Lots of interesting news today

oh sorry
At first I assumed this was some made up or trumped up BS. But Im glad they got this guy. Seems cut and dry.
Cut and dry?
What did he do besides join the thousands/millions who lie, mislead, and twist on a daily basis on the internet for a variety of reasons? This guy had no personal or financial gain from this (so no fraud). He just set out to show how dumb people are, and he did. Politicians lie to your face in order to raise money or get your vote. You have been duped and misled by people, governments, and companies for their gain. So where are the punishments?

There is a video of some woman telling Trump voters to vote on Wednesday (the day after election day) that is still on twitter and she has never been persecuted.

Did the morons who 'voted via text' not vote later on in a real election (maybe they realized the error of their ways?)? Were the people that voted via text even eligible to vote?

This guy had like 50,000 followers....a relative nobody.
Cut and dry?
What did he do besides join the thousands/millions who lie, mislead, and twist on a daily basis on the internet for a variety of reasons? This guy had no personal or financial gain from this (so no fraud). He just set out to show how dumb people are, and he did. Politicians lie to your face in order to raise money or get your vote. You have been duped and misled by people, governments, and companies for their gain. So where are the punishments?

There is a video of some woman telling Trump voters to vote on Wednesday (the day after election day) that is still on twitter and she has never been persecuted.

Did the morons who 'voted via text' not vote later on in a real election (maybe they realized the error of their ways?)? Were the people that voted via text even eligible to vote?

This guy had like 50,000 followers....a relative nobody.
So if you can't get everybody, you should let it go and get nobody?
Well lying, misleading, satire, questionable memes, misinformation has been going around the internet for 20 years now.
Why the focus on this guy at this time....this is my question.
10 years in jail?!
There was no fraud.
When Biden lies to your face to raise money (to seperate you from your money on false pretenses), this is OK? He lies to your face so you'll vote for him instead of another person (intentionally misleading you for personal and financial gain and 'interfereing with your right to vote)...this is ok?
There is a another identified person doing the exact same thing at the exact same time, but for the other 'team' and they are free and clear.
I think we know.
Cut and dry?
What did he do besides join the thousands/millions who lie, mislead, and twist on a daily basis on the internet for a variety of reasons? This guy had no personal or financial gain from this (so no fraud). He just set out to show how dumb people are, and he did. Politicians lie to your face in order to raise money or get your vote. You have been duped and misled by people, governments, and companies for their gain. So where are the punishments?

There is a video of some woman telling Trump voters to vote on Wednesday (the day after election day) that is still on twitter and she has never been persecuted.

Did the morons who 'voted via text' not vote later on in a real election (maybe they realized the error of their ways?)? Were the people that voted via text even eligible to vote?

This guy had like 50,000 followers....a relative nobody.
Yes, cut and dry. He intentionally interfered with people right to vote, and did so with malicious intent.

As for others doing the same thing, they should be prosecuted as well.
malicious intent? I missed that part. He had no incentive except to get some 'followers and likes' for some sad reason. was it in bad taste, sure....but criminal? No power to be had, no real money to make, no office to steal,
he physically kept people from voting?
he scared and intimidated voters?
he locked doors?
he removed the other millions of ads that said when and where to vote?
did the people that voted via text end up voting for real at a later time?....you know, because they could, because the Twitter nobody didn't physically or threateningly keep them from voting in any way.

BUT, the others that do the same thing, and sometimes worse, are not being prosecuted and haven't been for 200 years and won't be. They are easily identified. Why are they free?
Why now?

maybe something you post on twitter is not liked by a DA one day....then what?
malicious intent? I missed that part. He had no incentive except to get some 'followers and likes' for some sad reason. was it in bad taste, sure....but criminal?
By definition of the law, yes. He did something illegal in criminal law code. That makes it a crime. It doesn't matter why. Thats how law works.

A DA can choose whether to pursue charges and whether it is worth the time. But that is a different question.
There's no reason to be pissed this guy was prosecuted. Only that everybody else isn't.
maybe something you post on twitter is not liked by a DA one day....then what?
That's why you keep your public activity within the scope of the law. Then it doesn't matter WTF the DA thinks.

It's pretty simple.
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Yea I'm just pointing out the blatant hypocrisy and the targeted attempt to silence one side. That is FAR more dangerous than some twitter loser.

However, dude did not 'prevent' anyone from voting. He didn't deprive anyone of anything. That is cut and dry.
How they bent and twisted the law to convict this guy is worrisome.
I bet if he had not reference 'black turnout' things would be a lot different.
malicious intent? I missed that part. He had no incentive except to get some 'followers and likes' for some sad reason. was it in bad taste, sure....but criminal? No power to be had, no real money to make, no office to steal,
he physically kept people from voting?
he scared and intimidated voters?
he locked doors?
he removed the other millions of ads that said when and where to vote?
did the people that voted via text end up voting for real at a later time?....you know, because they could, because the Twitter nobody didn't physically or threateningly keep them from voting in any way.

BUT, the others that do the same thing, and sometimes worse, are not being prosecuted and haven't been for 200 years and won't be. They are easily identified. Why are they free?
Why now?

maybe something you post on twitter is not liked by a DA one day....then what?

Yes, malicious intent. What other intent could he have? He did it to keep people from voting, that is malicious.

The others should receive the same treatment.
I don't know....maybe a lonely internet loser that was after some likes and attention? He wasn't after money, anything belonging to anyone else, or any type of power.
Ain't no way he thought he was some diabolical genius who could convince enough people of anything to change any outcome.
Dude didn't have Clinton money to push Bernie out of the way or try to frame their opponent with false documents.

scary all around.
Kinda F'd up, and a betrayal to those who voted for her. So yeah, exactly what I'd expect from any politician. 🤷‍♂️
That's why you don't vote by party

I'd like to hear what costs are 'driving people from their homes'
an extra $100 a year on property taxes?

Sounds like just another redistribution program. They don't even hide it anymore.

My costs have increased too.....how about don't give more of my taxes to others and let me keep my money to make repairs on my home or pay my new, higher, electricity bill.
How can they be so obtuse?

I'd like to hear what costs are 'driving people from their homes'
an extra $100 a year on property taxes?

Sounds like just another redistribution program. They don't even hide it anymore.

My costs have increased too.....how about don't give more of my taxes to others and let me keep my money to make repairs on my home or pay my new, higher, electricity bill.
How can they be so obtuse?
"The county programs will include forgivable loans for major home repairs, funding to build affordable homes, and an expansion of utility assistance."

Yeah, one of the most inflationary, overpriced cities in the state is going to use government money to build affordable homes. :rolleyes: