NC4X4 Hunting and Fishing

Starting to get the itch... No pics, but was just eating lunch at my parents house when a bachelor group of 8 came out and started eating in the hay field. Had a cow horn, 3 basket 6's, 2 basket 8's, a big 8 and a whopper 9pt. The 2 big ones were easily 20"outside and the 9 was tall for around here. Too bad they'll move on before the season, but there's always a chance!
Took the wife and kiddos fishing for the first time ever. I personally haven't fished in about 15 years, I couldn't even FIND my old fishing gear But we went to a trout farm nearby to make sure the kids caught something. Now I've a fridge full of trout that are gonna get eaten tomorrow night.

Anybody shot the Monarch brand shotshells? I can't find much about them online. I bought 4 boxes cause I'm planning to hunt doves after opening day.The box says made in Italy and they look nice.
Anyone hunting Canadian Goose this year? All September the daily bag is 15, unplugged guns are allowed and hours are extended to 1/2 hour after sunset. I hear the breasts make great jerky.
Me and the little man had a good opening morning. Knocked down 8 despite a very squirmy and talkative 4yr old. He ran out of steam about the time they quit flying. I think I might be able to make a hunter out of him. Dude has a great smile, until it's time for a picture, then he looks deranged :lol:

Opening day of dove season is my favorite day of the year. Mainly because it's what me and my daddy always did every year. Now that he's gone it's me and my cousins and good friends every year. Damn I love this. Got some dove poppers on the grill and whole spatchcock chickens on the smoker.


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Good news 3 good bucks I hadn’t seen in a while showed up at 10pm and hung out till 2.
bad news they were standing by the barn where I park when I pulled in


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Good news 3 good bucks I hadn’t seen in a while showed up at 10pm and hung out till 2.
bad news they were standing by the barn where I park when I pulled in
Update from this morning: got busted by a little fork horn, hunting from the ground is tough your scent don’t carry over the deer like in a tree.
Walking out walked up on a doe with a tiny fawn. Funny watching it getting it as hard as it could to keep up with its momma.
6:05am I’m 10yds from the stand I’m going to and see 5 sets of eyes looking at me 30yds away. After a 3 minute stand off they turned and walked away, wind was in my favor. 8:30am hear the first deer of the morning coming up behind my left shoulder, it’s a big doe but this guy was right behind her. Stopped him at 20yds, released and immediately heard bone break. Myself and a friend went in after him at 9:45am. .75 miles & 1.5hrs later, after 5-6 beds and lots of blood we jump him at 10’. We back out and get lunch. We returned at 2:30pm and found him dead 40yds from where we jumped him. Front shoulder bone severed and leg barely hanging on. I’ve been watching this buck for over a year, I was happy to get him down early this yr.
6:05am I’m 10yds from the stand I’m going to and see 5 sets of eyes looking at me 30yds away. After a 3 minute stand off they turned and walked away, wind was in my favor. 8:30am hear the first deer of the morning coming up behind my left shoulder, it’s a big doe but this guy was right behind her. Stopped him at 20yds, released and immediately heard bone break. Myself and a friend went in after him at 9:45am. .75 miles & 1.5hrs later, after 5-6 beds and lots of blood we jump him at 10’. We back out and get lunch. We returned at 2:30pm and found him dead 40yds from where we jumped him. Front shoulder bone severed and leg barely hanging on. I’ve been watching this buck for over a year, I was happy to get him down early this yr.
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Nice buck