NC4X4 Hunting and Fishing

Well, I had my chance and blew it. Had a nice tom at 20 yards. When I drew back, my release button snagged on (I assume) the hood of my ghillie suit and went off. Sending my arrow sailing to oblivion. The Tom strutted out of range before I had a chance to reset. Bummed I blew my chance, but glad I finally GOT a chance! I'm also fairly confident he never picked me out. He just strutted around a while then worked off. But never gave me another shot.

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The misses make even better stories than the kills. The buck I whiffed on in college beside lake Wheeler has gotten bigger every time I tell the story. 15yrs later and he would have been a b&c record contender.
The misses make even better stories than the kills. The buck I whiffed on in college beside lake Wheeler has gotten bigger every time I tell the story. 15yrs later and he would have been a b&c record contender.
Ain't that the truth! And there's no evidence to dispute your claim! :D
I alway practice a few times in full (current) gear just for situations like yours @JSJJ388
I had an 8pt (propably 200+ inch Pope and Young world record 😁) come in at 25' and lock-up on my off side. I knew he had winded me and was about to bolt. I could not draw my bow from the sitting position. I had been shooting that bow at that poundage for 2 seasons but was always relaxed and stood to shoot. That was a real eye opener for me. I had another time when my face mask eye holes were too far apart to see my peep at full draw. Learned that lessen on a big fat nanny that eventually just trotted off before I could let the bow down and get my mask off. You are learning though and the hardest lessons are the best learned. There will be many more opportunities. Write this stuff down (good and bad) so you can remember to tell the munchkins and make their road smoother. I wish someone would have done it for me. Good luck!!
I alway practice a few times in full (current) gear just for situations like yours @JSJJ388
I had an 8pt (propably 200+ inch Pope and Young world record 😁) come in at 25' and lock-up on my off side. I knew he had winded me and was about to bolt. I could not draw my bow from the sitting position. I had been shooting that bow at that poundage for 2 seasons but was always relaxed and stood to shoot. That was a real eye opener for me. I had another time when my face mask eye holes were too far apart to see my peep at full draw. Learned that lessen on a big fat nanny that eventually just trotted off before I could let the bow down and get my mask off. You are learning though and the hardest lessons are the best learned. There will be many more opportunities. Write this stuff down (good and bad) so you can remember to tell the munchkins and make their road smoother. I wish someone would have done it for me. Good luck!!
Yea I tested everything beforehand. But he came in where I wasn't expecting and I was at a weird angle trying to draw. Doesn't help that it's probably the cheapest release aid you can get either. But yes, it's a great learning experience.

Gonna rest a few weeks and order some more arrows and a better release. Then it'll be time to dial in for September.
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Tagged out in PA. Weather was terrible Monday until late morning Thursday but we were out in it every day, all hunting hours. Cold rain, snow and sleet, not going to forget 2023.
Got the first bird about a mile in on public at 11:30am. By law we have to be done hunting by 12pm so that was fun. It was an awful setup in an old field with some autumn olive here and there but I made it work. That was a good bird with a thick 10” beard and nice spurs to only be 1”. Bird #2 passed on at 6:30am today. Birds started gobbling at 5:25 on our steep hike to be where we wanted. The first cool, calm, foggy and DRY morning. It was great to have a nice day like actual spring.


Hit Santee last weekend. Nothing big which was surprising, but they were plentiful. Two big ass coolers almost too heavy to carry to cleaning station.

Hunting haul this morning at the bargain bin store in elkin. Spypoint cell cam($50), Bushnell 10x50 binos($40), trophy ridge react bow sight ($30), muck boots($60), and redhead ankle boots($40).

I went in for one pair of boots lol.

Also picked up a new climber and harness with the tags on them for $65 at a yard sale the other day. Going by the bow shop later this week to get it tuned up and get some more arrows, and a new release (b-day present from wife).


Out with the old, in with the new.

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Tried my hand at skull mounts from my '20 & '21 bucks.


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Caught these little ones on the new cell cam.

This just showed up from NCWRC, for filling out a CWD survey.

Just scored another 30 acres to hunt adjacent to the inlaws property.

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My dad and me were fishing in a pond near his house a few Saturdays ago. It was around 1000 am and I hear something tearing through the woods. A doe comes flying out and jumps 10 ft out into the pond. She swam to the middle, hung a left, and swam to the bank. I knew something had to be chasing it. Sure enough, two mutts were on her tail a few minutes later. She screwed herself going for a swim. She let the dogs close the distance. Never seen a deer in person dive into the water like that. I know they do it, just never witnessed it.
My dad and me were fishing in a pond near his house a few Saturdays ago. It was around 1000 am and I hear something tearing through the woods. A doe comes flying out and jumps 10 ft out into the pond. She swam to the middle, hung a left, and swam to the bank. I knew something had to be chasing it. Sure enough, two mutts were on her tail a few minutes later. She screwed herself going for a swim. She let the dogs close the distance. Never seen a deer in person dive into the water like that. I know they do it, just never witnessed it.
20 sum years ago I was hunting at Jordan Lake on the peninsula between the Haw river and New Hope river early before day light. I was about half down the big ridge to the point still hunting when I heard a bunch of assholes pushing the deer towards the point, beating trees w sticks and breaking limbs. I went down near the Haw and got behind big oak. Then I heard a deer racing toward me, a large doe came near and stopped. The water was down and I watched the doe go down on a small rocky point and she walked into the water. She laid in the water with just her head above the water, her head looked just like the other rocks in the water on the point. Then the line came past me and a guy walked by about 20 yrds from me and I moved around the tree and he didn't see me and the crowd walked away. A few/5 minutes and the doe stood up and shooked her wet hide and ran back the way she came to me. I could've kill her but I didn't. I left and went back to my truck, I didn't hear a shot. If any other deer were pushed they jumped in the lake and swam away.
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Those bucks got me ready to get after it again this fall. Watched the bears for a 1/2 before the squared up and fought.


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Whose downloaded the new app for NC hunting? Seems pretty slick for the most part. I'm seeing some griping about permit hunts and an increased processing fee, but looks good otherwise. Though, the regulations are still last year's version.
Whose downloaded the new app for NC hunting? Seems pretty slick for the most part. I'm seeing some griping about permit hunts and an increased processing fee, but looks good otherwise. Though, the regulations are still last year's version.
I have had no issues. I'd suggest doing it from a computer the first time to get account right. I saw some people complaining it was mostly one guy posting on EVERY page saying permit hunts should be free. I haven't applied yet. But what he was complaining about I don't think they will let it go through when you go to process because as far as I know you can only apply for one permit per area per firearm season.
I know last year I accidentally picked the wrong date and it kicked it back saying I couldn't do it.

As far as I can tell it is extremely similar to the Alvin system, except now it's easier to tag a deer in.

As far as I can tell the go outdoors app is pretty much a hosting app and each state sets their state up to their preferences, per the 5 states I have active accounts in.
I have had no issues. I'd suggest doing it from a computer the first time to get account right. I saw some people complaining it was mostly one guy posting on EVERY page saying permit hunts should be free. I haven't applied yet. But what he was complaining about I don't think they will let it go through when you go to process because as far as I know you can only apply for one permit per area per firearm season.
I know last year I accidentally picked the wrong date and it kicked it back saying I couldn't do it.

As far as I can tell it is extremely similar to the Alvin system, except now it's easier to tag a deer in.

As far as I can tell the go outdoors app is pretty much a hosting app and each state sets their state up to their preferences, per the 5 states I have active accounts in.
I didn't have any issues setting up on my android. Got my tags and all in just a few minutes. I've never done permit hunts, but am looking into it. May do a few hunts at second creek since I'll be in Charlotte
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I didn't have any issues setting up on my android. Got my tags and all in just a few minutes. I've never done permit hunts, but am looking into it. May do a few hunts at second creek since I'll be in Charlotte
Never hunted there so no help. You should be able to look up draw odds online. Bow is typically high odds of getting the permit. The ones I've hunted I've never not seen deer. Not always had a chance to harvest one but been real close everytime
Never hunted there so no help. You should be able to look up draw odds online. Bow is typically high odds of getting the permit. The ones I've hunted I've never not seen deer. Not always had a chance to harvest one but been real close everytime
I didn't even know it existed and plan to bow hunt it, so I'd say odds are good. It's late oct-early Nov.

If anyone wants a group hunt, im open to it.