Lots of interesting news today

See also they are talking about transferring all funding standard to the Yuan further devaluing the American dollhair.
Old time Joco family making waves today. Frank Holding sr personally pushed through my grandparents loan to buy our business in the early 70s when First Citizens was still based in Smithfield. Olivia still gets her tractors worked on at the same small time shop her daddy took his to. I've never met frank jr, but Sr and my grandfather were good friends up until he died.

That's amazing that there was enough energy there to shoot it up so high. Especially considering the car and the tire were traveling similar speeds.
The tire acted as a ramp. It compressed when hit and then the combination of the kia climbing the tire, and the compression unloading at the same time absolutely launched that little shit biscuit! Best part was the tire coming back for round 2 after the Kia slid to a stop.
That's amazing that there was enough energy there to shoot it up so high. Especially considering the car and the tire were traveling similar speeds.
The tire acted as a ramp. It compressed when hit and then the combination of the kia climbing the tire, and the compression unloading at the same time absolutely launched that little shit biscuit! Best part was the tire coming back for round 2 after the Kia slid to a stop.
Also - I'm just a dumb neuroscientist - but if a tire is spinning 65 mph and rolls over another tire also spinning 65 mph, isn't it getting flung at the ground at 130 mph?
I assume most of yall have heard about this by now:
Gut wrenching stuff.

Here's the bodycam footage of the entry and takedown by the heroic officers. You can feel the intensity just from the video:
I assume most of yall have heard about this by now:
Gut wrenching stuff.

Here's the bodycam footage of the entry and takedown by the heroic officers. You can feel the intensity just from the video:

In all honesty I think they did a good job. I'd say 90% of cops never have to get into an active shooter and a drill just isn't the same. Plus your in a school with a ton of hallways and doors. Looked like the cops that had already made it to the second floor were swapping fire back and forth and keeping the shooting occupied and in one location until they could get some more firepower
I assume most of yall have heard about this by now:
Gut wrenching stuff.

Here's the bodycam footage of the entry and takedown by the heroic officers. You can feel the intensity just from the video:

I can't imagine trying to clear a building that is designed like that. So many halls, entry points, bathrooms, etc. And with that alarm going off, that would have had to have been nerve-wracking enough.
In all honesty I think they did a good job.
Hopefully those pussies in Florida that hid down the hall and made sure their hands were sanitized watched in shame at how this was executed without haste

See also they are talking about transferring all funding standard to the Yuan further devaluing the American dollhair.
Saw something on this as well. Didn't chase it down to see if it is real or what....but methinks that is a huge deal (not Donald Trump huge).

Good ol USA is fixin to be way different then many a generation has been blessed to experience.
Hopefully those pussies in Florida that hid down the hall and made sure their hands were sanitized watched in shame at how this was executed without haste
I had heard/read they took him/her/it out in about two minutes once they got there.
I had heard/read they took him/her/it out in about two minutes once they got there.

From the time the officer who terminated the suspect put his vehicle in park until he pulled the trigger was around 3m15s. Roughly a minute of that was getting his rifle and waiting for his partners to gear up. Pretty damn awesome in my untrained opinion.

Hopefully those pussies in Florida that hid down the hall and made sure their hands were sanitized watched in shame at how this was executed without haste

It’s it a terrifying change in doctrine for the mass shooters. It used to be, for the last 10 years or more, that once the shooters are confronted with resistance, they would take their own life. Not the case anymore. They start to shoot at police. Not good. And once the police start to die it’s going to slow everything down even more.
Completely unrelated articles here...
