Lots of interesting news today

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There's so many jokes here but I fel like it's not quite apprpriate... yet.
If it were a criminal defense attorney I'd say it's never too soon...however an amber lamps chaser deserves at least 2 days before you lay into them :smokin:
although this isnt the norm for America isnt this pretty standard around much of the world?
I don't know about half, but a large portion, yes.
We host high school age exchange students from Spain every year. They are baffled by the fact that (1) kids here drive on their own before 18 and (2) people leave home after high school, even for "going to University".
Oh, and peanut butter.
Hope they all charged their electric cars yesterday

Every*** EV station in California is backed up by FF generation.
Code required. Now condition of (dis)repair of those gen sets is another story.
You take the fun out of laughing at Kali's idiocracy. You know that?
My mind threw up on this one.

I knew Big Army went panty waisted (love ya like an adopted red-headed brother, @skyhighZJ) and USMC had gotten a little limp in the groin region… but apparently limp syndrome has spread to the wrists too.
this new approach of salutation by name/rank discriminates against people with bad vision who may not be able to read it easily.
this new approach of salutation by name/rank discriminates against people with bad vision who may not be able to read it easily.
Exactly. I know first-hand a story such as this. Had a SgtMaj tell a group of young Marines once back in the day that if you are greeting another Marine that is far enough away that you might not be able to tell if they are a SSgt or GySgt, just call them SgtMaj. Can’t go wrong, he said.

What if that person is offended that you gave them a promotion without earning it? On the same token, what if there was another SSgt within earshot and is now pissy because they too didn’t get the free promotion? :laughing:
My mind threw up on this one.

I knew Big Army went panty waisted (love ya like an adopted red-headed brother, @skyhighZJ) and USMC had gotten a little limp in the groin region… but apparently limp syndrome has spread to the wrists too.

To be fair, this is how you would address any other enlisted Marine in the fleet. I don't think they took into account how many times per second you have to say "aye sir" though
To be fair, this is how you would address any other enlisted Marine in the fleet. I don't think they took into account how many times per second you have to say "aye sir" though
I get it, I know. I’d done it myself. What got my goat was the fact that they were suggesting removing any gender titles from basic training to (I’m paraphrasing here) “make the roles of male and female instructors more equal, and reduce any chance of one being offended at being mis-gendered.” Offended? Really? A USMC drill instructor…. A DRILL INSTRUCTOR… be offended? And I mean really offended, not the fake shit they put on to have reason to quarter deck or pit a bunch of sorry asses for some much-deserved IT. :laughing:

I get your point completely, don’t get me wrong. It just smells to me like the woke mf-ers coming for the military to “remove gender roles.”
I get it, I know. I’d done it myself. What got my goat was the fact that they were suggesting removing any gender titles from basic training to (I’m paraphrasing here) “make the roles of male and female instructors more equal, and reduce any chance of one being offended at being mis-gendered.” Offended? Really? A USMC drill instructor…. A DRILL INSTRUCTOR… be offended? And I mean really offended, not the fake shit they put on to have reason to quarter deck or pit a bunch of sorry asses for some much-deserved IT. :laughing:

I get your point completely, don’t get me wrong. It just smells to me like the woke mf-ers coming for the military to “remove gender roles.”
Aren’t there still disparate PT qualifications based on gender?
Aren’t there still disparate PT qualifications based on gender?
As of my end of active service over 14 years ago there certainly were. I’ve seen some updates here and there with PFT requirements when I get curious enough to read Marine Times, and it seems it’s still the case. Although… did I read they made the males requirements recently easier? Perhaps they did. I guess it was a little too hard for the average Joe Schmuckatelli to get a 1st class… :rolleyes:
Aren’t there still disparate PT qualifications based on gender?
As of my end of active service over 14 years ago there certainly were. I’ve seen some updates here and there with PFT requirements when I get curious enough to read Marine Times, and it seems it’s still the case. Although… did I read they made the males requirements recently easier? Perhaps they did. I guess it was a little too hard for the average Joe Schmuckatelli to get a 1st class… :rolleyes:
Space Force (insert snicker here) is taking an even different approach, with no annual exam at all but instead using tech to constantly track your physio.
My personal unprofessional opinion is... this is actually pretty sensible.

And it gets DoD $$ dumped into a huge contract so... even better for somebody
My personal unprofessional opinion is... this is actually pretty sensible.

And it gets DoD $$ dumped into a huge contract so... even better for somebody
Space Force (insert snicker here) is taking an even different approach, with no annual exam at all but instead using tech to constantly track your physio.
My personal unprofessional opinion is... this is actually pretty sensible.

And it gets DoD $$ dumped into a huge contract so... even better for somebody
That’s pretty interesting. I kind of dig that, and am always a fan of improving the system. Definitely prevents the inevitable pissed off training nazi on the ground staring up at you on the pull up bar saying “1…1…1…” nineteen times in a row while you’re pulling for your life. :laughing:

OTOH, it prevents people from proving what a BAMF they are on the PT field. But I guess that’s so people don’t feel bad for running three miles in 27 minutes when everybody else was sub-20. Inclusive and all. I can be a dick about anything… lol

But yeah. I definitely get a chuckle out of the Space Force. If you’ve seen him, there’s a dude on YouTube that puts up videos all the time of the branches. His impressions of Space Force are frikkin hilarious

EDIT: no f-in clue what I did in the quotes… that’s what I get for posting while sippin shine. :laughing:
Not sure who's side I'm on here. I hate the expansion of big brother tech. But I totally approve of MSG Entertainment sticking it to attorneys and preventing them access to their facilities.