Lots of interesting news today

Looked to me like the goose was holding its own. You don't fuck with Canada gooses.
Friend of mine in high school caught a baby alligator near Aurora and released it in a swamp down the road. Gator survived for 5 yrs before being spotted and caught.
Looked to me like the goose was holding its own. You don't fuck with Canada gooses.
True story.... a friend/coworker had a pond behind his rented singlewide on a farm near Green Level in the 80s. This was when the wild Canadas were just starting to stay/breed here. He told me he had a pair that were nesting in the tall grass of a pasture by the pond and he had been tossing cracked corn to them. Weeks later he told me he had them eating from his hand. I went to see him/do some fishing at the pond after work one Friday. We took some puffs and drank some beers and went down to the pond w fishing poles, tackle boxes/beers. As we got near the pond a Goose came out of the tall grass and marched up to Ken quickly. He had his fishing pole and tackle box in one hand and some beers in the other hand. He stuck his hand w the beers out like he was gonna feed it while he talked to the goose. As the Goose got close it lowered its head to the ground and came at him faster. I told him "I don't think he's glad to see you today" When it got near it jumped up an started snapping at Ken as he danced around, trying to not get bit. The goose charged and bit him in his crotch and held on. Ken dropped the beers and jumped around/danced w the goose attached to his member for 5/7 seconds before he dropped his tackle/rod and grabbed the Goose's head/neck and removed it from himself while I laughed so hard I spit beer out of my nose. Ken turned his back to me and checked himself and went back to the trailer while I opened another beer. The Goose turned around and defiantly marched back to the grass and the nest and left me alone so I went down to the pond and fished for a while. Ken came back down to the pond about 20 mins. later and said it was bleeding. I laughed a lot again. He told me If I tell anybody about this I'll kill you............... so I went to work early on monday and told everybody about the mad goose that chomped on his dick........good times.
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I like how they propose that a solution is to put up signage AND A BARRIER AROUND THE POST :rolleyes: How bout not hang your hammock from light posts in the park?
Used to be ignorance of the law was not an affirmative defense. Guess that’s not the case.