NC4X4 Hunting and Fishing

Needed to put batteries in a camera. Reason enough for me to hunt lol.




Stuck a doe. Going back this afternoon to track.

Spent 9 days in Hilton Head. This was my 4th year applying for a gator tag and I drew. 11'4" 326 lbs. Definitely an experience that was well worth it. Got a guide since it's a rare opportunity and I'm glad I did. Spent the rest of the week on the water and found some good ones.
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So my dad got this pic of messed up buck on a cam in 2019 and I'm pretty sure Its the same one.

This week my dad got this pic of a messed up buck w the same bad leg. In 2019 I thought another buck did the carnage, but now I think pack of coyotes that did it and this buck is same one from 2019!
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First season saddle hunting. The tether saved me twice yesterday. Morning hunt and evening. Twenty feet up, getting everything setup, and the platform kicked out on the am hunt. The harness did its job. I fixed the platform with my feet and kept on. I climbed I smooth tree for the evening hunt and the sticks nor platform liked it. Got all the way up, setting the platform, and then i proceeded to slide down the tree like a fire pole. The linesman belt saved me. Climbed down moved ten feet to a rougher tree and did it all again, this time being uneventful. Both times were my fault. I didn’t seat the sticks and platform like I should have. Got in a hurry. Could have been ugly had I not been attached. To top it off, the only deer I saw were 50 feet from the truck when I was headed back. We’ll try again this week.
For the saddle hunters. You might could try a foot and knee ascender like used for tree work. That would eliminate climbing sticks. But you would need a rope already pre set in the tree. Just a thought. I've never saddle hunted, but I've done a lot of tree climbing this way.
For the saddle hunters. You might could try a foot and knee ascender like used for tree work. That would eliminate climbing sticks. But you would need a rope already pre set in the tree. Just a thought. I've never saddle hunted, but I've done a lot of tree climbing this way.
Having presets with rope kinda eliminate what saddles are designed for. Run and gunning and being about to setup in just about any tree.

That said I've tried single and double lining up and down trees and it's to much movement and noise for me.

Beautiful morning
Had a good sit yesterday evening. Loving the red servings I had put on. Think I'll do black and red strings with all red servings, loop, ect when I get new strings

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Sitting here enjoying the afternoon. Realized the next two months I'll be spending more time hunting than working. Going to be fun spending time with some good friends deer hunting, have a swan hunt with them as well and going to try and do some grouse and woodcock hunting as well.


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Burrrrr. Feels good out here this morning.

Well the conclusion of my hunt last night isn't what I hoped for. I've had a good sized bear showing up on and off. Last night a few does where feeding into my stand and then all of a sudden they all bolted and it sounded like the woods had a tornado coming down the ridge towards me. It was the bear. He came right in to the same trees the deer were feeding on. Light was fading quick and I thought he was a little closer than he was. I shot and I thought I completely missed he spun and walked off stopped at 65 yds and stood there and then took off running. Picture from last night was where he was standing. I backed out and come back this morning. Had good blood for 250 yds then it just stopped looked for 5 hours today and no bear. Last night once I saw the arrow and blood I had already decided it was 50/50 either a heart shot or I had just clipped his chest/stomach and got him bleeding good. Pictures are of where he stopped again and last blood.


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Haven't put one in the cooler yet, but at least I'm seeing some activity:
Thursday night - saw a 4pt & 3 does
Friday night - saw the 4pt again and something got down wind of me and blew
Tonight - big 8pt that never showed more than his head/antlers in the brush @ 130yds and something had him spooked
Saw 8 does tonight. 3 of them were mature and would've been put in the cooler, but none of them came any closer than 150yds and I don't trust my ML past 100-120yds. This Saturday rifle season comes in so I'm hoping I start punching tags this weekend!
A morning of firsts. Got my first bow kill out my first season saddle hunting. Nothing to write home about. About a 100lb doe. I’d have normally let it walk, but I got antsy. I was ashamed when I weighed it. Thought it was bigger. Meat in the freezer either way. On the plus side, my shot placement dropped it in its tracks. Not even a step. Granted it was only 20 yards, but I was happy.
A morning of firsts. Got my first bow kill out my first season saddle hunting. Nothing to write home about. About a 100lb doe. I’d have normally let it walk, but I got antsy. I was ashamed when I weighed it. Thought it was bigger. Meat in the freezer either way. On the plus side, my shot placement dropped it in its tracks. Not even a step. Granted it was only 20 yards, but I was happy.