Lots of interesting news today

There seems to be some misunderstanding about this "stimulus" bill.
They combined the "stimulus package" as part of the annual FY21 budget for the Fed governement.
So, all wrapped up within the same doc you have both the things intended for Rona Relief, and the "normal stuff" we spend money on - including foreign affairs.

Now we can discuss all day whether or not we should be spending money on this other stuff for various reasons... but it shouldn't be conflated with the "stimulus" thing.
(which clearly Congress IS doing, and the press is making worse)

FYI here is the bill

Cliffs; they held Corona relief money hostage and used it as a vehicle to push through another pork laden budget. Got it.
I wish they would give that steaming pile of shit away!
Having had direct TV and now at&t fiber....why the hell would anyone have direct TV
Breaking news: Sounds like a car bomb was set off in Nashville this morning. Story still developing, but bomb squad was called before it detonated, so something must have looked very suspicious.
I'm not linking a story because I'm busy cooking.
What nerfarious uses could this have?
Well, the phrase "I hate you with an intensity like the sun" is a good springboard for ideas