Molested by Surry County Detectives

SBI....that is all
messing with the law any where in this country is like messing with or trolling the mods here on this site... it's like peeing in the wind....

besides the deputies have guns... do you know what guns do?
I wish your brother good luck cause he's gonna need it.

An attitude like this is exactly how they can get away with whatever they want. :shaking:
My old roomate is a cop here in VA. He used to be cool and now he let the job get to his head. I can't even talk to him anymore.

This is disturbing but the "brotherhood" of police officers is annoyingly apparent. The cover for each other no matter what they do and it makes for a tough nut to crack.

Just as everyone has said. Make sure that all your actions are documented, contact a lawyer and notify the press. If the press gets a hold of this they will have a field day with it.

Never speed through there again and repaint your truck. Carry a camera and drive with your lights on in broad daylight. They've obviously got their eyes out for you
My old roomate is a cop here in VA. He used to be cool and now he let the job get to his head. I can't even talk to him anymore.
This is disturbing but the "brotherhood" of police officers is annoyingly apparent. The cover for each other no matter what they do and it makes for a tough nut to crack.
Just as everyone has said. Make sure that all your actions are documented, contact a lawyer and notify the press. If the press gets a hold of this they will have a field day with it.
Never speed through there again and repaint your truck. Carry a camera and drive with your lights on in broad daylight. They've obviously got their eyes out for you

Screw that...If you've done nothing wrong, they shouldn't have any reason to pull you for! I refuse to be afraid of law enforcement if I'm within the law.

Let them dig their own grave on this

EDIT: was referring to painting the truck, not the camera(good idea) and speeding part(I have been in a car and have been pulled for going 5 MPH under for acting "suspicious" and "swerving". I asked what suspicious looked like and didn't get a answer)
Set him up for something.....
Fine out as much as you can about him and his family and start talking to them. Go to his church....Wave at him and go talk to his little girl.. :rolleyes: Go look to see if the house next to him is for rent or sale. Have fun with him.....

While this is funny, it is terrible advice. In the end it will bring nothing but more animosity and trouble from this guy and his buddies, and the aforementioned "brotherhood".
IMO just be polite and nice and professional about the whole thing, and let this resolve itself however it may (I don't mean rollover) and let life move on afterwards.
first off if you don't break the law you won't be messed with... "running 72 where the posted speed limit is 70" is breaking the law. I know not by much, but it is breaking the law.

messing with the law any where in this country is like messing with or trolling the mods here on this site... it's like peeing in the wind....

besides the deputies have guns... do you know what guns do?
I wish your brother good luck cause he's gonna need it.

this is about the dumbest response i have read yet. I have plenty of friends and relatives who work in some part of law enforcement and not a single one of them would pull you for 2 over. 2 over could be an error in your speedometer. This is simply a matter of these two officers abusing their power. I got pulled over by a wake county sheriff one time after pulling out of my buddy's farm. made me get out of my truck and asked if i had any concealed weapons. I replied no but told him he was more than welcome to search my vehicle if need be. he did and found nothing and told me the reason for the search was that someone called in a said that someone in a red colored truck was sitting on the side of the road pointing guns at people as they drove by. He certainly had every right to profile my truck but he did things by the book and there was no harm or foul.

this almost reminds me of super troopers in a way. if everyone else was driving without head lights on then there was no reason to single you out. the one needs to be fired and the other unpaid leave of absence.

Oh yeah, I am pretty sure that he knows what guns do since he had one sitting on his dash.
So again, what law did the officer in question break?...The most I get out of all this is he offended Mr. Waddell. The officer did his job, he stopped a vehicle in a forward motion with only its park lamps burning, exceeding the posted speed even if it is only 2 miles over, then searching the vehicle when Mr. Waddell didn't have his permit and began badgering. The officer called for back up like he was supposed to and searched the vehicle finding a knife. Neither the knife nor the pistol were confiscated.

I guess you just want to step on his toes because he stepped on yours?
this is about the dumbest response i have read yet. I have plenty of friends and relatives who work in some part of law enforcement and not a single one of them would pull you for 2 over. 2 over could be an error in your speedometer. This is simply a matter of these two officers abusing their power. I got pulled over by a wake county sheriff one time after pulling out of my buddy's farm. made me get out of my truck and asked if i had any concealed weapons. I replied no but told him he was more than welcome to search my vehicle if need be. he did and found nothing and told me the reason for the search was that someone called in a said that someone in a red colored truck was sitting on the side of the road pointing guns at people as they drove by. He certainly had every right to profile my truck but he did things by the book and there was no harm or foul.

this almost reminds me of super troopers in a way. if everyone else was driving without head lights on then there was no reason to single you out. the one needs to be fired and the other unpaid leave of absence.

Oh yeah, I am pretty sure that he knows what guns do since he had one sitting on his dash.

Ha ha, yea that was a dumb comment. :shaking:

Yeah, the cop is in the wrong, and I am glad you arent rolling over like he expected you to. I am tired of seeing too many cops abusing the law. I wanted to get in law enforcement just for this reason. I hope you bust em and justice gets served for him wasting your time, resources, and violating your rights. Sounds like he needs a refresher course in law enforcement!
So again, what law did the officer in question break?...The most I get out of all this is he offended Mr. Waddell. The officer did his job, he stopped a vehicle in a forward motion with only its park lamps burning, exceeding the posted speed even if it is only 2 miles over, then searching the vehicle when Mr. Waddell didn't have his permit and began badgering. The officer called for back up like he was supposed to and searched the vehicle finding a knife. Neither the knife nor the pistol were confiscated.

I guess you just want to step on his toes because he stepped on yours?

I guess you didnt read the whole story..

PS - 2 miles over the speed limit is not a traffic violation. Neither is 5mph over. Learned this in traffic school when I went through a speed trap in TN. :fuck-you:
So again, what law did the officer in question break?...The most I get out of all this is he offended Mr. Waddell.

um, how about a search w/o cause or consent from owner? Or what really bothers Mr. Waddel here is the personal search, repeated cupped hand over the crotch.
I think most of us agree there was no foul just in pulling him over, its the treatment afterwards that was over the limit.
Most officers have their "own" rule on speeders. A good friend of mine is on the NCHP and he won't pull any body until they are doing 15 over. He says he does that so there is no question they are getting a ticket because the first 14 mph over was your warning......

I would take this as high and as far as you can afford/want to proceed. This prick gives officers a bad reputation and name and while there are crooked cops the majority are fair and honest and trying to do the best job they possibly can.
listen to what he says before he sings the song, then listen to the entire song. not railin on all cops, just power tripin ones
...I have plenty of friends and relatives who work in some part of law enforcement and not a single one of them would pull you for 2 over. 2 over could be an error in your speedometer...

I wish they all felt that way...I've heard many use a "10%" rule, or the 14-over gets you by, 15-over gets you a ticket...

however, I got pulled over on I-85, and had a ticket written, for 60 in a 55...when I could still see the first 55mph sign in my rearview mirror (right where it drops from 70 to 55 as you approach Greensboro from the South)...

I also have a friend that got a ticket written for 38 in a 35...:confused: may get out of it in court for improper equipment, or thrown out beforehand...but they still wrote the tickets and it took my time and money to get out of mine...

In relation to speeding a couple miles over the limit, the reason they give you the ticket is to inconvenience you. Yeah it will be dropped as soon as you talk to the DA, but that means you have to get up, wait in line with the real criminals not convicted yet and then get to talk to a DA with a nasty attitude and possibly receive a lecture. Inconvenience tickets, gotta hate em!
first off if you don't break the law you won't be messed with... "running 72 where the posted speed limit is 70" is breaking the law. I know not by much, but it is breaking the law.

messing with the law any where in this country is like messing with or trolling the mods here on this site... it's like peeing in the wind....

besides the deputies have guns... do you know what guns do?
I wish your brother good luck cause he's gonna need it.
that is one of the most ridiculous things i have ever seen posted on this board.
however, I got pulled over on I-85, and had a ticket written, for 60 in a 55...when I could still see the first 55mph sign in my rearview mirror (right where it drops from 70 to 55 as you approach Greensboro from the South)...
I also have a friend that got a ticket written for 38 in a 35...:confused: may get out of it in court for improper equipment, or thrown out beforehand...but they still wrote the tickets and it took my time and money to get out of mine...

most of that is cops who are fresh out of the academy and gotta meet a quota. regardless what they tell you, if they dont hand out a certain amount of tickets per cycle/quarter/month... whatever, then they are not doing their job, according to their superiors.
So again, what law did the officer in question break?...The most I get out of all this is he offended Mr. Waddell. The officer did his job, he stopped a vehicle in a forward motion with only its park lamps burning, exceeding the posted speed even if it is only 2 miles over, then searching the vehicle when Mr. Waddell didn't have his permit and began badgering. The officer called for back up like he was supposed to and searched the vehicle finding a knife. Neither the knife nor the pistol were confiscated.

I guess you just want to step on his toes because he stepped on yours?
this is one of those ahole cops thats covering for the "brotherhood" i have never met a cop that i liked ever...police just go around and ruin peoples day for there enjoyment. say what you want this is my opinion cops are no good trash that dont do anything but cause problems for people breaking the law or not. cops are perverts why would another man cupp balls multiple times? they love to make people feel uncomfortable it gives them power. i gott "honked" at by my community college security guard for rolling through a stop sign in a parking lot i simply waved, he proceed to bust a 180 on a 2 lane and follow me off campus.why would i stop he gives out 5$ parking tickets for a living he just want to yell at somebody infront of people to show how much off a badass he was..i hate people that take a b.l.e.t. course and thank there Walker texas ranger
I am trying to get all of the tapes on digital media so I can put on Youtube and link here.

I have so much to update on but I have been busy at work and will have to update tomorrow with pics and some audio.

My brother is not going to post here until he is done speaking with a lawyer.

He appreciates all of the support.
Dont let Walker Texas ranger hear that you dont like cops. He will roundhouse kick you in the face!
Below are the pics after he left the gas station Shelton Vineyards' Village Market.

I have another pic but Jon didnt send it to me showing him gassing up and the officer 10 feet away.

You can see in the first pic the officer is walking his dog.
Pics 2-4 show the officer merging (unsafely) onto the hwy.
The last pics show the officer making jesters and smiling (highly inappropriate considering the circumstances.... in my opinion)

Letter submitted today by my brother.................

Mr Woltz and Lt Osborne,
Here is a couple of pictures of your Detective Matt Darisse caught harassing me on Zepher Road between the Village Market at Shelton Vineyards Dairy Queen and I77 southbound on March 25th 2009. Go threw the pics in a slide show and notice how he puts the community in danger by almost causing an accident while leaving the parking lot just to harass me. There was several traffic laws violated by the unsafe movement/speed on Zepher road and especially the speed used in the parking lot at the Village Market at Shelton Vineyards Dairy Queen.
Remember I was at the stop sign and pulled out safely, he however didn't try to slow down leaving the gas station parking lot. I find this very disturbing after our meeting in regards to the illegal conduct of both the Surry County Detectives, which I just was leaving from.
Jonathan Waddell
p.s. Could you please put in writing why Detective Darisse's videos stop 30 minutes before the end of the tape.



