Mall Crawling Racer...... #4410

So I was sitting here thinking "man I wonder if I can find a build thread of a regular jeep being turned into a KOH racer" and look what I found. Seriously though, write a book on your whole KOH trip this time, I think everyone would read it, you got the gift of words haha.

Or at least a short story, just gotta be a few pages..
So I was sitting here thinking "man I wonder if I can find a build thread of a regular jeep being turned into a KOH racer" and look what I found. Seriously though, write a book on your whole KOH trip this time, I think everyone would read it, you got the gift of words haha.

Or at least a short story, just gotta be a few pages..

I'm hoping I can leave Hammers with a good story to tell...... I watched/read about the first KOH when I lived in Colorado and was hooked right off the bat. My goal was to take a regular TJ and build a competitive race car out of it, but still keep it refined for driving around Charlotte. It's getting closer and closer to that.

Test and tuning could not be more important at this stage of the build. It is all about dialing in the car now.......
I actually don't know what that means, but I saw Poison Spyder, Savvy, Miller Motorsports, and Gen-Right all say something very similar to that, so I figure it must be said in my thread as well. Apparently all of that means is you just swap around some springs and then go drive it in the harshest environment around.

So, a little #fistpumpblue action in the driveway:


And then an all out run down to my local test track: The Super Target of North Lake Mall.


After loading down the rig with dogfood, groceries, and season 3 of East Bound & Down on Bluray, I felt the rear end was a little more responsive than before, but not perfect. I'll swap the springs around once or twice more in the desert to get it finalized.
Absolutly enjoyed the thread. Reading this makes me regret my engine swap. I have contemplated making the changes to mine to get it race ready. I just don't think I am ready to tear up the body. Wait I already have.

Just an observation but in true race team poser style all of your tools to tune your race car are Harbor freight specials. I wonder if Robby or Shannon have any Harbor freight on their trailer?
Not that my tools are that good and certainly not worth defending, but those are Husky and Kobalt air tools and wrenches. All made in China, but I try to only get the ones made from the good part of China.
Well shoot nevermind, and I wasn't talking shit just thought you were insuring that your poserness was through and through. Your jeep drives to the store to get tools, while theirs is brought to them on a fancy truck!
EPIC WEEKEND BRAH...... I barely made it back to my crib. It started off as just another regular Saturday- chest and biceps in the morning, Redbull and tanning salon at noon, then jager bombs and some out door shopping at Birkdale Village that night. But that is when things got crazy town.... Unscripted, no holds barred epic Bro-off and I was stuck right in the middle. Ever have an Ex run into you at the mall when you're with your new chic? Yeah.... Times that by 100 bro.

So me, Kriss, and Slater were crushing the second round of Speed Energy and Vodkas, arguing over who had the sweetest bandana accessory


When who walks around the corner but Blaine, Thad, and Evan-


They were like "ohhhhhhh snap, Jay. What's up with these posers?"
Kriss and Slater were all like "ohhhhhhh snap son. Where you get that hair product, Sport Clips?"

My jaw dropped. I hadn't seen that thrown down in a long time. Yes...... This was about to happen-

Bro. Street. Dance. Off.

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After recovering from my sprained ACL from the dance off, it was time to address the power issue. Everyone seems to be upgrading their engines- Stroked this, blown that, cammed V8, blah blah blah. Cleary the field is leaving me behind, I must address this..... I must fix this now.

Get ready to say LS WHO..........

- sticker charger for the win. I figure I have 40hp easy with these.




One of my new strategies is to seek out Vendors who are ALSO racers and try to partner with them. I feel like it would be harder for them to nerf me if I'm running their gear. Right? But that all goes to the way side if this Vendor can't produce next level quality, fortunately for me though, a top shelf company like Olympus Offroad only puts out superior products that will make me look way faster. Case in point:



I made my co-driver (MO2500) sign a contract requiring him to spool the winch line back perfectly symmetrical after each pull. It's Mall Crawler rules baby.



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I have been a Redlyner co-driver and can attest to standing at the top of Bottom's Up at The Flats after Jay winching up, only to have him critique the appearance of the cable and drum.
See his mask and bag? He ain't BS'in'
you should get one those stickers on your windshield that says "if you can read this flip me back over"
I have been a Redlyner co-driver and can attest to standing at the top of Bottom's Up at The Flats after Jay winching up, only to have him critique the appearance of the cable and drum.
See his mask and bag? He ain't BS'in'

I had great time racing with you Jody, too bad we had to run rope in the mud, no question you worked like a man possessed. But yeah, riding shotgun in the mall crawler is a unique experience :).

Figured a mall crawler like you would have gotten a Viking or Factor55 thimble for the winch instead of a basic hook.

My company makes the strongest hooks out there (not pictured), so I'm planning on running one of those.
So what is on the final checklist before KOH? I'm interested to see what all is involved in the prep for the race.

That winch line is spooled pretty perfectly. I think I need a tutorial on that.
So what is on the final checklist before KOH? I'm interested to see what all is involved in the prep for the race.

That is a tough question because every team will be different. My number one goal with my build from the start was to have a comfortable daily driver Ultra4 jeep. I picked up my son from daycare yesterday with the race car and my wife drove it to the gym last night..... and we race in 14 days. I try to keep mine as close to race ready 12 months out of the year, a perfect example was the Durhamtown Dirt Riot race. I spent about 45 minutes of total prep on the car from daily driver mode before putting it on the trailer for GA.

But that being said, here is a sample to do list of my last 4 weeks (I only decided to do KOH 2014 in mid December). I have four different lists going and have been deleting some items as they are finished, but this gives you an idea of my list anyway:

  • Measure and order driveshaft
    Pick up driveshaft and install
    Get custom exhaust work done
    Book Friday night hotel in LA
    Order seatbelts
    Install seat belts
    Install limit straps
    Order breather tubes
    Book RV
    Install door bars, get welded
    Install rock mirrors
    Paint front bumper
    Get intake tube/install
    Paint sliders
    Install GPS and test
    Order swag for REDLYNER Racing supporters
    Install Firewall
    Cut firewall for new cage design
    Cut off tendor coils
    Swap 14" coilover springs
    Swap winch line
    Get KOH pit setup
    Order new sponsor stickers/install
    RTV TC skid/Tranny bolts/light mount bolts
    Paint Calipers
    Follow up with sponsors
    Helmet Cam/DashCam/Bumper Camera setup
    Water pump?- Does it need replaced?
    Paint logo on roof of rig
    Hi lift jack custom mount? Who can help?
    Install roof LED light bar. Custom mount?
    Install winch LED light bar
    Remove windshield, Install aero bar
    Pack race suit/helmet, etc
    Pack clothes for Hammers
    Buy micro sd cards
    Make grocery list
    Charge camera batteries
    Pack Brody stryder bike
    Confirm truck with National car rental
    Top off all fluids
    Go over suspension bolts
    Mount Artec fluid carrier
    Buy spare fluid for race day
    Pack race bag- snacks, gatoraide, etc.
    Review Ultra4 race rules again
    Coordinate with pit crew on race day strategy
    Get coilovers tuned out in the desert
    Pre-run course
    Work with sponsors on the lake bed
    Coordinate with co-driver on final race strategy (winch points, fuel stops, etc)
    Go over the entire car pre-race: nuts, bolts, tire pressure, winch cables, fluids.
Wash car night before race[/list]
How much horse power does a Redlyner sticker add?? my jeep's feeling slow and I think a few of those stickers may make it faster, and will the sticker work on cars too? might look cool on my ls1 trans am and make it even faster...

REDLYNER Racing has seen gains of up to 17 horse power per sticker, but all applications may very ;).

Picked up over $500 of swag on Friday- I should be shipping on Monday and Tuesday!
Bad luck brah....... Looks like my rental helicopter film crew can't make it, apparently Justin Beiber outbid me and is taking it to the London Fashion Show. DAMN YOU HAMMERS AND YOUR SCHEDULING!!!!!!! Why must you make me choose???????

I'm having to miss this:

For this:

Yo, can I at least be on the non-dusty side of Hammertown?

So since my Helo won't be there, I figured I would get the logo splashed up on the roof to make it easier for the local helicopter crew-




With me running my stock 14 year old 4.0, I thought this year it might not be a bad idea to carry some spare fluids. So, I reached out to ARTEC INDUSTRIES, who in my opinion have the slickest quart carriers out there, and picked up a Inline Turbo 6 crate for the rig.-




It's not all private jets and bikini pool parties for us mall crawlers (although, yes, it is mostly), sometimes I gotta actually work through the difficulties of a build, just like everyone else. Like for instance, explaining to a vendor why you're not interested in the specs of a particular part, you just need to know how fast it looks. Here's an example of a recent phone call:

Jay- "Yo Daniel! I need some help getting more attention to my rig, what's something next level that screams look at me, but.... also serves an actual purpose by making me look faster?"

Vendor- "Wait, what? You want to look faster and draw unnecessary attention to yourself? Why not just wear some poser white sunglasses and talk like an idiot?"

Jay- "Nah bro, I already do all of that. I need something next level."

Vendor- "Well, I'd like to help, but you do realize "next level" doesn't actually mean anything, right?"

Jay- "It's mall crawling man, we got to make this NEXT LEVEL!"

Vendor- "Wait.. I don't think that was a question. But I believe I know where you are going....I'm familiar with mall crawlers and I think I can help."

That vendor was Olympus Offroad and they certainly delivered on their promise. The newly released Black Widow 42" hybrid LED bar was supposed to be the hottest thing out, but that wasn't next level. However, a custom one-off "WHITE" Widow bar accompanied by a white 11" bumper bar does set the trend. Daniel out did himself getting me these in time for Hammers, I am extremely appreciative.






Those white light bars are sweet!
you are so gonna break those lights..

If that roof light bar gets damaged... I'll probably be in for a rough day.

A real mall crawler would have backlit the cutout on that Barnes bumper with a white light (or led). Just sayin'

Hmmmm..... Maybe a 9th trip to Autozone is in order....
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REDLYNER Racing has seen gains of up to 17 horse power per sticker, but all applications may very ;).

Picked up over $500 of swag on Friday- I should be shipping on Monday and Tuesday!

Damn that's some good gains, that's better than the JDM and sparco stickers, I think they're only worth about 2-5. Where do I send my money/How do I get a sticker to make my jeep as fast as the mall crawler??
I'd been following your build on JF (Jeepbro's on there) and what not for a while, just dont really comment on a lot of stuff but this thing has come a long way and I'm looking forward to seeing the pics and videos of it at this year's race!