NC4X4 Hunting and Fishing

Sounds normal to me. I hear more target strike than bow. Great shot group. I’d run it.
Ok, I thought about some whiskers. It was fairly close. I'm gonna stretch out as I get more used to the feel again. I just sounds loud to me. Never put meat in the freezer with one and I'm hoping to change that this year.
Ok, I thought about some whiskers. It was fairly close. I'm gonna stretch out as I get more used to the feel again. I just sounds loud to me. Never put meat in the freezer with one and I'm hoping to change that this year.
Unless it’s a pretty far shot, you don’t have to worry about a deer jumping the bow. They’ll sometimes crouch if they hear the crack before the arrow gets there. I’ve dropped them around 30 yards with no problem.
Ok, I thought about some whiskers. It was fairly close. I'm gonna stretch out as I get more used to the feel again. I just sounds loud to me. Never put meat in the freezer with one and I'm hoping to change that this year.
Good luck man! If we can match schedules I'd love to hit the woods down at Perkins or up at Kerr Scott.
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I've this cam about a foot above of the ground cause my back yard is a slope. The cam flash has a red light that it saw
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