonna fall into the "Terrified" group... The possible consequences of "48,600 °F (27,000 °C) plasma torches mounted on large discs." shoved into the ground and vaporizing rock on a path to somewhere makes Fracking sound super safe, and environmentally freindly!
And what is not discussed is what happens to all of that material. I don't know exactly what happens to rock when you blast it with plasma, but I do know that the law of conservation of matter says that it doesn't just magically disappear.
And even only a 1 m sized hole, you're talking about having to remove one square kilometer of material every single day.
"Small push carts" aren't going to handle it.