Damn, it is good that he got all that on tape. This is getting crazy.
Back when I was in college my wife (gf at the time) and I went to the beach in my Firebird. We were on our way back driving through Tyrell County and got stopped at a license checkpoint. I had forgotten to put my registration sticker on my license plate, so they made me pull to the side of the road and ran my license.
For some reason, my license came back as suspended, even though I had a perfectly clean record with no tickets or accidents or anything. They ran the car and it all came back with up-to-date registration and all. So he gives me a bunch of shit and finally tells me he's going to let me go, but he is going to search my car.
So I get out of his car and the next thing I know he says I slam his car door and comes running over and starts shoving me. I'm 6'5" 230lbs at the time, he was probably 5'9 130lbs. He hit me in the chest 2-3 times and I'm just standing there, my wife said he bounced back 6" every time he hit me.

Next thing I know he cuffs me and puts me in his car. He comes back and I plead with him to let me go, say my license is clean and I'm sorry if I did anything, etc. He finally tells me "I'll let you go because I have to be somewhere else" and lets me out and takes off.
My wife is in tears, I'm shaken up as hell, and he stole some of my stuff when he searched my car. We drive down the road a couple of miles and there he is with two other police cars laughing their asses off on the side of the road.
As soon as we got home my dad called to file a complaint. The sheriff tells him four officers saw the exchange and he was justified. Funny thing was that there were only two cops and one car there. Weird. Oh, and somehow there was no tape of it.
We called a lawyer next who said to give it up, said no one wins anything like this down there.
Good luck, man.