NC4X4 Hunting and Fishing

Meat haul Monday evening. Haven’t hunted since the first week of the gun season. Work doesn’t allow me. Need to shoot a bunch of does. Should have had another, but my daughter missed 1


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Getting in one last hunt, with all 6 tags burning a hole in my pocket. Was on a call til after 7, so we'll see what happens.

No deer, but bagged some tree rats. Lost one in some ivy.


Mighty fine morning in the duck swamp. We were afraid it'd be frozen over but we got lucky and the channel was still open when we got in. Had a ringneck and 4 mallards land beside the decoys 5 min before legal light. If we could have gotten two more ducks other than the woodies and mallards we would have had our 2 man limit.

This seemed like the right thread, even though not current.
This photo is around 1957 on the Crystal pier in Wrightsville Beach.
Back right, my Aunt Fannie, middle Aunt Hazle, Left my Grandma, bottom left Aunt Ellen(moms sister), and bottom right Mom. Crazy they had 2 Dolphin and a barracuda from the pier. Would have been my Uncle Al, Uncle LH, and grandfather fishing. Mom tells great stories about living on the pier while they were down. Even slept out there while they were kids.
There isn't much more fun than hearing a few beagles burning up a cottontail. One of my neighbors walkers broke out last week and was hot on a deer behind my house. It was good to list to before they caught him up.
There isn't much more fun than hearing a few beagles burning up a cottontail. One of my neighbors walkers broke out last week and was hot on a deer behind my house. It was good to list to before they caught him up.
Had a black and tan and a big ole bawl mouth bluetick tree a coon behind my house after I listened to them trail him for 15 mins. Two ole fellers pulled up in the yard and asked if they could go get their dogs and they was awfully sorry this had happened. I told them sure but I wanted to walk with them when they shot it out. They said oh no sir we won't bother you by shooting a gun. I told them it would really help my chickens if they would. They both said that was a first. I love hearing a dog work.
Question for yall. Is it normal for bears to be roaming right now? Not 100% certain, but pretty confident we had/have one that's hopefully just passing through. Couldn't get a real good look, and it was through my NV scope. But it sure sounded like a bear and was the right size best I could tell.
Thunder chickens are getting a little frisky.

This dude has been in my back field several mornings a week for the past 2 weeks. He was strutting and gobbling his fool head off this morning, no hens in sight 🤣

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I think this early warm spell has them fired up. I watched a tom beat the absolute shit out of a jake that walked up on him and a bunch of hens on Sunday AM. Now, to just hope and pray that they don't move one ridge over like last year to the property I can't hunt. :laughing:
I think this early warm spell has them fired up. I watched a tom beat the absolute shit out of a jake that walked up on him and a bunch of hens on Sunday AM. Now, to just hope and pray that they don't move one ridge over like last year to the property I can't hunt. :laughing:
This is the only bird I've seen lately. The flock of hens hasn't come out of the woods yet. Last year this time I had 18 in the back field, him and 17 hens. I'm going to leave him alone for another year and hope he procreates. He'd be dang easy to kill though ha
My dad I last year. Ready to get back to it this year
That is great! Make sure and go every chance you get!! My dad loved to fish. We had some of the best times and created a lot of memories fishing, but our distance apart kept us from doing it as much as we would like. I would get him down to do some catfishing a couple of times a year until his health got in the way a year and half ago, I lost him this past December and seeing this post made me realize how much I miss him again and the memories stated hitting along with a few tears.
In memory of my dad, this picture of him and this fish he caught got him a lot of bragging rights with his buddy's back in Indiana. He was so happy that day and I was happier for him!
Walked around the woods looking for turkey & deer sign over the weekend and took the pup. Had to help her find both, but she's learning!

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