I will say, Friday I got an email with a real quote. $22.7k delivered. Not bad really (for 2022 dollars).
Then this morning I get a call from an unknown 828 number. Since I live 2 states away and 98% of unidentified calls from NC are spam, I answered, "Are you a robot?"
A rather flabbergasted young woman with obvious accent says, "No sir, I'm a real person."

She (from R&R) was calling following up! Impressed. I learned that to only yes, will they ship anywhere, but often they work to coordinate w/ other deliveries in the general region to cut down the delivery fee. "few weeks ago we had a guy in NJ and another in NY taking delivery so our guys just loaded it all together and made a weekend trip out of it." She even suggested it's probably more sensible to get the lumber locally instead of buying from them bc of the difference in delivery cost.
I live 'em so far. I need to find a builder though.