I've always hated Bud light. Just tasted bad (to me)
A few years ago the CTB trip to Kairos: We're all sitting around
@BigClay campfire..had to have been 30 of us all BSing and having a great time. We're all drinking various beer but Jon Dix specifically has Bud light. Anytime anyone asks another person sitting on a cooler or who happened to be up to "Beer me bro" Jon would offer up one of his Bud Lights. Everyone respectfully declined. In fact, most would walk back to their own camp and grab a few of their own choice beer rather than take a free Bud Light

It got so bad that Jon started to get a confused and offering them up as "Premium light beers"

we all started giving him hell. It was rather spectacular and hilarious all at once. No one wanted those buds whatsoever

We still laugh about that night: "Anyone want a PREMIUM light beer?!?!?!?!"