Lots of interesting news today

Loss prevention is serious business.
My uncle did that job for Target in Memphis TN.Six months and he was out.Kinda suprised me he bailed soo quick since he had been Afghanistan twice.BUT that might be why he bailed.
I've always hated Bud light. Just tasted bad (to me)

A few years ago the CTB trip to Kairos: We're all sitting around @BigClay campfire..had to have been 30 of us all BSing and having a great time. We're all drinking various beer but Jon Dix specifically has Bud light. Anytime anyone asks another person sitting on a cooler or who happened to be up to "Beer me bro" Jon would offer up one of his Bud Lights. Everyone respectfully declined. In fact, most would walk back to their own camp and grab a few of their own choice beer rather than take a free Bud Light :laughing:
It got so bad that Jon started to get a confused and offering them up as "Premium light beers" :buttkick:we all started giving him hell. It was rather spectacular and hilarious all at once. No one wanted those buds whatsoever :lol: We still laugh about that night: "Anyone want a PREMIUM light beer?!?!?!?!"
You forgot the piece where I went to bed early and all those that declined Jon’s Bud Light drank all my Miller Lite from my cooler 😂😂😬

I see Accords, altimas, malibus, sentras, kias and busted impalas running around all the time with 3 year old 30 day tags or no plate at all. Multiple a day. They don't even try and hide.
But we can't pull them over....because.....
we pay taxes because....?

I see Accords, altimas, malibus, sentras, kias and busted impalas running around all the time with 3 year old 30 day tags or no plate at all. Multiple a day. They don't even try and hide.
But we can't pull them over....because.....
we pay taxes because....?
shitty part is if those guys would have shot at the robbers as they ran away they could be charged with murder.
Thats why you shoot them as they are coming towards you. Practice drawing with your weapon.
Your life is in immediate danger.
You are justified.

This will start to happen soon and it will be good to hear....the police, DAs and judges have proven time and time again that they won't/don't/can't keep the 99.9999999% of us safe.
WTF is this nonsense. As if we need any more .gov BS

Also, if anyone has any accurate info on this post it up. Doesnt look good.
WTF is this nonsense. As if we need any more .gov BS

Also, if anyone has any accurate info on this post it up. Doesnt look good.
Anyone have, "Perfect system to try and hack for $1000" ? Sounds like another way for .gov to tax all of those transactions people make, without needing a private company to agree. Also will likely have fees associated with it, that potentially goes to an untracked spending account
WTF is this nonsense. As if we need any more .gov BS

Also, if anyone has any accurate info on this post it up. Doesnt look good.
The first article is 3 years old .

The FedNow funds transfer seems like something that should have already been happening for decades.
The FedNow funds transfer seems like something that should have already been happening for decades.
Agree w/ this. Really don't see what the big deal is and why we wouldn't want it. It's crazy what a patchwork system we are still using is - that I can transfer money from an account I own at one bank to another bank and there is no less than a whole week where that money is basically nowhere to be found. These days its all electrons moving just under the speed of light.

I've been able to do same-day credit for a credit card payment to Bank of America for years. Its baffles me it isn't more common.
Agree w/ this. Really don't see what the big deal is and why we wouldn't want it. It's crazy what a patchwork system we are still using is - that I can transfer money from an account I own at one bank to another bank and there is no less than a whole week where that money is basically nowhere to be found. These days its all electrons moving just under the speed of light.

I've been able to do same-day credit for a credit card payment to Bank of America for years. Its baffles me it isn't more common.
The big deal is that its the government.
The big deal is that its the government.
It already was. There's no more gov't involvement now than what we have now.

when they interview people and write these stories....why is personal responsibility never mentioned? /s

There is a stop sigh......99.99999% of drivers do what the sign says and don't die.
One moron comes along and doenst pay attention and now 'they' are calling on the government to 'do something'

No doubt there will be an ill timed traffic light at that intersection in a year to the tune of $100k of tax payer money. To the annoyance of the 99.99999% that know how to work a stop sign.

when they interview people and write these stories....why is personal responsibility never mentioned? /s

There is a stop sigh......99.99999% of drivers do what the sign says and don't die.
One moron comes along and doenst pay attention and now 'they' are calling on the government to 'do something'

No doubt there will be an ill timed traffic light at that intersection in a year to the tune of $100k of tax payer money. To the annoyance of the 99.99999% that know how to work a stop sign.
Nah, it's Johnston county, they will make it a 4 way stop next week. Literally every intersection that has had more than 1 fatal accident in the past 5 yrs has been 4 way'd lately.
Nah, it's Johnston county, they will make it a 4 way stop next week. Literally every intersection that has had more than 1 fatal accident in the past 5 yrs has been 4 way'd lately.

Preach! My travels to my parents place has 3 new 4-way stops. At least they are efficient at annoying feel-good projects.

Those prisoners have gotten good at stop sign production.
It already was. There's no more gov't involvement now than what we have now.
It would be nice if we just adopted the IBAN (International Bank Account Number) system that's been in place for decades in Europe. You can go to any ATM and send money (I think up to 10k Euro) to any bank account in Europe.

Considering coins are hard to trace, the thieves will probably get away scot free....

Unless someone dimes them out!
