Lots of interesting news today

And what is not discussed is what happens to all of that material. I don't know exactly what happens to rock when you blast it with plasma, but I do know that the law of conservation of matter says that it doesn't just magically disappear.
And even only a 1 m sized hole, you're talking about having to remove one square kilometer of material every single day.
"Small push carts" aren't going to handle it.

Yep, Gotta deal with that or theiy're going to get the first hundred feet and the tube is going to seal right back up and they lose the plasma head! Of course if they do this a few times and it drives them to bankruptcy, we might all be better off :)
Anybody wanna start a pool for who #3 will be?
[not intended to spark political debate]

Somebody explain to me (1) how will this eventually get resolved and (2) does this mean the remainder of the House, namely the other party, have just had the day off, waiting for Republicans to get their shit together?

I don't see how continually re-voting on the same failed nomination will do anything if nobody is willing to change.
I'm not sure who the bigger idiot is here.

Also - apparently in Poland you can be charged with incompetency.
Can we have that here please?
Sounds like the kind of thing that could snowball with unintended consequences.
Thats my thinking.
Joe gets a manslaughter charge for the deaths from DUI and serves 5 years (?). During which time he can't afford to pay the child support so it is backlogged. He gets out, now a felon, and can't get good paying job, but owes 2x the child support. How is that ever going to be paid? In a hard spot he turns to whatever illegal activity to raise the funds, only to land in jail again, now he's just going farther into debt and nobody is ever going to see that money, but plenty is being spent by court litigation and civil services trying to get it out of him. I just don't see it having any real benefit to anybody, except in the rare case the convicted person is already rich.
It's not a deterrent, harsher penalties rarely decrease crimes like this.
Sounds good, and like the right thing to do, but it won't change a drunk person's mind about getting behind the wheel. I also agree that it in the majority of cases very little money will be end up being paid.