Random Thoughts.....

I've had steel pulled out of my eye about 5 times. Most were out of my left eye (legally blind). Weird I don't see shit coming at it. Couple times under the safety glasses. Best extraction was on the corner of Ashley and Freedom in CLT. $75 and Asian lady put battery in magnotromer and removed it. I would go back to that darkly lit room next time. Raleigh ER was $2500! And fucked it up. 10 years ago maybe.
I wore glasses for about 2-3 years in middle school and then got contacts an never looked back. I HATE glasses. The magnification is not as consistent, they fog up, they fall off, and the peripheral vision sucks. Contacts can be annoying, but glasses are terrible for my lifestyle.
Same. I got contacts in 5th grade. My eye doctor wouldn't prescribe them for a few years but finally relented. She said I was the only elementary school kid she had ever given them to.
I got glasses at 14 because of an astigmatism they said, drivers ed test. Left eye only, right was 20/20. Wore them, later switched to contact. No improvement. It's called amblyopia, no lazy eye yet. Cheated my first license renewal by sliding my head and still pushing down the button. Just got renewed, honest with the guy, and showed me other slides. I guess one really good eye is good enough.
Why is it that when my wife and I go to make any large purchases, its always snowing? The day we bought our house, it was a blizzard (and we HAD to move out that day). Today, we bought her an new to us car (2010 Ford edge) and it's snowing like hell.
Well they wouldn’t run my name for a background check because of it. But the pistol was for my girlfriend and she has a ccw to so everything is in her name like it should be

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I have my FFL and I even called the ATF and asked, they said since the governor extended the license due to covid that FFLs could accept them for ID.
I have my FFL and I even called the ATF and asked, they said since the governor extended the license due to covid that FFLs could accept them for ID.

Oh well she got her gun so no big deal

Edit: and I renewed my license and found out that apparently it isn’t a federal ID now and need something else if I want to fly?

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Oh well she got her gun so no big deal

Edit: and I renewed my license and found out that apparently it isn’t a federal ID now and need something else if I want to fly?

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Google NC Real ID, was suppose to go in effect last October but was delayed until this year.
Oh well she got her gun so no big deal

Edit: and I renewed my license and found out that apparently it isn’t a federal ID now and need something else if I want to fly?

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At least you don't need it to vote!
Killdozer is the greatest misnomer of our time. Only the media could brand something KILLdozer that never killed anyone. :shaking:
Yes but just like MAGA hats they scare and intimidate those who rely solely on the government to "protect" them from these horrible terrorists.

Dumptruck stinkbug made me wonder why stink bug and cilantro smell the same??? One tastes yummy in salsa, the other cannot taste good. I will not confirm.
Dumptruck stinkbug made me wonder why stink bug and cilantro smell the same??? One tastes yummy in salsa, the other cannot taste good. I will not confirm.
If you think they smell the same, then you have no taste, which means you have the Covids, whichs means you need to quarantine and eat some Chipotle cilantro lime rice.
If you think they smell the same, then you have no taste, which means you have the Covids, whichs means you need to quarantine and eat some Chipotle cilantro lime rice.
Will you deliver said Chipotle?:confused: Nobody else will where I live. Amazon drivers even look freaked out when they visit.