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How does a current tag at day 1 of 365 ensure insurance for the the next 364?!?
It depends on how they track you. Like I said, in Maryland, they get a report via a system set up by the state that the insurance company files with as soon as you drop or change your insurance. I don't know if NC has started this yet.
It depends on how they track you. Like I said, in Maryland, they get a report via a system set up by the state that the insurance company files with as soon as you drop or change your insurance. I don't know if NC has started this yet.
It’s the same. If you have insurance you get a tag… up to police after that. “Or - big bad fine”
More smoother
It's a one time $50 fine here, but they will do late fees. Tag office somehow lost my tag after I turned it in, after above wreck. I still had the receipt showing I'd turned it in and gotten the tag for my PT loser, but the state didn't care. Wouldn't let me register the truck again until I paid the fine.
I'd sure as hell filed a Complaint, on that!
It depends on how they track you. Like I said, in Maryland, they get a report via a system set up by the state that the insurance company files with as soon as you drop or change your insurance. I don't know if NC has started this yet.
It's the same & Still, they make mistakes. I changed Insurance companies. Made sure New Ins. started a few hours before the old Ins. dropped. Got a copy of the Compliance statement, the Ins. Co. sends to Raleigh. 10 day later I get a letter from Raleigh, demanding Proof! Called my Ins. co & they Re-sent the Insurance Confirmation. 10 more days, Letter from Raleigh stating they are going to Block my registration, fines & Bla bla bla. I get time off work, to take All my paper work & Proof, the the DMV office. Waited for my turn in line, then showed it all to the employee. She looked at her computer & told me, Honey you have insurance and nothing is wrong! I asked What was going on, & she just said that's Raleigh! :mad:
“To serve you tickets and collect a paycheck”
Let me Add to my story: Saw traffic backing up today, so I look out the window. A pick-up had tagged the rear of a compact car, that had stopped at an intersection, to turn. Just a Simple bump. Both party's out & on their phones. I waited about 15 minutes & walked up there to an officer directing traffic. Compact car had been moved to the side street, but the Dodge truck was still where it stopped. I didn't go far enough to see any damage, but maybe it just wouldn't start. What pissed me off, & I asked the traffic director, "Three Police cars?". He said we needed to direct traffic. Well there Was 3 Police cars, 1 directing traffic, & 1 filling out the reports. WTF was the #3 car doing? I ask that officer if Robinson was there, & he said no. I told him to tell her I'm Still Looking for her, as she told me nearly 3 weeks ago she would meet with me; And I had left 2 messages with Dispatch for her. He said he would. Yea, right; I don't have any breath left, to hold. Any time MH has an accident, we get Multiple Police from City, County & Sherriff. :flipoff:

Southern Distilling Company. The samples and the nerdy tour was awesome. Being 25 minutes from the house could be a problem.
IHOP needs to add some salt to preserve this rice
IHOP needs to add some salt to preserve this rice
View attachment 401718
at least they do it. Crapper Barrel refuses (corporate policy against “contamination”) and thus I have no salt for my eggs or hash brown casserole.
You know this happened because someone told a young waitress to “put some rice in the salt shakers”…
Around here it needs that much rice to combat the humidity!!